The table is a sheet of plywood, 8 feet by 4 feet. We actually don't play an exact one of those games on, but the rules we use are very similar to Beirut-East Coast Style. We try to keep it simple. Line up 6 cups in 3 in back of end zone, then 2, and one on the 3 yard hash mark(where extra points are kicked from in actual football), this helps you get lined up even on both sides. Two beers are distributed evenly on each side among the 6 cups. It's 2 on 2, each of you get to throw the ping pong ball. If you make it in your opponents cup, they drink it. Once it hits the table or the cups it can be swatted away. If you bounce the ball in the cup your opponents must drink 2 cups. The object is to clear your opponents cups. The losing team must drink all of their cups and also any remaining cups on the other end of the table. As the cups are made, they are rearranged. When you get down to 4 you do a diamond shape; 3 is one in the front two in the back; 2 is one in front of the other. There are many variations, but this is is the style we use.