Well I guess I have a different take on it----I don't blame the people for leaving---when they scored and went up by 11 I was devastated--sick--same old same old of post Houston etc----What rational fan would have even thought that we could get another score much less needing 2 tds---Just a fact --check out any stadium in the world and this happens--don't get on their butt----BUT thank the Lord that you stayed for such a great one---the first thing I thought when we went up was Desormeaux scoring against one of the Florida teams (FAU) with 1:03 left and loosing!!!! What a great game!!! However when I saw 1:06 I was justifiably worried!!!
Boom, I remember the talk of Troy @ LSU when the entire stadium emptied out only for the nacho cheese to come back and win. I think we may have had more in the stadium for our comeback then they did. It's human nature to turn away from something unpleasant. Oh...and losing has only one o. I hate to be a grammar nazi but man every one botches that word...
I say ... if you left you lost. End of story.
OH--- well I mean ah you know ah---oh yea a typo!!! Got me on that!!! Thanks!! Maybe at 66 a SENIOR MOMENT!!!!
Unfortunately we do have a large segment of fans that are older who expect people to sit the entire game. I don't know if it is because they just dont get it or maybe at their age they have trouble standing up so often. I think you were prudent to hold your tongue but I would not stop standing and cheering for the team.
Dang Boomer, these kids have worked harder than any football team the Cajuns have ever put on the field. They deserved to have folks in the stands. Unless you had a family issue or you were ill from too much Patron before the game, you should have been in your seat. Leaving is bull..sh..it. I knew you would be there till the end!!
Now this, ten hail HUDs, & twenty of "Our Father" should do sufficiently along with the promise to never, never, ever give up on a HUD coached team should suffice. Gees, I can't believe, with as much grief as I have receved since coming on this site, I'd bet half my NO bowl tickets that several of those people were losers who gave up & left. You may be a UL follower or not, but you are certainly no FAN by any means. Now be contrite & NEVER DO IT AGAIN! whoever you are.
I disagree. This is what a huge number of our fans need to get in their head... "this program in no way shape or form resembles any program from our past". Fans need to stop resembling fans they've known in the past... or fans to the east. First, your comment about "rational fans" leaving because it looked hopeless... regardless if it had ended in a loss... this team does not deserve for Cajun fans to dismiss them. That was the last home game of a bowl year... a spectacular turnaround year... you do not leave these young men on the field in a loss or a win... at the end of their home game season.
I drive over from Baton Rouge... and my buddy drives over from Houston for every home game. He has driven back to Houston the night of the game on 3 of our 5 home games... but still he stayed past the end of the game each and every time. You talk about someone who could have left early to "beat the traffic". These people that get up and crawl out are pathetic.
If it would have been a one point game throughout the 4th quarter... how many people would have stayed to see the finish? Well, that is exactly the number of people that should have stayed to see this finish... even if we wouldn't have scored the first touchdown in the comeback.
Great game, no doubt... and unless you had a family emergency... you should have stayed well past the end. If this is a "lesson learned"... so be it. But, no free passes to the candyasses that leave early. You suck... and you know who you are.
I will be the first to fess up, I left. I consider myself a DIE-Hard and preach what you guys are preaching, don't leave regardless, But if a forgiveness is in your hearts I would appreciate it. I missed probably the best 2 minutes at CajunField, remember I missed it and I have to suffer for it.
Let me explain my reasons for this, I believe except for the second quarter and the last 2 minutes of the game, ULM put it to us, and if there are 4 schools I can't stand to lose to it is , ULM, Mickey Neese, Loly poly, and lswho.
I did not think we had a chance in hell because those flare passes were eating us up and our inability to adjust and stop those 10-15 yard pass plays. I was NOT about to witness ulm players and their fans to celebrate on OUR FIELD, Guys, I could not witness that.
So guys, your gain my lose, I have been disappointed too many times and I felt this was gonna be one of them. If there is any consolation, I did run back into the stadium only to witness the second missed 2 point conversion and the last 1:06 minutes of the game. I did stay and watch the players, coaches and student body celebrate. It sent goose bumps down the entire length of my body. It was not until I patiently waited for the sports to come on channel 3 & 10 that I got to see what I missed and what little they showed. SO, I think my punishment is well deserved, in that I missed probably the most exciting come from behind VICTORIES ever. I will be going to ARK St, in nothing happens between now and Saturday.
MY HAT OFF to all who stayed and cheered them on.
My 2 cents on that train of thought: Week before last, HUD told the story of one player that was all hot and puffy at the end of the WKU game. One of the assitansts told HUD we need to send him to the locker room and not let him shake hands after the game. Hud's response was that he was going to walk across that field and take his _____ kicking just like everybody else.
From the day Hud was introduced here, he has used the phrase "TOTAL TEAM EFFORT" numerous times. The players, the coaches, the equipment staff, the people selling nachos, the fans, EVERYBODY, is part of the team. You can't leave on your team! Those who left need to go do "Protect the House" stadium runs......... with military backpacks. haha
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