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Thread: ...The Beamer Model. After 6 Years: Bustle has 26 wins Beamer had 24

  1. UL Football ...The Beamer Model. After 6 Years: Bustle has 26 wins Beamer had 24

    Rickey Bustle has 11 win after 3 years at Louisiana
    Frank Beamer had 11 wins after 3 years at Virginia Tech.

    In year 4 RB needs to go 6-5 to keep pace with FB

    I'm going on record as saying I think after 4 years Rickey Bustle will have a 1 game lead over Beamer in the total win department.

    I predict UL will go 7-4

  2. #2

    Default Re: Going into Year 4: Bustle and Beamer tied at 11

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    Rickey Bustle has 11 win after 3 years at Louisiana
    Frank Beamer had 11 wins after 3 years at Virginia Tech.

    In year 4 RB needs to go 6-5 to keep pace with FB

    I'm going on record as saying I think after 4 years Rickey Bustle will have a 1 game lead over Beamer in the total win department.

    I predict UL will go 7-4
    What did you predict last year and in the previous two. I am just trying to get a field of your track record in Bustle's tenure. 7 and 4 would be a good season which would continue the momentum in athletics started by all of the teams this spring.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Going into Year 4: Bustle and Beamer tied at 11

    Turbine that is a great comparison and a nice way to put things in some sort of perspective. Beamer may have been in a tougher conference, but he also had more monies to work with. We WILL get there (money-wise) as we take baby steps, adding things that should have been done many years ago (but at least are being done now) and as we have success, MORE fans and big supporters will help to increase the budget, amenities, and pride in LOUISIANA athletics!!!!

    LOUISIANA 8-3 IN 2005 balls bounce our way this season!!!!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Going into Year 4: Bustle and Beamer tied at 11

    It's good to start talking about football again!!

    Although I haven't looked at it too closely yet, I think this year will be like the last two. Our record could be anywhere from 7-4 to 4-7 with a ton of close games.

  5. Default Re: Going into Year 4: Bustle and Beamer tied at 11

    Dude, seeing that football countdown ticker downer thing gave me the chills. I can't wait. I'm still undecided if I will put up my field goal up. It was a pain to put up, but my Cajun car flag flew gloriously at the top of the uprights.

  6. #6

    UL Football Re: Going into Year 4: Bustle and Beamer tied at 11

    I have the pleasure of knowing both coach Beamer and Bustle and I have all the confidence that history will repeat itself here in Lafayette as it happened in Blacksburg. No one gave the "Gobblers" a chance. Charactor and hard work are the basis of any success. Coach Bryant didn't make Alabama a legend over night. The year 2005 will mark a time in UL football that will be the begining of many, many years of great history which will be told and retold of how dreams became reality. Old men will shed tears in The Swamp because the pride they held within for so long will be all about them in the cheers of thousands of fans.

    As we have seen this year in softball, baseball and men's & women's basketball ... don't EVER look down your nose at a Cajun because they may be looking back at you when they cross the victory line.

    Good luck boys! Good luck Ragin Cajuns! Superdome here we come!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Going into Year 4: Bustle and Beamer tied at 11

    You guys are nutz! 12-0 and Orange Bowl Champs! Texas goes 12-1 and wins the BCS championship and da Cajuns are still the only team in America to beat them! Then we run an official RaginPagin poll and declare ourselves "Co"- National Champs!

    PS. After this incredible season, our game at Tigger stadium gets canceled because "they dont want us to fight with their players!"

  8. #8

    Default Re: Going into Year 4: Bustle and Beamer tied at 11

    8-3......and on to greater things

  9. Default Re: Going into Year 4: Bustle and Beamer tied at 11

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike
    What did you predict last year and in the previous two. I am just trying to get a field of your track record in Bustle's tenure. 7 and 4 would be a good season which would continue the momentum in athletics started by all of the teams this spring.
    My track record isn't the best. Last year I predicted 8-3 and it looks like I was really off, but I don't feel so bad, because in reality Louisiana was 17 points from an 8-3 record.

    We will do an anonomous poll as the seaon gets closer. If you participated in last years poll, you can look at the poll and your pick will sort of be italicized. LINK

  10. #10

    Default Re: Going into Year 4: Bustle and Beamer tied at 11

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    Rickey Bustle has 11 win after 3 years at Louisiana
    Frank Beamer had 11 wins after 3 years at Virginia Tech.

    In year 4 RB needs to go 6-5 to keep pace with FB

    I'm going on record as saying I think after 4 years Rickey Bustle will have a 1 game lead over Beamer in the total win department.

    I predict UL will go 7-4
    A RB should have no trouble keeping pace with a FB

  11. #11

    Default Re: Going into Year 4: Bustle and Beamer tied at 11

    Quote Originally Posted by ATXCajun
    A RB should have no trouble keeping pace with a FB
    ohhh, very clever...

  12. #12

    UL Football Re: Going into Year 4: Bustle and Beamer tied at 11

    I predicted 7-4 last year also. We really had a legitimate chance to do that. Many games were so close..... so very close.

    I need a chance to analyze the schedule again before I make my prediction for this year.

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