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Thread: EKL's New Maple Court, Looking Good

  1. #37

    Default Re: Well it's gone ... and a new one is on the way

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunGuru
    Thanks coach, you can learn something new every year when it comes to NCAA rules and regulations. Here's an Idea that you may consider for next year. If I'm reading your comments correctly, then we(as in UL Alumni) can have a signing day celebration if the University is not officially associated with such an event. We can get a few sponsors, just like football to help with cost and charge a admission fee. The admission fee could be used as a fund raiser or donation to both the men's and womens basketball programs. The coaching staffs could attend this event and comment on the new signees. This event would take place the same day that the university releases the official announcements on the signees, just like football. This is exactly the way the football signning day event takes place. Clearly meets all the criteria that NCAA mandates. If you and coach Lee would be interested in seeing such an event take place, let us know. Some of us on this board would be willing to help organize such an event with some sponsors involved. The football program raises money for their recruiting budget every year from this event.
    That is exactly how it has to be done. I (as a coach) can't set it up in any way. THAT IS A GREAT IDEA. I can't speak for Coach Lee but I would be there. Hopefully some of the media might know some of you and get an invitation too. THEY REALLY ARE GOOD GUYS. I'll keep you posted on National Early Signing Date. It is always a fun day for us here at UL. CAN"T WAIT.

  2. #38

    Default Re: Well it's gone ... and a new one is on the way

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    The maple floor is installed, the sanding has begun.

    Turbine: GREAT JOB. As you can see, the floor will be a light color. I'm sure they are still 2 weeks away from the finished product. THANKS.

  3. #39

    Default Re: Well it's gone ... and a new one is on the way

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun
    Coach I have been out of Town for nearly a week and was just wondering IF there has been any finalization of your Contract and the extension!!


    ps Is the court finished?
    The contract has not made it over to E.K.Long to be signed yet. I'm still waiting. Hopefully it won't be long. It was 2 weeks ago today that we last met and I was assured it would be on it's way. I'm not worried. Thanks for all the support. We should find out in the next week about our opponent in the WNIT.

  4. #40

    Default Re: Well it's gone ... and a new one is on the way

    Quote Originally Posted by headragincajun1
    The contract has not made it over to E.K.Long to be signed yet. I'm still waiting. Hopefully it won't be long. It was 2 weeks ago today that we last met and I was assured it would be on it's way. I'm not worried. Thanks for all the support. We should find out in the next week about our opponent in the WNIT.
    It's just awesome for the program to be invited to that event. Congrats on resisting the temptation (a strong one, I'm sure) to tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine. I don't know if I could have done it!

  5. UL Basketball My fantasy floor logo at Earl K. Long Gym

    If I'm not mistaken the center court logo they are going with at EKL Gym
    is going to be based on the old interlocking University of Louisiville logo. . . .

    Just playing around with this but here is my fantasy University of Louisiana logo.

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  6. #42

    Default Re: My fantasy floor logo at Earl K. Long Gym

    Uh oh, don't you know what you've just started? You've activated the meaningless thread launch sequence!!


  7. #43

    Default Re: My fantasy floor logo at Earl K. Long Gym

    Quote Originally Posted by CDeb
    Uh oh, don't you know what you've just started? You've activated the meaningless thread launch sequence!!

    Turbine be ~~~~~~ I'm not even packed yet.
    ps What does the Louisville logo look like?

  8. Default Re: My fantasy floor logo at Earl K. Long Gym

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunGator
    ps What does the Louisville logo look like?
    The logo is found here LINK. Louisville is the 3rd team down and this logo is on the 3rd helmet across
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  9. #45

    Default Re: My fantasy floor logo at Earl K. Long Gym

    thanks .......

  10. Default Re: My fantasy floor logo at Earl K. Long Gym

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunGator
    thanks .......
    I have no proof but here is how I think it will look. Without all the lines and circles of course.

    Attached Images Attached Images  

    Geaux Cajuns

  11. #47

    Default Re: My fantasy floor logo at Earl K. Long Gym

    Come on Turbine, put the Sunbelt logo, Louisiana in the endzones and Louisiana's Ragin Cajun Circles also!! Get to work, dawg.

  12. #48

    Default Re: My fantasy floor logo at Earl K. Long Gym

    It might be because I have grown accustom, I sort of like the interlocking L and U unless they underscore it with Lafayette then I like U-Louisiana.

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