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Thread: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

  1. #73

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandwagon King View Post
    You have to sove your problem first. Then, as the Cajuns win & more & more people show up at the Cajuns Cave ( wherever the crowd decides to go ) & the business competitors of that business will get jealous & want to steal their business. Then they will make commitments to showing the game & serving specials during the game to honor players, coaches, etc. One brick at a time still gits er done.
    You guys have all been here longer than me, so I think it is clear that you have all given this more consideration than I have over the years. I still must respectfully disagree on this point. To continue with your metaphor, one doesn't build a house one brick at a time - at least not any more. Multiple crafts work simultaneously to get that sucker built. We don't have to wait for one thing before we make the other happen. Would it be easier? Sure. But better? I think not.

    Our strength is in our numbers. (Well, and in our passion too.) Each one of us has the power to vote with our wallets. We don't have to take it anymore. And if we want to make something happen, this seems like a small sacrifice to make to affect change. Put your money where your mouth is. And if you choose to go in another direction, then don't complain when someone disrespects you.

  2. #74

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    My anger on this situation really makes me want to just never go back to a place that doesn't cater to me, it makes sense, but under that logic I can't go to any sports bar in Laffy. Then all the sports bars will have no cajun fans in them thus making it all the more likely that they will never cater to cajun fans.

    If I own a sports bar and I have a loan to pay and a family to feed, I'm gonna go with what makes me money. Sorry, Lafayette has more Tiger fans than Cajun fans... I don't like that, but it doesn't make it less true. If we want a sports bar to be a cajuns bar we have to show them the money.

    I'm down for the Cajun's Cave

  3. #75

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Quote Originally Posted by ThatWhiteEagle View Post

    I'm down for the Cajun's Cave
    +1 - I'll bring my brick.

  4. #76

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Quote Originally Posted by Lexhead View Post
    You guys have all been here longer than me, so I think it is clear that you have all given this more consideration than I have over the years. I still must respectfully disagree on this point. To continue with your metaphor, one doesn't build a house one brick at a time - at least not any more. Multiple crafts work simultaneously to get that sucker built. We don't have to wait for one thing before we make the other happen. Would it be easier? Sure. But better? I think not.
    Your post is respected, but I don't think you understand where everyone is on this point. This is possibly the first time that this thing moves from more than a point of contention or "_____point" if you will to folks actually moving in the direction of getting something done. One brick at a time is a major move at this point. Let Coach & the boys put a few Ws together & things can move warp speed in the direction you are talking about, but for now its shovel & trowel time. Someone needs to make a point of finding out which establishment gets take custody of for the next TV road game & make sure the bell is rung & the bushes beaten to get the throngs there for the gathering. I'm thinking a kereoke sing the fight song sing along with possibly inviting a few of the alumni band would be cool.

    One thing Chop failed to mention about Walk Ons was a table full of UL cheerleaders was there & me not even being UL alumni led them & others in the Ragin Cajun fight song. Of couse I had to change chorus from Hustle up & bustle up To Hustle up & Hudspeth Up & fight on to victory U of L.

  5. #77

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Quote Originally Posted by Chop View Post
    But you will still go to Pete's when they did the same exact thing that walkon's did with worse food, and worse service?
    This does not make sense to me.

    Pete's was all LSU last night.
    Pete's was NOT all lsu&a&mc@br.. 70% or more of the crowd was in red, and half the purple shirts were being worn by waitstaff. Also, at least in the area I was sitting, when I reamed the bartender for allowing some puke to turn off the volume on the UL game, he came back and corrected it, at least in our area. Can't say he was happy, but he did it.

  6. Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    OOOOOkKKKKKKK---Here is what we do---Find any place that is willing to do ONLY UL stuff for an away game on a particular Saturday and everybody go there---Makeum lots of money---Everybody happy camper!!!! also let's have a Ragin Pagin Party and T-Bine brings name tags----have a MIKE and make predictions of sport seasons or just let people ask and answer questions----Do we have any takers??????

  7. #79

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    what about the bulldog right by campus, haven't heard any mention of it. I know that it was student oriented but I would think that they would be accomodating and they did have a good selection of draft last time I was in there

  8. #80

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Haven't been to Pete's in years. At some point you need to replace the 20 yr. old tv sets, clean the place up and have a staff that at least acts like they care.

    I spent many years trying numerous establishments hoping to find someplace that acted like they cared about finding a Cajuns game.

    So I do today as some others. I set at home in front of my HD plasma on my comfortable coach, eating what I prepared and drinking at 1/3rd the price of these establishments who don't seem to care if they have my business anyway.

    In this day and age I've found it extremely rare that I didn't have access to a game at home that was available at one of the local watering holes. Sometimes that means plugging my computer into the HD tv but it gets the job done.

  9. Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Quote Originally Posted by billbeck451 View Post
    what about the bulldog right by campus, haven't heard any mention of it. I know that it was student oriented but I would think that they would be accomodating and they did have a good selection of draft last time I was in there
    The Bulldog, IMO, wouldn't be ideal. I wouldn't feel comfortable bringing my kids or family there. The crowd that frequents that place has really gone down hill.

    Going back to Boomers idea: I like it. I Ragin Pagin get-together. Turb can take up donations (to further progress the iphone app and possibly to arrange future shin-digs for our fine posters). A few Saturday evenings, when the Cajuns are out of town and televised, of about 25 - 40 of us showing up, spending money, creating a fun atmosphere, and making our presence felt would get the attention of ANY establishment in Lafayette. Not to mention the fact that once said get-together actually takes place, is a success and word gets out, it will only grow exponentially. You guys know its true. Lets stop talking about it, and make something happen.

  10. #82

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Without reading the entire thread, I can completely agree with the ridiculous amount of lsu-ness going on Saturday. I live in Shreveport. You would think it was a suburb of BR on gamedays (it has gotten much better, but still not where we would want).

    I drove to Hattiesburg this weekend and couldnt drive 10 miles without being cut off by some redneck @$$ with an lsu sticker. Got to Hattiesburg, checked in my hotel, asked the hotel clerk the best place to park at the stadium, she didnt even know there was a game Saturday (and I would put SO Miss ahead of ULL & Tech in owning a market).

    This is not even mentioning the same exact scenario described in the initial post happened at a Ruston restaurant some friends were at trying to watch the game.

    I guess theres not really a point to my rambling other than letting you guys know as much as I am supposed to "hate" the Cajuns, I know exactly how your true fans feel about the "state school."

    At least football is HERE!!

  11. Default Cajuns still growing on sports bar crowd

    If Lafayette residents watched the University of Louisiana men’s basketball team grab its first NCAA Tournament bid since 2005, they likely did it from the comfort of their own homes.

    The few sports bars open Sunday were not exactly flooded with Ragin’ Cajun fans waiting to see the 23-11 team take down the Georgia State University Panthers in a thrilling 82-81 overtime victory.

    Homes SO Clean

  12. Default Re: Cajuns still growing on sports bar crowd

    Quote Originally Posted by NewsCopy View Post
    If Lafayette residents watched the University of Louisiana men’s basketball team grab its first NCAA Tournament bid since 2005, they likely did it from the comfort of their own homes.

    The few sports bars open Sunday were not exactly flooded with Ragin’ Cajun fans waiting to see the 23-11 team take down the Georgia State University Panthers in a thrilling 82-81 overtime victory.

    Well years of poor marketing by bars and the pseudo shunning of Cajun fans must have taken their toll.

    You can't get away with just being pro UL during a coaches show (ignore the rest of the week) and expect crowds to flock to you when an event happens.


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