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Thread: Illegal forward pass by WKU

  1. #13

    Default Re: Illegal forward pass by WKU

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchie35 View Post
    The coach can call for a revieiw where the ball is spotted after a play especially in a critical first down situation but not this. Now that makes for a lot of BS to me..........
    So what you are telling me is that it is not reviewable? I know for sure it is in the NFL. So I guess the ref blew the call and we have to live with it.

    We would have gotten the ball back just down by 5 and a half a quarter to play. We would of have momemtum also. This was the biggest turning point in the 4 quarter.

  2. #14

    Default Re: Illegal forward pass by WKU

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    Accoriding to the broadcasters they did review it, but not for the penalty but rather when & where the reciever caught the ball. They placed the ball at the one. It didn't sound like they even considered where the ball was thrown from.
    When they made that statement about reviewing whether or not the TE was down at the one they stated the question of the location of the point of the pass could only be reviewed if the ref would have flagged it during the play. Basically he was saying they can't review a noncall.

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by J-Town Cajun View Post
    So what you are telling me is that it is not reviewable? I know for sure it is in the NFL. So I guess the ref blew the call and we have to live with it.

    We would have gotten the ball back just down by 5 and a half a quarter to play. We would of have momemtum also. This was the biggest turning point in the 4 quarter.
    My guess is any line of scrimmage camera was panning down field or they just didn't have a reviewable angle on the play.

    Pesonally I don't get the whole body rule -AND- include the feet in the mix.

    The line of scrimmage should be like an out of bounds, as long as the feet are still behind the line you are in the proper field of play.


  4. #16

    Default Re: Illegal forward pass by WKU

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    My guess is any line of scrimmage camera was panning down field or they just didn't have a reviewable angle on the play.

    Pesonally I don't get the whole body rule -AND- include the feet in the mix.

    The line of scrimmage should be like an out of bounds, as long as the feet are still behind the line you are in the proper field of play.

    The video feed we watched from WKU showed a replay of the pass and he was obviously over the line of scrimmage. I assume the video feed we watch is the same ones the refs have but I do not know this. My problem is the play was either not challenged by our coaches or the refs, or it is not a reviewable play which does not make sense and the rule needs to be changed.

  5. #17

    Default Re: Illegal forward pass by WKU

    Would got a lot of ref love yesterday including sideline interfence that nobody saw

  6. #18

    Default Re: Illegal forward pass by WKU

    He was definitely past the line. He was a full yard past it. Sun Belt refs suck.

  7. Default Re: Illegal forward pass by WKU

    Maybe Cajun-T can get us an official replay comment on the behind/In front no call!!!!

  8. Default Re: Illegal forward pass by WKU

    Well I can tell you this. Jay commented on it during the game, and for Jay to do so it had to be fairly blatant.

  9. #21

    Default Re: Illegal forward pass by WKU

    Quote Originally Posted by J-Town Cajun View Post
    Still my question is, why wasn't it reviewed?
    The referee said that both the spot of the catch and where the quarterback was when he threw the was reviewed. He said the replay official said the quarterbacks elbow was going forward before he crossed the line.

  10. #22

    Default Re: Illegal forward pass by WKU

    Quote Originally Posted by ET View Post
    The referee said that both the spot of the catch and where the quarterback was when he threw the was reviewed. He said the replay official said the quarterbacks elbow was going forward before he crossed the line.
    Yet on the "fumble" called against Blaine it sure looked like his arm was going forward yet they discounted that. That play was one of the few that the WKU feed tried to replay but they kept screwing it up.

  11. #23

    Default Re: Illegal forward pass by WKU

    Quote Originally Posted by ET View Post
    The referee said that both the spot of the catch and where the quarterback was when he threw the was reviewed. He said the replay official said the quarterbacks elbow was going forward before he crossed the line.
    It is where the ball is in relation to the line of scrimmage when the ball is released, and it was easily past the line of scrimmage.

  12. #24

    Default Re: Illegal forward pass by WKU

    I've never seen a fumble go forward 10yrds. Never seen such a poorly called game and the calls cost us points but we shouldn't need the refs to win

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