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Thread: While I hate Judicial Legislation....

  1. #1

    Default While I hate Judicial Legislation....

    Have any UL-Lafayette alumni made any legal noise about the name... here's the theory.. a group of alumni could sue the state to have the name changed because the regionalism of the name unfairly decreases the value of a degree from UL... I've seen lawsuits of weaker arguements...

  2. #2

    Default Re: While I hate Judicial Legislation....

    I'm a practicing attorney in town and would love to initiate such legal action.

  3. #3

    Default Re: While I hate Judicial Legislation....

    So which judge is going to hear this case?

    Not too many judges in this state with U(S)L law degrees.....

  4. Default Re: While I hate Judicial Legislation....

    I don't think that argument works.

    Take the University of Texas. I just checked my dad's degree and it reads "The University of Texas at Austin". That is one of the most prominent public universities in America. Do you think anyone has a hard time getting a job because of the "at Austin" on their degree?

    If your argument is that you can't get a job because your degree says "at Lafayette", I think you'd be thrown out of court immediately. I also think that the reason so many people want "at Lafayette" dropped is for athletic reasons, not job reasons. Most employers in Louisiana (where the vast majority of UL graduates end up working first, I would assume) know ULL or the would be UL and its reputation. I just think you'd have a hard time proving the "at Lafayette" carries such a negative stigma.

    I'm all for ULL dropping the extra L, but I don't think there is a legal case as you described. Wouldn't UL-Monroe then have a case? How is it fair that ULL gets to drop it's L and ULM doesn't get to drop its? Theoretically it would be just as detrimental to a ULM graduate.

    The best thing for UL to do is to keep improving internally. More respect will come and fewer and fewer people will refer to UL as ULL. And winning a couple Sun Belt championships in football couldn't hurt.

  5. #5

    Default Re: While I hate Judicial Legislation....

    Good for you. Let's quit with this non-sense of ULL and keep supporting our University and let its merits do the Talking .

    Just remember this, In 1984 when the name was changed and our neighbors to the East and West couldn't stand our success and had it changed, we would be known as University of Louisiana. Scenario: between 1984 and now, any college that wanted to use the U of L in their name would have to use the city after their U of L. Now, we have been U of L for 20 years, would we then have to put Lafayette after our U of L, I would think so, we would not have exclusive right to U of L, however, for 20 years we would have been Known as Louisiana, and no one could take that from us, regardless of Lafayette, it would be insignificant. So, next time you see a LSU or MSU politician, don't offer him a drink or buy him dinner or VOTE for him. LOL

  6. #6

    Default Re: While I hate Judicial Legislation....

    Quote Originally Posted by USLJim
    Good for you. Let's quit with this non-sense of ULL and keep supporting our University and let its merits do the Talking .

    Just remember this, In 1984 when the name was changed and our neighbors to the East and West couldn't stand our success and had it changed, we would be known as University of Louisiana. Scenario: between 1984 and now, any college that wanted to use the U of L in their name would have to use the city after their U of L. Now, we have been U of L for 20 years, would we then have to put Lafayette after our U of L, I would think so, we would not have exclusive right to U of L, however, for 20 years we would have been Known as Louisiana, and no one could take that from us, regardless of Lafayette, it would be insignificant. So, next time you see a LSU or MSU politician, don't offer him a drink or buy him dinner or VOTE for him. LOL

  7. #7

    Default Re: While I hate Judicial Legislation....

    We are our own worst enemy. On our basketball uniforms we write in Lafayette, on some of our baseball uniforms we write in Lafayette, in the end zones at the football games they write in Lafayette, at the top of the press box they write in Lafayette, etc. etc. We do not use the initials ULA. I could go on and on.

  8. #8

    Default Re: While I hate Judicial Legislation....

    Are there currently any new attempts to get the name changed?

  9. #9

    UL Football Re: While I hate Judicial Legislation....

    I like the ULA idea and I think two years ago ESPN used it for the B-Ball Conference tournament. I think we should stick with UL and refer to ourselves as Louisiana. Eventually, if enough people hear that name and associate it with this university, who cares what the technical name is. I think arguing about it isn't getting us anywhere b/c our neighbors love to see us arguing about something as silly as a name when we can't hold a candle to them in football. YES, I said football, even though we are competitive in other sports, if you've ever lived in BR (I did for 3 years) the only thing that matters there is LSU football. I consider being called ULL (especially from someone not associated with this University) a lack of respect and a joke. We have to start winning some games and demand respect through our accomplishments. You cannot beg someone to respect you. I truly feel that if we can put together a few winnings seasons, challenge for the Sunbelt crown in football, have some more games on TV (especially national TV) we'll get the name recognition that we deserve. Frankly, we haven't shown that we deserve it .... YET!!
    Geaux CAJUNS!!!

  10. #10

    Default Re: While I hate Judicial Legislation....

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun tom
    We are our own worst enemy. On our basketball uniforms we write in Lafayette, on some of our baseball uniforms we write in Lafayette, in the end zones at the football games they write in Lafayette, at the top of the press box they write in Lafayette, etc. etc. We do not use the initials ULA. I could go on and on.

    We are oblgiated to have lafayette somewhere on our uniforms and on the field. They tried to not have lafayette on Cajun field in year one and received a lot of heat. As it is, notice that the baseball team had caps with UL and no Lafayette anywhere in site....they had to get special permission to have those hats and you, we, the public cant buy those hats! Dem apples are sour!

  11. #11

    Default Re: While I hate Judicial Legislation....

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunproud
    I'm a practicing attorney in town

    Well why didnt you say so earlier, I have been looking for you!

  12. Default Re: While I hate Judicial Legislation....

    Quote Originally Posted by locoguano
    Have any UL-Lafayette alumni made any legal noise about the name... here's the theory.. a group of alumni could sue the state to have the name changed because the regionalism of the name unfairly decreases the value of a degree from UL... I've seen lawsuits of weaker arguements...
    I have one more thread to start on this issue, but it is strictly looking at the farce from a timeline of events in 1984.

    As it stands I doubt there is a legal "drop Lafayette" case, but I would like to see the University promote Louisiana half as good as it promotes Lafayette. They promote Lafayette so well the rest of the world thinks the name is University of Lafayette.

    If there were a case it would be in getting rid of the every utterance = Lafayette edict. The legislature doesn't do it, no one in real life does it.

    In fact IN the very law that stated Lafayette had to be used in every utterance, the reference "University of Louisiana System" was only used once an it was noted that for the rest of the law it would be referred to simply as "System" LINK plus comentary

    It seems to me that combination actually creates a case for the use of a commonly preferred name; especially if you make one full reference to establish context.

    Anytime I read a school published document I am reminded of this double standard.

    Geaux Cajuns

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