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Thread: Houston Nutt out at Ole Miss

  1. #25

    Default Re: Houston Nutt out at Ole Miss

    I hope coach HUD stays. If he stays their is real potential here at UL. If UL started to win 9 games a year you would see attendance explode. We not talking 30k we talking 50k. Other conferences will take notice. You really could turn this into a top notch program. Kinda like Louisville or Virginia Tech if he chose to stay here long term.

  2. #26

    Default Re: Houston Nutt out at Ole Miss

    It's like the majority of the fan base WANTS Hud to find another college with always bringing up these threads... Or Just don't want to believe/understand the reasons to why Coaches become coaches in the first place....(or atleast monumental ones)

    Let this man build us a dynasty and stop trying to look for reasons to leaving us soon. This man believes in our potential.....when will you? Let him build it...

  3. #27

    Default Re: Houston Nutt out at Ole Miss

    Waldo, people realize how fortunate we are to have Hud and don't want to lose him. Many of those same people can't believe we have such a good thing going at UL and that the first thing they think of, is that it will end. Fans just aren't accustomed to such great things happening in football, it will take a little time. Hud will be at UL as long as he wants, and I believe like you do, that he wants to build something special, and is not here just to jump at the earliest opportunity.

  4. #28

    Default Re: Houston Nutt out at Ole Miss

    Whether he leaves or not everyone on this board knows coach HUD deserves coach of the year. Diehard Saints fans felt the same way about Sean Peyton leaving when the Saints won the superbowl.

  5. #29

    Default Re: Houston Nutt out at Ole Miss

    Quote Originally Posted by ULGrad@HOU View Post
    Waldo, people realize how fortunate we are to have Hud and don't want to lose him. Many of those same people can't believe we have such a good thing going at UL and that the first thing they think of, is that it will end. Fans just aren't accustomed to such great things happening in football, it will take a little time. Hud will be at UL as long as he wants, and I believe like you do, that he wants to build something special, and is not here just to jump at the earliest opportunity.
    Coach Hud can build us into the next Boise State and need not leave as we grow into something special. The grass isn't always greener at a BCS school.

  6. #30

    Default Re: Houston Nutt out at Ole Miss

    Quote Originally Posted by HoustonCajun View Post
    Coach Hud can build us into the next Boise State and need not leave as we grow into something special. The grass isn't always greener at a BCS school.
    Most of us know that this area and university are special places AND have the "potential" to grow as large as we can imagine. We have been forced to underachieve for so long a lot of people think that is the way it will always be.

    We have planted a few seeds in a new president, a new basketball coach, a new football coach and a new athletic director. Now the seedlings are growing; we can begin to see the sod growing. Let's go to the New Orleans Bowl and let the sod turn into a field; then we'll keep this green green grass of home right here in our backyard!

    We all have a part in this seeding process.

  7. #31

    Default Re: Houston Nutt out at Ole Miss

    It would be easier and quicker if Hud stays, but make no mistake people, we are on a Boise-type trajectory. The foundations have been laid. The mechanisms are in place.

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    I truly believe that, like Boise, our future is not determined anymore by who our coach is or what conference we are in.

    Because of things like the RCAF and a new president, we will continue to win and build facilities.

    Coach Hud will either go down in history as a program builder like Frank Beamer at Va. Tech., or as one of a number of coaches who continued to improve upon what was left to him, like Boise's situation.

  8. #32

    Default Re: Houston Nutt out at Ole Miss

    Thank you guys for backing up my beliefs....we are the next big thing....WE are Louisiana!!

  9. #33

    Default Re: Houston Nutt out at Ole Miss

    nutt sacked?

  10. #34

    Default Re: Houston Nutt out at Ole Miss

    Quote Originally Posted by Sonsissymia View Post
    nutt sacked?
    Yep, the headline in their newspaper tomorrow could read "No more Nutts!"

  11. #35
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Houston Nutt out at Ole Miss

    Quote Originally Posted by Sonsissymia View Post
    nutt sacked?
    Tragic, I wonder if he has called his brother, Dick Nutt about this odd turn of events???


  12. #36

    Default Re: Houston Nutt out at Ole Miss

    I just worry about our athletic budget in our pursuit to build a long lasting winner. The RCAF is going to have make A LOT of money.

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