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Thread: Game Time?? 4 or 6

  1. #1

    UL Football Game Time?? 4 or 6

    What time is the game this Saturday?

    Printed Football schedule says 4 pm.

    Online says 6 pm.

    What gives?.....2 hour difference!

  2. Default Re: Game Time?? 4 or 6

    Quote Originally Posted by CAJUNJUDO
    What time is the game this Saturday?

    Printed Football schedule says 4 pm.

    Online says 6 pm.

    What gives?.....2 hour difference!

    I believe that the game was originally scheduled for 4 but was moved to 6 recently, maybe because its on TV in Florida and they wanted it to start at 7 there.

  3. Default Re: Game Time?? 4 or 6

    Quote Originally Posted by bigguill
    I believe that the game was originally scheduled for 4 but was moved to 6 recently, maybe because its on TV in Florida and they wanted it to start at 7 there.
    The game is being carried by CSS (Comcast Sports Southeast) and according to their schedule the game starts at 7pm EST and a local start time of 6pm.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Game Time?? 4 or 6

    Thanks for this! My hubby and I actually argued over this this morning. We both went to prove it and since the tickets and my schedule and my calander said 4, but he pulled up 6 online.

    Guess we were both right in our own way!

  5. #5

    UL Football Re: Game Time?? 4 or 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Geaux clotille

    Guess we were both right in our own way!
    Rationalization or (don't go there)....................?

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