just some fyi. the albertson's at amb. caff./k. saloom has the same shirt. geaux cajuns!
just some fyi. the albertson's at amb. caff./k. saloom has the same shirt. geaux cajuns!
Wow you're so cool. Notice I didn't capitalize "the" when referring to the "GIVERS" until I started a sentence with "the". I don't need a lesson on the GIVERS my friend, I've been going to their shows since their second show ever at the Blue Moon. I listened to them before they ever had even a demo CD, much less their current album. I've been a fan from the beginning so please, spare me.
I was just trying to spread the love and the good news that a good band from Lafayette is playing for the Bowl Game weekend, and you come in and probably confuse the shiz out of people.
On second thought, I am glad to see that there's another GIVERS fan in the house, but must you be so petty? Reminds me of the hoards of teeny boppers that decided to become fans of theirs after they started playing free underage shows like downtown alive and Festival International. Man I wish they would play Artmosphere and Blue Moon again.
Pictures, prices, sizes please.
Maybe if more than 1,500 people cared about their football program, a bowl might be willing to extend an offer.
There is more than one.
The one the knowledgable fans post on is www.aztecstalk.com
The one that this thread is referencing ot is http://www.aztecmesa.proboards.com/index.cgi
Our many years of heart ache give me the same sentiment that other sunbelt teams probably gave to us the multiple years we got left out--it's to bad but _hit happens. Thus is the nature of bowl games. The shame of it is that this WKU team could have beaten a handful of the teams that got bowl bids this year. This is why our Cajuns need to make a statement and make this game count. Can't wait until the 17th.
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