Quote Originally Posted by HOTBOUDIN
I made a comparison to years 3 and 4. You say it doesn't matter because Va Tech was a winning program already when Beamer got there. Yet, you say if Bustle does x,y, and z, like Beamer in years 5,6, and 7 then, it's a success.

You can't have it both ways.
I understand. When I said the below I didn't mean don't bring up VT as talking points, just keep in mind relative starting points.

Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
Frank Beamer’s inherited much more of a program when going to V-Tech than Bustle did coming to UL. He inherited a program producing somewhere between 5 and 6 wins a year on average in the previous 12 or so before he took the V-Tech job.

We are talking about building a program (almost) from scratch with no money, and all Bustle has to do is win 12 games in the next two and a half years and UL will be on pace (in number of wins) with what Frank Beamer did at now national power house Virginia Tech.
But you are right, based on relative programs I would expect a slighly higher production curve for VT in years 3 and 4.

Would I have prematurely fired Beamer? Yes. I would have been wrong.

Is it time to get frustrated with Bustle? No. I could be wrong. (don't think so)