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Thread: Whitt: Man behind UL's success

  1. Default Whitt: Man behind UL's success

    "Everybody talks about 'Coach Hud, Coach Hud.' And Coach Hud (Mark Hudspeth, the Ragin' Cajuns' head coach) has been the man behind everything. He came and changed the whole attitude about this program. "But nobody talks about Coach Whitt.

    Homes SO Clean

  2. #2

    Default Re: Whitt: Man behind UL's success


  3. #3

    Default Re: Whitt: Man behind UL's success

    I hope a raise for Coach Whitt is in the works as well as Coach HUD and the other assistants.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Whitt: Man behind UL's success

    Does anyone know where to find the video from the bowl invite in the indoor... The video of the players doing workouts?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Whitt: Man behind UL's success

    Quote Originally Posted by coolcajun123 View Post
    Does anyone know where to find the video from the bowl invite in the indoor... The video of the players doing workouts?
    I think some of it was on at one time. Or you might check YouTube.

  6. Default Re: Whitt: Man behind UL's success

    The time line said it, but I did not know Whitt was a Marlin catch.

    Geaux Cajuns

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    I think some of it was on at one time. Or you might check YouTube.
    Yea, i tried both sites but could not find it. Didnt know if it had a certain name or certain place it was located

  8. #8

    Default Re: Whitt: Man behind UL's success

    He so much reminds me of someone that we had starting in 1986....Brad Roll. I can see Brad standing on his box in that old, hot weight room, barking out orders, pushing them past their limits. The players lifted as a team. Brad was on the sidelines every game, always loud, always positive. The players were not intimidated by anyone we played....Brad is strength coach for the Oakland Raiders now. Coach Whitt is golden in my book and he certainly deserves a load of credit for this year.

  9. Default Re: Whitt: Man behind UL's success

    Brad went to Russia to talk olympic conditioning or some strength type stuff during the cold war---Almost got us into WW3---What a great guy!!!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Whitt: Man behind UL's success

    Quote Originally Posted by coolcajun123 View Post
    Does anyone know where to find the video from the bowl invite in the indoor... The video of the players doing workouts?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Whitt: Man behind UL's success

    There are TWO heroes here. Tim Buckley, you are an amazing writer. THANK YOU for what you have done for this program and town in such a short period. Coach Whitt, you are just as amazing. THANK YOU for the vigor you have brought. You saved lives and now you are molding them. The TEAM attitude here is amazing. Not many I's or me's. It's us's and our's. If I were in a battle, I would want you two people in my foxhole. I know I would live to see see tomorrow.

  12. Default Re: Whitt: Man behind UL's success


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