OK, Xletterman. The sky is falling.
Look; you won't find a single person associated with the Track program at UL who is happy right now. You also won't find one who will disagree with your assessment of Charles Lancon. We all loved and respected him. We all looked on in wonder as he did things that NO other D1 head coach anywhere in the country had to do.
That being said; Charles is no longer with us, and he's not coming back.
There are a number of factors at work here, many of which have nothing to do with who the head coach is.
1. 2 years without a track to practice on [or recruit to].
2. A head coach who is an excellent assistant, but seems unprepared to be a head coach at this time at a program with no adminstrative support.
3. An athletic administration that totally dismisses track as a part of the success of the University.
4. Ricky Bustle. [He has convinced the S&C coach to only allow the track athletes into the weight room 2 days a week in the fall and 3 days, one of which is Friday, during the Spring].
5. A throws coach who doesn't do squat. In fact, he showed up for only about 2 hours during the ENTIRE conference meet, and has not worked with the throwers at all since before Easter.
The importance of each of these factors varies according to event, but I'll give a shot at analysis. I'll only do men, but the women are similar.
If you look back at our domination of the conference over the years, you will find that our dominance has not been universal. Far from it. We have rarely been very good in the distances or sprints. Our strengths have been:
1. Javelin: This is an event that UL has traditionally scored 20 or more points.
2. Triple Jump: 10-20
3. High Jump: Another 15 point event.
4. 110 m Hurdles: At least 10
5. Shot: Usually 6-10
6. Discus: Usually 6-10
7. Decathlon: Another 20 point event
8. Pole Vault: 8-16
9. Long Jump: 6-10
The common threads in all the events of our traditional point base are strength, technique and Coach Lancon.
Not having unlimited access to the weight room has KILLED these events, as has losing Lancon and not replacing his event coaching [as distinguished from head coaching] with someone of similar ability and dedication.
The little bubble we had in distance/cross country strength was killed by a combination of factors: The graduation of a strong class two years ago co-inciding with the destruction of the track and the cutting of the track budget to the extent that one of the distance coaches left for greener pastures. No track plus no coach equals no recruits.
If you add together the points above, you will see an average of 100+ points. This week we scored under 10.
The quickest fix we can do is to get a new decathlon coach whose specialty is technique events [throws, hurdles, vault]. This alone could add 50 points next year. Getting unlimited access to the weight room would add 20-30 more. Add it up, and we are back in the hunt.