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Thread: University of Louisiana Graduation Times Moved UP

  1. #37

    Default Re: Conflict - New orleans bowl and graduation

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post
    Why doesn't UL just move graduation activities from the Cajundome to the Superdome? Start at 9:00 AM, cut out the guest speakers (usually just politicians anyway), hand out diplomas, everyone then heads to Bourbon St. for a big graduation party and then everyone returns to a sold out Superdome for a great Cajun victory!!! It would be the best UL graduation ever. LOL!!!
    Hahahaha! That's funny! And I don't care who you are!

  2. #38

    Default Re: Conflict - New orleans bowl and graduation

    Lol just move graduation to new orleans..... just Kidding

  3. #39

    Default Re: Conflict - New orleans bowl and graduation

    Graduation would be better in NOLA

  4. #40

    Default Re: Conflict - New orleans bowl and graduation

    Move the Saturday afternoon graduations to Friday afternoon. Keep the others at their times on Saturday morning. Saturday done by 2 at the latest. Plenty of time to drive to NOLA for the game.

  5. #41

    Default Re: Conflict - New orleans bowl and graduation

    My sister planned her wedding almost a year ago for Saturday, December 17. Figures the luck!

    Wonder if we cut the mass down to 10 minutes, end the reception about 2 hours early... could probably make the game then!

  6. #42

    Default Re: Conflict - New orleans bowl and graduation

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin' Ross View Post
    The survey for the students that are graduating is open until 10 pm tonight. The email that I received says that the times of the ceremonies would be the same, except that they would be on Friday the 16th instead of the Saturday. I don't see them moving it because it seems like it would be an inconvience for some (family coming in from out of town, people have to work, stuff like that). But I could be wrong.

    I just hope that if they keep it on Saturday they move the times up. I think usually the business ceremony isn't until 3pm? Seems like that's what someone said, but i'm not positive.
    Its a survey, the decision rest with Dr. Savoie.

  7. #43

    Default Re: Conflict - New orleans bowl and graduation

    I just received an email from enrollment services. They have decided to keep graduation on the 17th, but the scheduled times of the ceremonies are going to change. The final schedule should be out by Monday.

  8. #44

    Default Re: Conflict - New orleans bowl and graduation

    College Degree - $20,000
    Seeing Cajuns in first bowl game in 40 years live - Priceless.

    Lots of kids these days are getting second degrees, tell her you'll catch the second one. Or bribe her.... Tell her you'll pay for a master's degree if you can go to the game. Hell if she's a true Cajun fan she'd be in New Orleans skipping graduation anyway.

  9. #45

    Default Re: Conflict - New orleans bowl and graduation

    Even I'd skip graduation for this....oh wait, this is me we are talking about. Hell yes, skip it!!! Pick up the diploma later and go to the game. I was sober and I don't remember much about my graduation.

  10. Default Re: Conflict - New orleans bowl and graduation

    It is no longer a sheep skin when you are graduated---just and old plaque that is laminated---Not saying its not important that degree you will gain---but just think about that Pat O's Hurricane---Think about the game and the parties all night---Last out of Lafayette, turn off the lights---Don't be crazy don't stay at home----Cause Hud will have The Cajuns Juiced in the Dome!!!!!

  11. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    It is no longer a sheep skin when you are graduated---

    just and old plaque that is laminated---Not saying its not important that degree you will gain---but just think about that Pat O's Hurricane---

    Think about the game and the parties all night---Last out of Lafayette, turn off the lights---

    Don't be crazy don't stay at home----Cause Hud will have The Cajuns Juiced in the Dome!!!!!
    Hah! Sing it Boomer!

    Roll on Cajuns! Roll on!

  12. #48

    Default Graduation stays on Saturday times to change

    Received the following from my graduating senior. I think it says it all:

    October 21, 2011

    Dear UL Fall 2011 Graduating Senior,

    Thank you for your prompt response to the survey.

    We have decided against moving commencement to Friday as a result of the problems the change would cause many of you and your families. Commencement will remain on Saturday, December 17 but the times of the ceremonies will change. The schedule will be finalized on Monday morning and the revised schedule will be posted by 2 pm, Monday, October 24. I will send you another e-mail once the new schedule is posted.

    Again, thank you for the feedback. We wanted to make sure that we included your opinions in our final decision.

    I hope the fall break is going well for you. Enjoy your weekend.

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