Can a rule guy tell me if the KO has to be within the Hash marks???? Need to know the answer per my strategy!!! If you can kick off outside the Hash---put Baer about 5 yards from the side line and let him aim to about the 20 yard line of the opposite side with his sky kick---Say it gets to the 20 yard line--It would be a 50 yard coverage by the KO team (30 yard line to the opponents 20)----Damn now I need to know the width of the field---Anyway square the 50 yards and square the width of the field less the 5 yards ( I guess this would be a random distance) ---Add the 2 and get the square root---Old formulae never die---Anyway now you get the distance that his kick must travel----I say about 65 yards---Well maybe to the 25 or 30 If our 40 times are 4.5s our in unis a 50 time say is 5.5----Anyway Let's do something!!!!
Have open tryout. Go to the soccer fields by the Frat houses. Find the guy with the strongest leg give him a shot.
Time to raid the soccer team or the rugby team.
Why was Baer kicking those 30 yard pop-ups that game them the ball at their 40 yard line or better? I don't understand the logic in that. Surely, he can kick to ball at least to the 10 or 15 yd. line which is better than the 35 or 40.
They need to consider squibbing the kickoffs. I can kick close to 60yards! Surely someone on campus can do better than that.
I can kick off. I would need Hud to let me take a couple shots of whiskey if I'm going out to tackle someone, though.
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