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Thread: The Book: TrackFieldXC 2005-06

  1. #37

    Track & Field Re: The State of UL Track

    I agree that something has to be done, and done now. Track is has become a sport that is just existing. I do not know the head track coach but have met him on a couple of occassions, nice guy. Nice is not cutting the mustard. He must though be given a chance to kick it into Robe, Steff, Bustle, or Lee gear or step down. I personally do not know who could come in and make it work but Hollis Conway comes to mind when thinking about track and field. I would love to see Hollis back at Cajun Track!!


  2. #38

    Track & Field Re: The State of UL Track

    I agree that something has to be done, and done now. Track is has become a sport that is just existing. I do not know the head track coach but have met him on a couple of occassions, nice guy. Nice is not cutting the mustard. He must though be given a chance to kick it into Robe, Steff, Bustle, or Lee gear or step down. I personally do not know who could come in and make it work but Hollis Conway comes to mind when thinking about track and field. I would love to see Hollis back at Cajun Track!!


  3. #39

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: The State of UL Track

    Smile, Jimmy Swaggart and Jerry Baldwin Love you.

  4. #40

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: The State of UL Track

    Smile, God and Jerry Baldwin Love you.

  5. #41

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: The State of UL Track

    Smile, John Kerry Loves you -- and so does Hillary

  6. #42

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: The State of UL Track

    Smile, John Kerry Loves you -- and so does Hillary

  7. #43

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: The State of UL Track

    Repent and Be Saved

  8. #44

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: The State of UL Track

    Here's that scenerio in action......

    As the new (former HS) coach enters a prospects home in Dallas.....

    "Hi, I'm Pierre Gaudin, shah, I'm dat track coach at dat UL-Lafayette down dare in dat Lafayette, Louisiana town. We're at LA 93 and 182. I want you to come down and run for me, OK?? I got 12.8 scholarships, but I have to hold back half of them out to pay travel, recruiting, equipment, uniform and home meet expenses jus' so my school can count me as an NCAA sport. Dat keeps 'dem in dat runnin' for dat Div I national championship in football and basketball year-in and year-out.

    Oh, I forgot, instead of you going to Texas, Baylor or Arkansas, where you will fly to top meets, win championships and have 10 pair of shoes each year, come on down and I'll get you one pair from Academy and I'll get you a spot in dat "dynamic" Sun Belt track Championship. And you can sleep in the same bed wid anudder guy when we go four to a room on dat road.

    Our facility has one bathroom, when it works, and a huge stadium having 250 good track seats that our president thought looked good on dat paper when he approved it. Oh, and don't worry about having one locker room and those rumors about old Title 9 violations. Our guys only "use" to dress there and when they finished the gals went in and locked dem doors for 10 minutes, got dressed and then unlocked the doors and went to workouts.

    It's a great place. So come on down, run national times that you are capable of, and stay home with the rest of us from dem big meets and keep these closet UL track fans off my A $ $. Running at those big places is no fun anyway; you COULD get air-sick 10 times a year from all that flying around the country. There's no place like the UL-Lafayette Soccer Complex ...... uhhhhhh sometimes track complex. You won't fly anywhere from there cause we can't afford it.

    Now dats one heck of a recruiting magnet for ANYONE!

  9. #45

    Track & Field Re: The State of UL Track

    Quote Originally Posted by GetTheFacts1st
    Here's that scenerio in action......

    As the new (former HS) coach enters a prospects home in Dallas.....

    "Hi, I'm Pierre Gaudin, shah, I'm dat track coach at dat UL-Lafayette down dare in dat Lafayette, Louisiana town. We're at LA 93 and 182. I want you to come down and run for me, OK?? I got 12.8 scholarships, but I have to hold back half of them out to pay travel, recruiting, equipment, uniform and home meet expenses jus' so my school can count me as an NCAA sport. Dat keeps 'dem in dat runnin' for dat Div I national championship in football and basketball year-in and year-out.

    Oh, I forgot, instead of you going to Texas, Baylor or Arkansas, where you will fly to top meets, win championships and have 10 pair of shoes each year, come on down and I'll get you one pair from Academy and I'll get you a spot in dat "dynamic" Sun Belt track Championship. And you can sleep in the same bed wid anudder guy when we go four to a room on dat road.

