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Thread: Just a thought from the Nicholls game...

  1. #1

    Default Just a thought from the Nicholls game...

    While the game itself was up and down, a nice victory for the Cajuns in the end. As always tailgating was great as was the turnout. But what's with the Arena Football atmosphere once inside the stadium? One of the reasons my wife will sit and watch college games on TV with me at home is the BIG TIME COLLEGE ATMOSPHERE, with the bands blaring and so forth. So what's with the deafening recorded music between plays at Cajun Field? Who came up with this idea? A topic for discussion that came up with some of us old school old guys in the press box last night. Bottom line: Are we just being old fogies? Oh, and at this time, I'm watching Oklahoma St. and Tulsa LIVE at 1:16 a.m., Sunday, 9/18...a game delayed because of weather. Is this insane or not...Not that I'm watching, but that the game is still being played?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Just a thought from the Nichols game...

    You are correct, if there is one major complaint tonight it was that. I am 27 years old, and my buddies and I were tired the DJ by the 2nd quarter. You are correct, it takes away from the tradition of college football.It's a slap in the face to the band. We were sitting about 20 rows up from the field and could not hear the cheerleaders due to the DJ and his music on every play. Someone needs to tell Scott Farmer about this before the next home game. The band director, Scott, a couple of students and Coach Hud, all need to get together soon and figure something out to tie the band and the student section together with the flow of the game. With this in place there is little need for a DJ. Come on UL, we have the crowds now at the games, let's keep them involved, not blast them away with a DJ. Geaux Cajuns!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Just a thought from the Nichols game...

    The first thought that came to my mind when i heard the music is, "geez, if the band would have been more exciting and played with more enthusiasm and volume in the last few seasons, maybe we wouldn't need this DJ".

    Don't misunderstand me, I do love our band. When they play, they play great. But oftentimes, they're predictable, borderline boring, and have no spunk or enthusiasm. They seem to sit on their hands most of the time, and only play when something really exciting happens. If you listen to the bands at big BCS schools, they're playing almost the whole game. And it makes the game atmosphere truly amazing. Do I wish our band played like that? yes. Do I think they can? probably. But, I would rather have a DJ that plays music and pumps up the mood and the crowd, instead of a band that sits on their hands most of the game and leaves big chunks of silence the rest of the time. Nothing is more defeating to crowd/team energy and morale than a silent stadium.

    That's my 2 and a half cents. And with that, I say STEP IT UP PRIDE OF ACADIANA!

    God Bless You, The USA, and Louisiana's Ragin Cajuns

  4. #4

    Default Re: Just a thought from the Nichols game...

    I had a GREAT time last night! However, when we got into the game, my wife was hungry. Being the great husband I am, I went get my pregnant wife (and her pregnant friend) some burgers and water. I missed over 1 full quater due to the lines at the concession! When I got back to where we were sitting, I complained to my wife a little, but all was well, I was going get a Bud Lite in the south end zone... wait, they were out? I was going to have to walk back to where I was, so I settled for a Micolob Ultra. Half time was coming, so I just went to my tailgating spot and drank a few buds. After half, everything went a whole lot better for me. We had a GREAT time, and I know everyone participating with concessions bust there butts!! I'm just wondering how/if it can be improved for both people working them, and the people in the stands when we have a descent crowd. Also, not a fan of the rap being played between plays. Takes away from the COLLEGE game atmosphere IMO. Had a great time anyway! Geaux Cajuns!!!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Just a thought from the Nichols game...

    The crowd hada lot to do with the concession stands BUT they need to address it. I waited in line for over 30 minitues and then when I got to the counter they were preparig more hamburgers and were not ready. The people I was with had the same problem. If they left to go get some food or a beer, we thought we wold have to file a missing persons report.
    Great win though. go Cajuns

  6. Default Re: Just a thought from the Nichols game...

    As I was walking up to the game the 1st quarter was about over. I had parked behind the Ira Nelson Horticulture Center on the far end of the intramural fields. So I had a good size walk, but not bad. As I walked to the field, I was shocked to see so many people going the opposite direction as me.

    I crossed paths with as least 200-300 peolple leaving. I doubt they were disgusted with the game, it was only then getting to 14-14

    I ran through reasons in my mind:
    They went only to tailgate.
    Some had kids (were they sick or giving to much trouble)
    Did they have to work?
    Lost their ticket?
    Had to poo and would only poo at home?
    Magnetic poles in their head got reversed? ? ? ?

    I don't know, but I was surprised.

    Geaux Cajuns

  7. #7

    Default Re: Just a thought from the Nicholls game...

    it would be uncomfortable pooing at the stadium, the stalls have no doors.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Silly View Post
    it would be uncomfortable pooing at the stadium, the stalls have no doors.
    That has to be it, they did have this weird look on their faces.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Just a thought from the Nichols game...

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Had to poo and would only poo at home?

    I don't know, but I was surprised.
    LOL awesome thought process...but yes I commented on this to my friend when the score was 21-14 and 31-21. though it was FCS it was still an entertaining game to watch until the end.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Just a thought from the Nichols game...

    I don't know if anyone notice during an injury time out, Hud ran along the side lines trying to get the band to play. He was just waving his arms. But needless to say the DJ took over with some crapy rap crap. Then he walked back to the team bench in disgust. I think some changes will be made. He wants big time college attmosphere at the games.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Just a thought from the Nicholls game...

    Quote Originally Posted by drsudsey View Post
    While the game itself was up and down, a nice victory for the Cajuns in the end. As always tailgating was great as was the turnout. But what's with the Arena Football atmosphere once inside the stadium? One of the reasons my wife will sit and watch college games on TV with me at home is the BIG TIME COLLEGE ATMOSPHERE, with the bands blaring and so forth. So what's with the deafening recorded music between plays at Cajun Field? Who came up with this idea??
    Trust me, you are not alone in thinking this.

    Blaring club music after EVERY PLAY is ludicrous. Talk about sensory overload.

    I'm fairly certain that is not what Big Time College Atmospheres are about.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Just a thought from the Nicholls game...

    You may want to send an e-mail to Scott Farmer voicing your concerns. Scott stopped by our tailgating spot and spoke with us for a few minutes. One of the things he mentioned is getting game day management right. He is always looking to improve the experience. Or even better than an e-mail, join the QB Club and you can express this to him in person on Thursday.

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