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Thread: Louisiana will fight to keep Hudspeth

  1. #13
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Easy? No. UL Will Fight for Hud

    Quote Originally Posted by shof View Post
    I read the comment and thought it was definitely "public speak". Sure we want to keep him; but if an opportunity to move on to an SEC program arose, be the bigger person, say what a great job he has done, get all the positive props you can knowing your guy made it to the big show; and use that to get the next good coach. No way we compete financially with an SEC program. But that said, I strongly doubt that same feeling would apply to the Tulane or Memphis programs. Even to a degree, the Southern Miss position. I'm sure our AD sees our program as "equal" or even better than those (relative terms - not $$); and such a move would be far more lateral than moving up the food chain.
    Absolutely correct. Scott is speaking "AD speak" just as so many are used to hearing "coach speak" all of the time. The last people you want to work for you are people that don't know "the speak" to the media. What Scott said changes absolutely no outcome. He comes across looking quite good to the important parties involved at this stage.

    It's moronic to sound like a whimpering girl-man fan about all of this. You don't "keep Hud" by whining about his interview process with other programs. Scott is doing his very best to keep Hudspeth. If an offer... coupled with whatever motivates Hudspeth at this point... makes Hud leap... that is just the way it is. We hired a guy that not only had what it took to push our program up... but he has what it takes to be targeted by other programs. They go hand in hand.

    No matter what... this program is much better and we will continue to keep getting better... with or without Hudspeth. We've institutionalized many of the aspects that were missing from the prior regimes. Our program will not step back. The only thing that can make our program step back is the guys that call themselves "men" all of the sudden getting overloaded with estrogen.

    This may be a new experience for us... and I'm way more concerned with how whimpy our fanbase is... than whether we keep Hudspeth. Right now... even with my limited knowledge of head coaching... my balls are so huge that there is no doubt I could win 8 games or more next year at UL. UL made Hudspeth more than Hudspeth made UL. We were a pent up force that just needed the right "attitude"... not brains... "attitude" to light us up. He did it. He is not unusual... he is just unusual to UL.

    No matter what happens... do not forget you have a set of nuts too. When Hud said "don't let go of that rope"... did you think he meant "as long as his hands were on it"... hell no. The only way we fail is if/when the people that call themselves "Cajun fans" let go of the rope because they lost their little cheerleader. BS. Grow a pair yourself and stop being someone else's _____ for once in your life. (not you shof... this was meant for the cowardly lions that I'd like to see keep their growl even if we can't keep the Hud around)

  2. #14

    Default Re: Easy? No. UL will try to retain Hudspeth

    Katc is reporting on their Facebook that HUD withdrew his name from the Ole Miss job

  3. #15
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Easy? No. UL will try to retain Hudspeth

    Quote Originally Posted by RcL8 View Post
    Katc is reporting on their Facebook that HUD withdrew his name from the Ole Miss job
    That is very peculiar. Hummmm

  4. #16

    Default Re: Easy? No. UL will try to retain Hudspeth

    Not the only ones reporting it...Ole Miss's scout board is saying the same thing.

  5. #17

    Default Re: Easy? No. UL Will Fight for Hud

    I would bet that in Hud's interview here, that his "moving up" was part of his plan (and was discussed), and as a school with a budget in the bottom 5 of FBS schools, we need to be a school that up and coming coaches use as a springboard to do just that.

    The key to the whole thing is that once Hud leaves, we need to hit another homerun with the next hire, and probably rinse and repeat a time or two more after that. I've seen people claim that they want to be the "Boise State of the south". Dont forget that they started with Dirk Koetter, who moved on to Arizona State. Then they hired Dan Hawkins, who kept the program moving forward, and he was lost to Colorado. Chris Petersen has stepped in from that point, and things have now gotten to the point that Boise has reached its pinnacle. And even now, teams continue to try to poach Petersen from them, but their program has gotten to a point where their successes on the field have gotten them to the point that they are being considered as an addition to a BCS conference, and their budget has reached a point where Petersen may not have to go anywhere else to make the kind of money that will keep a coach in the same place until he just really doesnt want to be there anymore.

    Scott Farmer is doing the right thing here. The next part of the equation (and probably the most important part) is making another great hire when the day comes that Coach Hud moves on. Mark Hudspeth has awakened the beast (so to speak), but whoever the next guy is will be the one that will determine whether or not we continue to rise, or fall right back to where we were.

  6. #18

    Default Re: Easy? No. UL will try to retain Hudspeth

    The Forward Rebels
    Mark Hudspeth has pulled his name out of consideration for the Ole Miss job, reports David Johnson of Hudspeth alluded to Johnson that the Search Committee lead him to believe that his ties to MSU were apparently going to be too much for Ole Miss. ...apparently Alabama didn't feel this way when they hired a certain former LSU coach.

    here is the report from facebook... I really like the part that Hud's ties to MSU were to much for Ole Miss

  7. #19

    Default Re: Easy? No. UL will try to retain Hudspeth

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    That is very peculiar. Hummmm

    Being a Miss St boy.. maybe the mullen to penn st is gaining traction.

  8. Default Re: Easy? No. UL will try to retain Hudspeth

    Quote Originally Posted by Just1More View Post
    That is very peculiar. Hummmm
    -----Not when you have been told that you won't be getting the job!!!!

  9. #21

    Default Re: Easy? No. UL will try to retain Hudspeth

    Increase ticket prices now. Use the extra revenue to renegotiate Hud's contract and increase his base (and up his buyout clause).
    Our ticket prices are rediculously low. Look at the price of the bowl tickets. Our ticket prices should be closer to that than what we currently charge.

  10. #22

    Default Re: Easy? No. UL will try to retain Hudspeth

    I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that Miss St. coach, Mullen, is considered a strong candidate for Penn St?

  11. Default Re: Easy? No. UL will try to retain Hudspeth

    It is not proper "AD" speak.

    It is a post game comment in the 1st quarter.

  12. #24

    Default Re: Easy? No. UL will try to retain Hudspeth

    Scott wants this job to remain attractive if we lose Hud. It's the only way to make sure we can replace him with another young, hungry coach. It's the nature of the beast, Scott is a smart guy. He knows what he's doing here.

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