    Our facility has one bathroom, when it works, and a huge stadium having 250 good track seats that our president thought looked good on dat paper when he approved it. Oh, and don't worry about having one locker room and those rumors about old Title 9 violations. Our guys only "use" to dress there and when they finished the gals went in and locked dem doors for 10 minutes, got dressed and then unlocked the doors and went to workouts.

    It's a great place. So come on down, run national times that you are capable of, and stay home with the rest of us from dem big meets and keep these closet UL track fans off my A $ $. Running at those big places is no fun anyway; you COULD get air-sick 10 times a year from all that flying around the country. There's no place like the UL-Lafayette Soccer Complex ...... uhhhhhh sometimes track complex. You won't fly anywhere from there cause we can't afford it.

    Now dats one heck of a recruiting magnet for ANYONE!
    Getthefacts you are one POSITIVE dude!!! With positive thinking fans like you we are just bound to go forward????

    You have posted a grand total of 4 times and I do not know if you have had one good thing to say. I do not know you are at least I do not think I do, but I tend to hang around doer's, movers, shakers, positive people, traits I can't say you have shown here thus far. Might want to take all that NEGATIVE ENERGY and "Flip" the switch to POSITIVE and do something constructive!!!

    Hope you are sincere in your caring about UL Track and Field, and go on from here and do some moving and shaking of your own. You certainly are pationate with your thoughts and views, now please put them to some good use and help make something happen if this is the sport of your choice.

    Acadiana is large enough that you could put on some annual fund raiser that could help track and field.

    Coaches, I do not know where they would come from or if anything will come of the current staff, but something must be done to get this program up and going again!!!


  10. #46

    Track & Field Re: The State of UL Track

    Quote Originally Posted by GetTheFacts1st
    Here's that scenerio in action......

    As the new (former HS) coach enters a prospects home in Dallas.....

    "Hi, I'm Pierre Gaudin, shah, I'm dat track coach at dat UL-Lafayette down dare in dat Lafayette, Louisiana town. We're at LA 93 and 182. I want you to come down and run for me, OK?? I got 12.8 scholarships, but I have to hold back half of them out to pay travel, recruiting, equipment, uniform and home meet expenses jus' so my school can count me as an NCAA sport. Dat keeps 'dem in dat runnin' for dat Div I national championship in football and basketball year-in and year-out.

    Oh, I forgot, instead of you going to Texas, Baylor or Arkansas, where you will fly to top meets, win championships and have 10 pair of shoes each year, come on down and I'll get you one pair from Academy and I'll get you a spot in dat "dynamic" Sun Belt track Championship. And you can sleep in the same bed wid anudder guy when we go four to a room on dat road.

    Our facility has one bathroom, when it works, and a huge stadium having 250 good track seats that our president thought looked good on dat paper when he approved it. Oh, and don't worry about having one locker room and those rumors about old Title 9 violations. Our guys only "use" to dress there and when they finished the gals went in and locked dem doors for 10 minutes, got dressed and then unlocked the doors and went to workouts.

    It's a great place. So come on down, run national times that you are capable of, and stay home with the rest of us from dem big meets and keep these closet UL track fans off my A $ $. Running at those big places is no fun anyway; you COULD get air-sick 10 times a year from all that flying around the country. There's no place like the UL-Lafayette Soccer Complex ...... uhhhhhh sometimes track complex. You won't fly anywhere from there cause we can't afford it.

    Now dats one heck of a recruiting magnet for ANYONE!
    Getthefacts you are one POSITIVE dude!!! With positive thinking fans like you we are just bound to go forward????

    You have posted a grand total of 4 times and I do not know if you have had one good thing to say. I do not know you are at least I do not think I do, but I tend to hang around doer's, movers, shakers, positive people, traits I can't say you have shown here thus far. Might want to take all that NEGATIVE ENERGY and "Flip" the switch to POSITIVE and do something constructive!!!

    Hope you are sincere in your caring about UL Track and Field, and go on from here and do some moving and shaking of your own. You certainly are pationate with your thoughts and views, now please put them to some good use and help make something happen if this is the sport of your choice.

    Acadiana is large enough that you could put on some annual fund raiser that could help track and field.

    Coaches, I do not know where they would come from or if anything will come of the current staff, but something must be done to get this program up and going again!!!


  11. #47

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: The State of UL Track

    Sadam and Marty Fletcher Love You

  12. #48

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: The State of UL Track

    God and Marty Fletcher Love You

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