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Thread: Hudspeth on Mullen on Mullen at Penn State

  1. #73

    Default Re: Dan Mullen will interview at Penn State on Monday

    Quote Originally Posted by GATOR GRUNT View Post
    Oh by the way, Dan Mullen sucks. He went 6-6. Who and the hell would want that dude. He is a PLUG!
    Penn State is having a slight image problem these days & is looking for someone as far away as possible from "Happy Valley" that still speaks English. They are banking on the rumor that Starkvul still doesn't have cable or the internet. It's too bad the World League of American Football isn't still around or they could have trolled the Barcelona Bull's head coach.

  2. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by GATOR GRUNT View Post
    Oh by the way, Dan Mullen sucks. He went 6-6. Who and the hell would want that dude. He is a PLUG!
    That is my thing, if he won the recruiting war the last 3 years like he says he must not be much of a coach.

    I say never hire a coach who hasn't been a head coach. He is good there. Never hire a coach from a program that was't a big winner the year you hire him away. If he did win, make sure the one year wasn't a fluke.

    I can't see Penn State players respecting a 6-6 coach.

  3. #75

    Default Re: Dan Mullen will interview at Penn State on Monday

    If I ever saw a situation where-- I don't want to be the guy who follows a legend (Paterno); I want to be the guy who follows the guy that follows the legend-- this is yet. Dan Mullen run for the hills and fast.

  4. #76

    Default Re: Dan Mullen will interview at Penn State on Monday

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I can't see Penn State players respecting a 6-6 coach.
    Unless they put it into perspective.

    Five of the losses were to teams that are currently ranked in the top 14 in the BCS standings, and the other was a road loss to the defending national champion. And they were in every game with the exception of getting blown out at Arkansas. Miss State was the only common opponent of LSU and Alabama that stayed within 20 points of either team, and they did that against both of them. And I think that we can all agree that Mississippi State will never win the recruiting wars with most of the teams they play on a regular basis, including all 6 teams they lost to this year.

    Mullen is doing a great job there, hopefully the MSU administration realizes it and does everything they can to retain him.

  5. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by Policarp View Post
    It would be an incredible life long legacy for Coach to lead our Cajuns to 52000 fans in remodeled stadium. The new stadium would literally be a monument to him if he stayed to this point. We get our foundation in place.........Hud spends next 10+ years piling up mounds of SEC LOOT
    Maybe he will lead a MSU team into our new 52,000 seat stadium in a few years and we can welcome him back, thank him for what he started, and then send him home wishing he stayed because we just upset his dogs.

  6. #78

    Default Re: Dan Mullen will interview at Penn State on Monday

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    That is my thing, if he won the recruiting war the last 3 years like he says
    I believe HUD won the recruiting battle in Mississippi last year, AMIRITE?

  7. #79

    Default Re: Dan Mullen will interview at Penn State on Monday

    Here is another perspective on life changing money and SEC jobs. I don't believe anyone can be a consistent winner at either ole miss or miss state. The two of them and Southern Miss divide up too much of the pie, not to mention LSU and Alabama raiding them. Neitehr school is ever going to pull program changing talent from Louisiana as long as LSU is a semi pro team. So let's say Hud goes for "generation changing money" like 2 mill a year. Houston Nutt, a proven coach, lasted 3 years. There is a chance hud is good enough to win there, but chances are no. So let's say he lasts 4 years. that's 8 million. And his brand is damaged so he's now looking for a job at the bottom again. Now say he stays here and gets a raise to 550 k next year, goes back to the NO bowl and wins 10 games. We bump him to 750K. Now we have a new stadium and are filling it up with 50 k. Now we can pay him 1 mill plus. Lets say he stays for 20 years. I'm saying he's ahead, by a long shot, over a short stint in the SEC.

