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Thread: bienvenidos to the commonwealth

  1. #13

    Default Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth

    Wazup Beed? Hey, is there any way you could talk your mods over there on the Haven to let me in? I registered a couple days ago and still haven't been allowed in.

  2. #14

    Default Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth

    Quote Originally Posted by NOCajun View Post
    Wazup Beed? Hey, is there any way you could talk your mods over there on the Haven to let me in? I registered a couple days ago and still haven't been allowed in.
    there are no mods.

    one single owner of the board. he's as reclusive as oz. the wizard...not the hbo prison.

    picture bill gates trying to ask a girl out on the quad in college and you got him. good guy but very private.

    i've lobbied to be a moderator. i'd run haven live stalin ran russia....from the heel of my jackboot. i'd be petty and hold longtime grudges and delete folks stuff...just because i could.

    he hasn't bit on it yet.

    just hit us up on the sun belt board. we have a few over there. sorry i couldn't be more help.

  3. #15

    Default Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth

    This post died at Bobby Boucher land...

  4. #16

    Default Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth

    Quote Originally Posted by raginWaldo View Post
    This post died at Bobby Boucher land...
    'beed is the man. After all, he's won a Birdy Award.

    We're still trying to get our skeds together to enjoy some fire water on one of my trips to BG.

    Us Boucher's will be there 'beed. And, we're bringing mama!

  5. #17

    Default Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth

    momma says crocodiles are mad cuz they got so many teeth and no toothbrush.

  6. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Crawfish View Post
    Just a hint to anyone going to BG. If you have time, visit the National Corvette Museum while you are there. It is a pretty nice attraction and is also educational for the kids, as it has some interactive exhibits. Some neat info about the engineering aspects of car design is also available, not to mention a lot of historical Corvettes.

    Food that I like there:

    Judy's Castle downtown; good old time breakfast fare. Sort of a greasy spoon, but pretty good.
    Montana Grill is my favorite Steak and or prime rib place.

    I'm so ____ed we canceled our trip to BG and Nashville this week. The Corvette place was going to be a stop for sure. As well as Louisville slugger during the week.

  7. #19

    Default Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth

    I need some help. I really ragged some nephews ushering at a wedding a few years ago for having small radios hidden in their tuxes with ear phones to listen to an LSU game during the wedding!! So, this weekend, my wife and I are going to a retreat at a Benedictine Abbey in Covington, LA. The Cajun network now includes 990 AM in Covington. So my moral/ethical question is this, should I use a small ear bud or go for the better acoustics of muffs with my small radio?

  8. Default Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth

    Man-----now that is a beautiful place----Do shouts of joy cancel a silent retreat's intent-----The # 40 is very prevalent in the Bible--In this case instead of days of fasting ---how about years without a bowl game----Hopefully a thankful day----And please don't confuse the dove of the Holy Ghost with the voice of our beloved Bird of Paradise (Jay Bird)!!!!!LOL

  9. #21

    Default Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun67 View Post
    I need some help. I really ragged some nephews ushering at a wedding a few years ago for having small radios hidden in their tuxes with ear phones to listen to an LSU game during the wedding!! So, this weekend, my wife and I are going to a retreat at a Benedictine Abbey in Covington, LA. The Cajun network now includes 990 AM in Covington. So my moral/ethical question is this, should I use a small ear bud or go for the better acoustics of muffs with my small radio?
    ear buds, unless you can get an annulment while you are there

  10. #22

    Default Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth

    Quote Originally Posted by dahbeed View Post
    there are no mods.

    one single owner of the board. he's as reclusive as oz. the wizard...not the hbo prison.

    picture bill gates trying to ask a girl out on the quad in college and you got him. good guy but very private.

    i've lobbied to be a moderator. i'd run haven live stalin ran russia....from the heel of my jackboot. i'd be petty and hold longtime grudges and delete folks stuff...just because i could.

    he hasn't bit on it yet.

    just hit us up on the sun belt board. we have a few over there. sorry i couldn't be more help.
    'Preciate you trying.

  11. #23

    Default Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth

    Cajun67, my answer to your ethical problem is 3 Our Fathers and 3 Hail Marys.....after listening to the game.

  12. Default Re: bienvenidos to the commonwealth

    Old Cajun goes to confession ---Hadn't been to 50 years -----After getting his penance of 3 OFs says he doesn't know it--nor HMs, Nor Glory BEs-----Only knows the Angelus---Priest says ok and after getting too curious leaves the confessional and listens to the old guy praying---All he hears is Dong Dong dong dong!!!!! Man just thinking---- is this where we get our 3rd down bell tolls from????? LOL

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