Was this ball:
- Underthrown
- A strike
- Overthrown
Depending on your answer how did you reach your conclusion?
Was this ball:
- Underthrown
- A strike
- Overthrown
Depending on your answer how did you reach your conclusion?
Looks like he missed it to me. From the picture it looks like he was right at the sideline and the ref was backing up so he wouldn't get nailed. If he did catch it in bounds it must have been one awsome catch.
Looks like a strike. The fact that the receiver has his hands extended tells me that he has spotted the ball and the trajectory of the ball looks like it will end up right between his hands, but somehow goes right through them. JMO
Looks like he is trying to field a punt off our new punter's foot and lined up waaaaay too shallow.
OverthrownOriginally Posted by Turbine
STRIKE!! Trajectory is fine, he has located the ball, appears to have room on the side line cause the ref is looking at him and not his feet. I could be wrong, but this time I feel I am right.Originally Posted by Turbine
I'm gonna need to know who threw that ball before I make any judgements. JBabb never overthrows long balls, right?
RightOriginally Posted by BabbForHeisman
If I recall it was Jerry . . .
Here is the answer: The ball was NOT caught, as the saying goes "It was overthrown" by 2 feet.
HOWEVER in my opinion the ball was thrown perfectly by Jerry "a strike".
It only appeared to be overthrown because the receiver was running far too long with his arms outstretched which caused him to lose a step or 2.
If you watch all the great receivers, they rarely extend their arms far in advance of the catch.
Geaux Cajuns
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