This is just a guess on my part and will probably change within the next few games, but I have an assumption as to why Coach Hudspeth is going with Gautier. I heard that Coach had made the comment that Gautier is a playmaker, Masson is not. I think Coach recognizes that Masson is the better passer than Gautier, but Gautier, being more athletic, has a better chance of escaping sacks than does Masson, and can make things happen with his feet, which Masson cannot do. I think Coach is hoping that if he lets Gautier play, he will develop his passing skills well enough that it will be more advantageous to have Gautier play than Masson. That may be a gamble on his part if Gautier does not develop his passing skills, mainly, I think, because that will make the offense one dimensional, run only.
I think Coach will analyze his options these next two weeks and the final decision on quarterback will be made no later than the FIU game.