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Thread: Dwight Bo Lamar X-Move 360

  1. UL Basketball Dwight Bo Lamar X-Move 360

    We have 31 clips of shots Dwight Bo Lamar made from what seems like 3, perhaps 4 games. Of these 31 made shots 21 are from 3-point range a credit that did not exist in Bo's era.

    Over his 4 year career he averaged 13 "made" shots per game, so unless these clips came from games far below his regular output 31 made shots would not cover 3 games, much less 4. Still they are exciting and show his unique varied shooting touch.

    He will never be given true credit for his 3 point prowess, but at least you can know what a great player he truly was.

    This short video of Dwight Bo Lamar is the first of hopefully 4 installments of the Dwight Bo Lamar Cliffnotes. 9 of the 31 shots are used here. 5 of the 10 shortrange shots, and 4 of the 21 3-pointer are used in this footage.

    The Video designed for RealPlayer, if you do not have RealPlayer you can download a copy Here.

    Career Statistics at UL

  2. Default

    Well ya are just the greatest---Brought tears to my eyes---Hope ya got the spin in the middle of the lane like the other from the side of 360 degrees---just unreal --can you imagine these on ESPN??

  3. #3


    After all these years this was a treat. As recently as last year I wondered what I ever saw in basketball, suddenly it all came flooding back.


  4. #4

    UL Basketball I have seen the light!

    All I can say is WOW! I always heard my parents tell me about when they were students at USL. They'd talk about going to see basketball games in Blackham Coliseum, and watchin Bo Lamar play. But words don't describe what I just saw in that video clip. It makes me wish I could travel back in time just to see him play. Don't get me wrong, I'm 22, have grown up all my life going to Cajuns basketball games, and have seen my fair share of good players. But something about that video clip seemed magical. Anyhoo, it was a real treat to see that video clip, and I can only hope that our team returns to its glory days.

    God Bless

  5. #5


    Has anybody ever suggested maybe playing a "throwback" game in Blackham Coliseum?

  6. #6

    Ragin' Cajuns Nice clip

    boy that brings back so much memory...My dad used to bring me go watch Bo,Marvin,Roy...etc..,.Blackham even seemed like a huge place back then....

  7. #7


    Sid, every time I drive by that place I say to myself "Wow, I would kill to see a game in Blackham!"
    I know I have suggested it on this message board a few times, but i've never emailed anone at UL though.

    And I am wondering where all these clips came from? Is there an archive hidden somewhere?
    I would kill to see these old clips.

  8. #8


    That was great! Especially for those of us who are were to young to see Bo Lamar play.

  9. #9


    Great clip, great player. I was in Memorial Gymnasium in Ruston in 1972 when Bo put 51 up on us in an amazing performance. Thanks for bringing back some memories.

  10. #10

    Ragin' Cajuns

    It would be nice to see a player perform on that level of achievement in any sport again!

  11. Default Lamar reached legendary status at Blackham

      Few people can really claim to be legends in their own time.

    But nobody disputes the fact that Dwight "Bo" Lamar is one.

    When long-time Ragin' Cajun basketball fans drive down Johnston Street and pass by Blackham Coliseum, they collectively see one mind's-eye image.

    They see that No. 10 jersey and the big Afro on top, elevating higher than most people thought possible on his jump shot, firing off rainbows that threatened the lights in the venerable building.

    As the years have passed, the distances on those shots have grown. So have the stories. That's what being a legend is all about.

    But the facts and the record books don't lie. In the storied history of USL/UL basketball, even in the current era of the 3-point basket, nobody shot it like Bo ... never before, and almost certainly never will again.

    "He had as much confidence shooting as anybody that ever played the game," said long-time coach Beryl Shipley, the architect of the school's greatest basketball era. "He felt like he could hit from anywhere."

    A lot of times, he did. Lamar led the nation in scoring twice - once in 1970-71 (36.0 points per game) in USL's final year as a college-division team, and again in 1971-72 (36.3) in the Cajuns' first year in what was then called the NCAA's University Division. He remains the only player ever to lead both.

    At the same time he and his teammates - and in no small role, the Cajun fans - made Blackham one of the nation's college basketball hotbeds.

    "The crowd is your home-court advantage," Lamar said. "The basket's 10 feet high everywhere. It's what the crowd did that made it special. The fans fed off the team, and the team fed off the fans. It worked both ways. We had a good team and we had a heck of a crowd."

    The rest of the story

    Dan McDonald

    Homes SO Clean

  12. Default Re: Dwight Bo Lamar X-Move 360

    Where or how can I download this video?

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