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Thread: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

  1. #37

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35 View Post
    It is because of some of the very reasons posted in this thread that I refuse to go to any sports bar to watch a Cajun game (or any other game I REALLY want to watch). If I stay home to watch it, I have COMPLETE control over MY remote control and will be assured that my TV will be tuned into the game I want to watch and the correct sound will accompany the picture. Last night I had absolutly no idea what was happening in Dallas, TX until time had expired in Stillwater, OK.

    I like taking control over my own destiny.
    I thought hard about this option and having a bunch of people over, but I liked going out and "drowning the town in Vermilion" like coach said. It sucks that we have to jostle with the Purple and Gold miscreants for television and audio control in an establishment completely decorated in UL pictures (BWW), but I like representing my school in public.

  2. Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    We have been b!+ching about this for years! Either one of us open a REAL UL only establishment, someone start having us all over for the games at their residence or STOP GOING TO THESE LOUSY BARS around town. They will never stop being pro LSU until we speak with our wallets! Could you ever imagine going to an univeristy of Alabama bar and asking for the Auburn game?! They would kick you ass out!

  3. #39

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Maybe coach Hud could be asked the question at a place like Walkons hosts his show. I am sure he would have a opinion about dissing cajun fans.

    I prefer BWW more .


  4. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunConnection View Post
    Maybe coach Hud could be asked the question at a place like Walkons hosts his show. I am sure he would have a opinion about dissing cajun fans.

    I prefer BWW more .

    Please, one of you fine folks bring this up next Thursday! In front of the staff managers, Jay, Coach, all UL patrons.. This would definitely go a long way..

  5. #41

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson View Post
    We have been b!+ching about this for years! Either one of us open a REAL UL only establishment, someone start having us all over for the games at their residence or STOP GOING TO THESE LOUSY BARS around town. They will never stop being pro LSU until we speak with our wallets! Could you ever imagine going to an univeristy of Alabama bar and asking for the Auburn game?! They would kick you ass out!
    I think a better analogy would be an Alabama game being played in a Troy Alabama bar. And FYI, Alabama would win out. Just sayin’.

  6. #42

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    You live in Troy and know this? Actually Alabama would NOT win out...

  7. #43

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    I will give my experience of last night. I first went to BWW and the first question I was asked when greeted was if I was going to stay for the LSU game. My reply was I was here for the UL game and asked if they were showing it and he looked confused and just said yes. At 6:00 there was no UL game turned on so I got my waiter to go turn the game on the big screen and he came back and said they were not showing the game and knew nothing about it. I then asked him to go ask the manager to come see me and minutes later he said he spoke to the manager and they were looking for the game and just at kickoff they found it. Well things were good until 7:00 and then you know what happened next the big screen and volume switched over to LSU. Well at half time I closed out and went to Legends and they had the big screen and volume on UL.

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by RiverRanchMan View Post
    I think a better analogy would be an Alabama game being played in a Troy Alabama bar. And FYI, Alabama would win out. Just sayin’.
    Opinions from cowards who live in the city and don't support the local school are irrelevant. You don't count. Shut your trap. Once upon a time, Auburn was in our position WRT Alabama.

  9. #45

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Here is the reality in all this...ul fans in Lafayette are out numbered by lsu fans. Some do support both, but when they have a descision to put on purple shirt or the red shirt.... They wearing purple. It's sad that it is this way but that's the way I see it. So while we can put our wallets up and leave, we are just the minority crowd. It sucks...bad. From a business perspective, owners should accommodate both customers equally. The walk-on customer base is 60-70 percent people with purple stuff in there closet. We are fighting an uphill battle I believe.

  10. #46

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Quote Originally Posted by lifetimecajun View Post
    Here is the reality in all this...ul fans in Lafayette are out numbered by lsu fans. Some do support both, but when they have a descision to put on purple shirt or the red shirt.... They wearing purple. It's sad that it is this way but that's the way I see it. So while we can put our wallets up and leave, we are just the minority crowd. It sucks...bad. From a business perspective, owners should accommodate both customers equally. The walk-on customer base is 60-70 percent people with purple stuff in there closet. We are fighting an uphill battle I believe.
    I disagree.

  11. #47

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Quote Originally Posted by lcitsh View Post
    I disagree.
    Dude, your crazy. As much as it sucks lifetimecajun is right. Winning will change everything!


  12. Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    A lot of little factors involved in this weekends games.

    There was a lot of national hype for the Oregon game, they were in the National title game last year, plus the regular pull. Marketing works.

    Both games were away, and both were on TV, MetryCajun mentioned it earlier, these establishments are not used to having UL as an option. It's a bad business model but they tend to work on auto pilot.

    I'm with BK I give them a pass.

    Perhaps until Chops main point about UL fans "still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL" fans should schedule ahead and own a location through planning. Jeaux had suggested an Official watch party? and while I think it is a great solution to the current situation, I regret not being in postion to organize one.

    Geaux Cajuns

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