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Thread: Tyrell Fenroy ( nick name )

  1. #1

    UL Football Tyrell Fenroy ( nick name )

    Let us come up with a good nickname for Tyrell Fenroy.
    How about The freight train, or maybe just TF Any other suggestions?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Tyrell Fenroy

    We refer to him as Fen (fin) up where I sit in the band...we don't use nicknames for him so much as we use adjectives like monster, animal, beast, and god-like.

  3. Default Re: Tyrell Fenroy

    OK lets have some fun with this.

    fey-nty roller

    Fey: Having or displaying an otherworldly, magical, quality

    fey-nty (based on feint) A deceptive action calculated to divert attention from one's real purpose.

    Roller: Tyrell Fenroy

    ps Tyrell Fenroy spells "Fey-nty roller"

  4. #4

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Tyrell Fenroy

    In high school his nickname was T-Train.
    If you notice when he scores he pulls down on the imaginary rope like the littel engine that could...i like t-train.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Tyrell Fenroy

    Quote Originally Posted by BrockMeaux
    We refer to him as Fen (fin) up where I sit in the band...we don't use nicknames for him so much as we use adjectives like monster, animal, beast, and god-like.

    I like "Fens" its short, punchy and you can use the Jimmy Buffet Song "Fins" whenever he does something great. Or the Jaws theme

  6. Default Re: Tyrell Fenroy

    Quote Originally Posted by Let's Dance
    In high school his nickname was T-Train.
    If you notice when he scores he pulls down on the imaginary rope like the littel engine that could...i like t-train.
    Give me a 4 year pass on the Ty-Rush-Rail Ways

  7. #7

    Default Re: Tyrell Fenroy

    T-Train sounds good....

  8. Default Re: Tyrell Fenroy

    Quote Originally Posted by Bert
    Give me a 4 year pass on the Ty-Rush-Rail Ways
    How about Ty-RAIL RushWays for the corporate name and T-Train for every down use.

    Geaux Cajuns

  9. #9

    Default Re: Tyrell Fenroy

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    How about Ty-RAIL RushWays for the corporate name and T-Train for every down use.
    How about the dudes that run the scoreboard operation mix in a loud sss train whistle when T-Train breaks loose?!
    Turbine, don't you have some stroke with the PA guys?
    Let's hope that the people that protested the cannon shot do not get their Geritol-taking, wrinkled butts chapped by this idea.

  10. Default Re: Tyrell Fenroy

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginRash
    How about the dudes that run the scoreboard operation mix in a loud sss train whistle when T-Train breaks loose?!
    Lets pick one.

    Train Horns and Whistles

  11. #11

    Default Re: Tyrell Fenroy

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    cnj1523_010915_5.wav: A Leslie A-200 in service

  12. #12

    Default Re: Tyrell Fenroy

    i prefer.. wait for it..

    wait for it...

    FENROY! I just sounds like a power runningback's name...

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