    I know he won't pass up Miss St. But I would, and this is why. He'll make more money long term building a winner here, where we have talent everywhere and only one big time in state school to compete with for it. He'll also be a legend, probably have a field named after him, not to mention a whole generation of little boys named Hud Thibodeaux and Hud Hebert.

    Now if LSU, Florida, or Alabame offered a job, that's a job you can win at. The talent is available, and you will be able to get it.

    I hope this don't offend JohnBoy, but there is a reason no one has won consistantly at eitehr of those miss schools for generations. There is also a reason we have never won, but he retired two years ago. Hud has lit the fires, but the train will roll with or without him. If I was him I'd stay here, build a legacy AND set my family up for life.

  8. #80

    Default Re: Dan Mullen will interview at Penn State on Monday

    Economics-time value of money-money now is better than money later econ 201

  9. #81

    Default Re: Dan Mullen will interview at Penn State on Monday

    Quote Originally Posted by Flcajun View Post
    Economics-time value of money-money now is better than money later econ 201
    My assumption is this, easier to win long term here than at either miss school. If my assumption is true, than long term 20 years of an ever increasing salary will far outstrip 4 years of 2 million. Even if it doesn't he will still have MILLIONS in the bank and his family is set up for life.

    Now if he CAN win long term at either miss school it falls apart, but NO ONE has for generations. No one has won here for generations either, but we got rid of our reason why. They cannot, without eliminating another big time school.

    Now lets assum I am right. Since you are an econ 201 expert calculate the future value of these two scenarios:

    1. 2 million a year for 4 years at miss state projected out 20 years.

    2. 550k next year, 750k the next, 1 million the next and lets say a 10 percent raise every 5 years for 20 years.

    You can even add in a salary after his 4 years at Miss state as say a coordinator, then a low level head coach. Lets say 250K then300K then 500 K on up.

    I bet the answer is, either way he has a Shxx pile of money. And his family is setup for life. So the question is, does he have vision or not? If he has vision he does not go to either miss school, he stays here and becomes a legend.

    Now if someone offers me the Florida job....different story.

  10. #82

    Default Re: Dan Mullen will interview at Penn State on Monday

    you are assuming he wins every year, and the admin is ok with just charlie sheen. Fedora is now the coach at S miss. The other guy won every year too; bower 14 winning seasons. You are also assuming he doesn't develop any family illness etc. you are making alot of assumptions vs money now. oh btw you are also assuming the admin will pay him that which means rcaf is making much more money that its now. now i don't know his finacial history maybe his uncle left him millions. if he doesn't need the money maybe that is an option.

  11. #83

    Default Re: Dan Mullen will interview at Penn State on Monday

    Quote Originally Posted by Flcajun View Post
    you are assuming he wins every year, and the admin is ok with just charlie sheen. Fedora is now the coach at S miss. The other guy won every year too; bower 14 winning seasons. You are also assuming he doesn't develop any family illness etc. you are making alot of assumptions vs money now. oh btw you are also assuming the admin will pay him that which means rcaf is making much more money that its now. now i don't know his finacial history maybe his uncle left him millions. if he doesn't need the money maybe that is an option.
    Yes I am. Hence the vision part.

    It boils down to what is most important to him. A man of that talent will make money his whole life. He could quit coaching now and I would bet he could become a millionaire selling casing in the oilfield.

    I wouldn't be a fan if I didn't think we had the potential to be much bigger than we are. I'll be happy with a string of 2 and 3 and done coaches that win, but if I was HUD I'd stay here and become a legend.

    I also said that if he is offered the job he I'm sure he will take it. And who am I to blame him. I'm just offering another perspective. Take it for what it is.

  12. #84

    Default Re: Dan Mullen will interview at Penn State on Monday

    fair enough.
    now answer me this.

    I have seen twice on tv. once before somewhere and then today. the s miss guy makes eating motions with his hands. ah they just showed a replay. keep feeding me. nice. stupid but nice. can the cajuns please ban that. it looks stupid.

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