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Thread: Well Fun, Tech ranked above us...

  1. #1

    Default Well Fun, Tech ranked above us...

    LA Tech became a top tier university in U.S. News and World Reports while UL and UNO remain Tier two.

    While I don't like Tech it is good that LA kids have another good educational opportunity.

    Any thoughts Fun??

  2. #2
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Well Fun, Tech ranked above us...

    You cant spin it Slappy. In a race to the top, they(Tech) won this round. I know we are working hard on achieving the same goal. We will get there.

    CONGRATULATIONS TO LOUISIANA TECH, this is a big time achievement.


    ps you still aint getting into CUSA, so suck it.

  3. #3
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Well Fun, Tech ranked above us...

    I need to add something here... I dont want to pile on, but lets get real... WHAT THE HELL WAS DR AUTHEMENT DOING IN HIS LONG AND ILLUSTRIOUS 32 freakin years here??? My heavens I know he has his defenders but all I see is a guy that almost cost us D1 athletics ...Now Tech has achieved Tier 1 status and we havent? This all lies at his feet... The man was a joke as an administrator

    Fortunately he decided to step down before it was too late.


  4. #4

    Default Re: Well Fun, Tech ranked above us...

    Is there a "ranking" of the Tier 2 universities? In other words, just how far from Tier 1 are we??

  5. #5

    Default Re: Well Fun, Tech ranked above us...

    Congratulations to Louisiana Tech. They maybe the best led university in the state as they get much more performance or value from the resources they have than especially LSU.

    LSU dropped in the rankings and their graduate school has overall taken a nose dive. Lombardi maybe one of the most academically qualified that LSU has ever had at the top of the their system, but his performance and especialy that of Chancellor Martin, Lombardi's chosen one, has been very mediocre. LSU just completed an 750+ million dollar fund raising campaign which should have done more for the university; however, most did not go to the permanent endowment, but more buildings.

    It also is important to remember that US News and World Report expanded the top tier this year from the top 134 (about) to the top 200 institutions. So, Tech made the top tier with relaxed standards.

    I believe Savoie is the right leader for UL and will lead us upward over the years.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Well Fun, Tech ranked above us...

    WAC/CUSA/Belt Rankings

    National Universities
    17. Rice
    50. Tulane
    62. SMU
    75. Tulsa
    82. Denver
    143. UAB
    160. Idaho
    164. Hawai'i
    170. Utah State
    177. UCF
    181. Nevada
    194. LA Tech
    194. East Carolina
    NR. New Mexico State
    NR. UTSA
    NR. UT Arlington
    NR. Houston
    NR. Memphis
    NR. Southern Miss
    NR. UTEP
    NR. Arkansas-Little Rock
    NR. South Alabama
    NR. Florida Atlantic
    NR. Florida International
    NR. North Texas
    NR. Middle Tennessee State
    NR. Louisiana

    Regional Universities
    6. Seattle (West)
    36. Western Kentucky (South)
    37. Fresno State (West)
    39. San Jose State (West)
    39. Texas State (West)
    39. Marshall (South)
    63. Arkansas State (South)
    63. Troy (South)
    NR. ULM (South)

  7. #7

    Default Re: Well Fun, Tech ranked above us...

    This news pretty much flies in the face of what CajunFun has been saying on this site. Just last week he had an article that made Tech look like they weren't even on our radar when it come to R&D. I would also love to hear his take on this development.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Well Fun, Tech ranked above us...

    -----------------------------National Tier I--------Tier II, lower--------------Regional

    -----------------------------SMU-----------------------Southern Miss
    -----------------------------East Carolina

    WAC-----------------------Denver-------------------New Mexico State----------Seattle
    -----------------------------Idaho---------------------UTSA-----------------------San Jose State
    -----------------------------Utah State---------------UT-Arlington----------------Texas State
    -----------------------------Louisiana Tech

    SBC----------------------------------------------------UALR------------------------Western Kentucky
    --------------------------------------------------------South Alabama--------------Arkansas State
    --------------------------------------------------------Florida Atlantic--------------Troy
    --------------------------------------------------------North Texas

  9. #9

    Default Re: Well Fun, Tech ranked above us...

    In Fun's defense. I don't think he ever indicated that we were ahead of Tech on the metrics that US News and World Reports uses. I'm not trying to belittle Tech's accomplishments either, because believe me, I wish we were there. But here are the metrics per the Advocate...

    "the oft-debated methodology for the annual U.S. News university rankings examines factors such as SAT scores, graduation rates, peer reputation and alumni giving."

    Fun is constantly talking about research dollars. Tech has had slightly higher admin standards for awhile now, probably leading to improved graduation rates and SAT scores. When our admission requirements go up, maybe we can get within striking distance. We have to improve in these areas to get there. Student retention and graduation is the driving force behind dorms on campus etc.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Well Fun, Tech ranked above us...

    Looking at the rankings shown above, I question any ranking system or set of criteria that has LaTech ahead of Houston.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Well Fun, Tech ranked above us...

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    In Fun's defense. I don't think he ever indicated that we were ahead of Tech on the metrics that US News and World Reports uses. I'm not trying to belittle Tech's accomplishments either, because believe me, I wish we were there. But here are the metrics per the Advocate...

    "the oft-debated methodology for the annual U.S. News university rankings examines factors such as SAT scores, graduation rates, peer reputation and alumni giving."

    Fun is constantly talking about research dollars. Tech has had slightly higher admin standards for awhile now, probably leading to improved graduation rates and SAT scores. When our admission requirements go up, maybe we can get within striking distance. We have to improve in these areas to get there. Student retention and graduation is the driving force behind dorms on campus etc.
    Tech, out of necessity, has long had a majority of their students living on-campus. In Lafayette, there have always been an ample supply of rent houses and apartments near campus, so the need for on-campus housing wasn't given much of a priority. I have long thought that was a big mistake. In fact, I talked with T-Joe about that very thing years ago when he was the UL Alumni Association Director. As others have pointed out, more students living on campus generally means they are more involved in the university community and tend to stay more connected to the university after graduation. Dr. Savoie's strong and aggressive building program shows that he gets it. I am so glad to see this finally happening! It will do wonders for our university in the years to come.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Well Fun, Tech ranked above us...

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRed View Post
    Looking at the rankings shown above, I question any ranking system or set of criteria that has LaTech ahead of Houston.
    Yeah, I was really surprised to see that Houston was not in Tier 1 after all of the push and fund-raising efforts they have made to try to get to that level. I also think these rankings that rely on "peer reputation" are skewed. Not sure how much weight they bring to these rankings, but they should be very small, if at all.

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