View Poll Results: R U in favor of transferring the money you donated to the Swamp Gates. To RECRUITING

40. This poll is closed
  • No. I donated to the Swamp Gate. Build the Swamp Gate.

    5 12.50%
  • Yes. I donated to the Swamp Gate. But I don't want the money going unused.

    4 10.00%
  • I couldn't donate then but I think the gates should be built

    3 7.50%
  • I couldn't donate then but I think recruiting comes first

    14 35.00%
  • Gate

    0 0%
  • Recruiting

    14 35.00%
Results 1 to 7 of 7

Thread: Swamp Gate Donors

  1. #1
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Swamp Gate Donors

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    Would you be in favor of transferring the money you donated to the Swamp Gate project to recruiting?

    Rising cost of the gates makes building them impossible right now. Since the recent ban on State employees traveling will severely hamper recruiting. Coupled with the fact that the monies donated for the Swamp Gate project are going unused; would you be willing to support recruiting?
    its all about the recruiting...


  2. #2

    Default Re: Swamp Gate Donors

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    Would you be in favor of transferring the money you donated to the Swamp Gate project to recruiting?

    Rising cost of the gates makes building them impossible right now. Since the recent ban on State employees traveling will severely hamper recruiting. Coupled with the fact that the monies donated for the Swamp Gate project are going unused; would you be willing to support recruiting?
    I am in favor.

  3. #3
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Swamp Gate Donors

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginRash
    I am in favor.
    shizzolate that for me, if you will????


  4. Default Re: Swamp Gate Donors

    Also in favor....

  5. #5

    Default Re: Swamp Gate Donors

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeebart21
    shizzolate that for me, if you will????

    I'm 'bout that shizzle, know what I'm sayin'?

  6. Default Re: Swamp Gate Donors

    For shizzle dizzle...dawg........

  7. #7

    Louisiana Re: Swamp Gate Donors

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel
    I was unable to donate so I really have no buisness speaking on this subject but...

    I think that when people donate money to a certain cause that orginization has an obligation to use it for that purpose. People doanted money to see those gates built so that money should go to those gates. If they wanted to donate that same money to the cajun recruiting fund or the general athletic fund they could have done so.

    If those gates aren't built I am going to have a hard time donating money to UL athletics in the future (when I am able to).
    I agree, if you start taking from Peter to pay Paul, we will be just like Louisiana Politics. People don't want their GIVINGS diverted without their consent. Who is to say, that if we do get the funds diverted, when will the Gates be finished. You don't really think that repaying the Gate Fund will be repaid by Athletic Depart. They will come back to us for more funds. Come On Guys. UNLESS THERE IS NOT A COMMITTMENT BY OUR ALUMNI AND FANS TO START GIVING TO THE { UL ATHLETIC FOUNDATION} THEN WE WILL CONTINUE TO STRUGGLE. If you should give a donation, YOU CAN DEDICATE IT TO WHATEVER SPORT OR CAUSE YOU SO DEEM. REMEMBER THAT.

    These are some facts I learned about the UL Athletic Foundation.


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