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Thread: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

  1. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by lcitsh View Post
    I disagree.
    Me too. That is a BS cop out. B if you want change, then you have to make it happen.

  2. #50

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Quote Originally Posted by lcitsh View Post
    I disagree.
    What do u not agree with?

  3. Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Quote Originally Posted by lcitsh View Post
    I disagree.
    I agree with your disagree, but and however . . . Lafayette Sports bars pull TV watchers from all over Acadiana.

    Geaux Cajuns

  4. #52

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Quote Originally Posted by lifetimecajun View Post
    What do u not agree with?
    I disagree that LSU fans outnumber Cajun fans in Lafayette.

  5. #53

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Quote Originally Posted by foofoochaisson View Post
    Opinions from cowards who live in the city and don't support the local school are irrelevant. You don't count. Shut your trap. Once upon a time, Auburn was in our position WRT Alabama.
    I own 4 UL football & basketball season tickets. RCAF member too. I am just being realistic.

  6. #54

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Quote Originally Posted by lifetimecajun View Post
    Here is the reality in all this...ul fans in Lafayette are out numbered by lsu fans. Some do support both, but when they have a descision to put on purple shirt or the red shirt.... They wearing purple. It's sad that it is this way but that's the way I see it. So while we can put our wallets up and leave, we are just the minority crowd. It sucks...bad. From a business perspective, owners should accommodate both customers equally. The walk-on customer base is 60-70 percent people with purple stuff in there closet. We are fighting an uphill battle I believe.
    To be fair to Lafayette, this is the same song different verse in every college town in Louisiana. Most residents support the local university, but when forced to make a choice, they will choose LSU. Businesses know this and are in business to make a profit rather than be politically correct in order to pacify a minority.

  7. #55

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Do u realize how many people drive from Lafayette to baton rouge on Saturdays to watch a football game? Do u realize how many current students, alumni from UL drive to BR to tailgate andgo to lsu game? I'll say this...I don't live in laff but I was in a grocery store sat afternoon buying stuff to cook for game and had my UL gear on....I counted 14 people wearing purple shirts in the checkout line. Nobody else in red. I knew 6 of them...all 6 were UL alumni. U figure it out.

  8. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by lifetimecajun View Post
    Do u realize how many people drive from Lafayette to baton rouge on Saturdays to watch a football game? Do u realize how many current students, alumni from UL drive to BR to tailgate andgo to lsu game?
    Let me help answer this question for you for those that are blind on here. I drive to Laf from BR to go to the UL games (exact opposite of these people in everyway), and I've tried counting before. I lose count every time. And those are just the cars with LSU flags or decorations on them that I can see while trees are not between us. It is well into the 100s every single time!Again those are just the cars with decorations that I know where they are going. Also I do realize that some of these are coming from Houston, Sherevport, Alexandria, etc. But there are thousands of LSU season ticket holders that drive from far places every week to see them play.It all sums up to this...we are two very different schools in different leagues when it comes to sports. They are a constant in the Top 25 in most sports. We haven't found the top 25 in years and will take years to get there.

  9. #57

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    A lot of little factors involved in this weekends games.

    There was a lot of national hype for the Oregon game, they were in the National title game last year, plus the regular pull. Marketing works.

    Both games were away, and both were on TV, MetryCajun mentioned it earlier, these establishments are not used to having UL as an option. It's a bad business model but they tend to work on auto pilot.

    I'm with BK I give them a pass.

    Perhaps until Chops main point about UL fans "still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL" fans should schedule ahead and own a location through planning. Jeaux had suggested an Official watch party? and while I think it is a great solution to the current situation, I regret not being in postion to organize one.
    You are though. There is no better place to organize away game watching parties than this site. I mean forty or fifty guys & their fams walking into BWW, Hooter's, Walk On's, The Corner Bar, Pete's, or wherever & you're gonna get management's attention. I'll say it again. The manager at Walk On's didn't even know that UL was on TV until I informed him. It's up to Cajun fans who go out to be informed of their establishment's TV capabilities & the TV channels their team will be broadcast on. It also helps to not be down by 24 when the other guys come on TV. I guarantee you, had UL been in a tight ball game, the manager would not have turned off the volume & gotten paid for the meal by myself.

  10. #58


    These sound like excuses and rationalizations to me. You are either a part of the solution or part of the problem.

    If you are not insulted when someone throws their flag in your face in your own back yard, then fine and more power to you. You can go about your merry way and take the indignities handed to you with a smile on your face.

    However, if you are like me and don't want to take that anymore, then you must do something affirmative to encourage chance. Don't go to the places that don't respect you.

    Quote Originally Posted by lifetimecajun View Post
    Do u realize how many people drive from Lafayette to baton rouge on Saturdays to watch a football game? Do u realize how many current students, alumni from UL drive to BR to tailgate andgo to lsu game? I'll say this...I don't live in laff but I was in a grocery store sat afternoon buying stuff to cook for game and had my UL gear on....I counted 14 people wearing purple shirts in the checkout line. Nobody else in red. I knew 6 of them...all 6 were UL alumni. U figure it out.

  11. #59
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Guys... just support what you support... let people on here know which locations serve UL best. It matters not the current ratio of red to purple. Let's work on what we can do to improve and that will help sort a lot of this out.

  12. #60

    Default Re: We still have a long way to go locally to get this town pro UL

    Quote Originally Posted by lifetimecajun View Post
    Here is the reality in all this...ul fans in Lafayette are out numbered by lsu fans. Some do support both, but when they have a descision to put on purple shirt or the red shirt.... They wearing purple. It's sad that it is this way but that's the way I see it. So while we can put our wallets up and leave, we are just the minority crowd. It sucks...bad. From a business perspective, owners should accommodate both customers equally. The walk-on customer base is 60-70 percent people with purple stuff in there closet. We are fighting an uphill battle I believe.
    That was not the case last night at Pete's, it was about the decision of one person wearing LSU attire behind the bar.

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