slut and promiscuous in the same sentence.... lol.... I agree.. UL needs to take charge and put the pedal to the metal.. NO..PUSH the pedal through the frolicking floorboard and drag the foot on the ground and break the leg off at the knee.. OK, that's a little drastic..but really, go all out you know.. I think the white out thing is turning out to be a GREAT Idea and something they could to every year.. businesses AND the university are benefiting big time from this little promo... Go Cajuns
How many people are "clueless" in the world and will still not wear white to the game?
I'll be the first to put a guess in...
4,000 clueless fans
Someone will wear purple and puke with mustard stains from a corndog they ate last week
I was thinking about that earlier today. Should we "white abide-rs" who are ' In the know' give those 'clueless' 'ragin cajun' wantabees a break?, or should we give them a hard time and demand that they go and buy an t'shirt at the game!
Me?.. I say , No ____ing breaks!.... If they are wearing anything BUT white they will be chastised the entire game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really hope this works. It would make us look stupid if it's a big disaster.
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