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Thread: Positive report from Cajun Field

  1. #1

    UL Football Positive report from Cajun Field

    After perusing through the various posts of painful thoughts, I had to take a moment to point out a few positives from the Thursday night game:

    -- When the team is not quite coming through in the clutch, there is always a never ending stream of coeds to distract you from the immediate grip of anger and dispair.

    -- There is a core of young talent on this team that continues to offer a slight beacon of hope with their effort and intensity. I trust that they will continue to develop under the appropriate tutelage.

    -- The "Glamour Thug Shots" displayed on the big screen after a gamely effort are often startling to the unbeknownst eye. It is not uncommon to hear a sudden shriek from the elders in attendance when the big board lights up with the larger-than-life display of noggens.

    -- It would be a disservice not to highlight the noticeable changes / improvements on the Ragin' Jazz Dance team. The team has added a new force to the dance troop that is found anchoring the 50 yard line during the half time show with the band. This new member of the squad has obviously brought a new level of energy and electricity possibly never-before-seen to the squad. The team is hitting on all cylinders with every move and gyration and especially on the parts that require full extension of "jazz hands" and "spirit fingers". The band even seems to have an extra bit of a pep in their step when the 'soldiers of dance' report to the dance floor (turf).

    I get chills when I think about viewing this new group throw down on some hip hop/wife beater dance selections during the time-outs of the basketball games at the Rodeo this year.

    It's important that we keep the faith and support all aspects of our university. They need us, we need them, and this community is all about the Red & White. Even the 100,00 evacuees from Baton Rouge (with their purple and gold license plate holders) that have lived here for the last 25 years know that Lafayette is the place to be.

    Final request - If you graduated from UL, USL, SLI or any highschool in the greater Acadiana area, please send the girth of your tangible love (support) to UL and, if anything is left over, then you can funnel it down the road to another community.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Positive report from Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by joncolby
    After perusing through the various posts of painful thoughts, I had to take a moment to point out a few positives from the Thursday night game:

    -- When the team is not quite coming through in the clutch, there is always a never ending stream of coeds to distract you from the immediate grip of anger and dispair.

    -- There is a core of young talent on this team that continues to offer a slight beacon of hope with their effort and intensity. I trust that they will continue to develop under the appropriate tutelage.

    -- The "Glamour Thug Shots" displayed on the big screen after a gamely effort are often startling to the unbeknownst eye. It is not uncommon to hear a sudden shriek from the elders in attendance when the big board lights up with the larger-than-life display of noggens.

    -- It would be a disservice not to highlight the noticeable changes / improvements on the Ragin' Jazz Dance team. The team has added a new force to the dance troop that is found anchoring the 50 yard line during the half time show with the band. This new member of the squad has obviously brought a new level of energy and electricity possibly never-before-seen to the squad. The team is hitting on all cylinders with every move and gyration and especially on the parts that require full extension of "jazz hands" and "spirit fingers". The band even seems to have an extra bit of a pep in their step when the 'soldiers of dance' report to the dance floor (turf).

    I get chills when I think about viewing this new group throw down on some hip hop/wife beater dance selections during the time-outs of the basketball games at the Rodeo this year.

    It's important that we keep the faith and support all aspects of our university. They need us, we need them, and this community is all about the Red & White. Even the 100,00 evacuees from Baton Rouge (with their purple and gold license plate holders) that have lived here for the last 25 years know that Lafayette is the place to be.

    Final request - If you graduated from UL, USL, SLI or any highschool in the greater Acadiana area, please send the girth of your tangible love (support) to UL and, if anything is left over, then you can funnel it down the road to another community.
    And a to you, Sir

  3. #3

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Positive report from Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by joncolby
    -- The "Glamour Thug Shots" displayed on the big screen after a gamely effort are often startling to the unbeknownst eye. It is not uncommon to hear a sudden shriek from the elders in attendance when the big board lights up with the larger-than-life display of noggens.
    Could you be more specific about this statement.... :confused:

  4. Default Re: Positive report from Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginEsquire06
    Could you be more specific about this statement.... :confused:
    I'm with RaginEsquire06 on this one you have got me...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Positive report from Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by JMVCAJUNS
    I'm with RaginEsquire06 on this one you have got me...

    When a player makes a good play, they show his media guide "mug shot" on the big screen.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Positive report from Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginRash
    When a player makes a good play, they show his media guide "mug shot" on the big screen.
    That is the clarification.
    Thanks, RaginRash.

  7. Default Re: Positive report from Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by joncolby
    That is the clarification.
    Thanks, RaginRash.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Positive report from Cajun Field

    Yes the 50 yard line dancer is noticable. As amatter of fact the dancer is so hot everything is FLAMING after they are finished

  9. Default Re: Positive report from Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by helmut
    Yes the 50 yard line dancer is noticable. As amatter of fact the dancer is so hot everything is FLAMING after they are finished

  10. #10
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Positive report from Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by helmut
    Yes the 50 yard line dancer is noticable. As amatter of fact the dancer is so hot everything is FLAMING after they are finished

    LOL!!! You are one hard hombre'....

    Preciate' YOU!!


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