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Thread: UL's Baron Babineaux sees his bodybuilding dream being realized

  1. Default UL's Baron Babineaux sees his bodybuilding dream being realized

      Baron Babineaux Jr. has spent eight months pursuing competitive bodybuilding, a sport that relies on listening to instructions and seeing the results of gym hours, without having the ability to do either.

    At age 12, Babineaux was diagnosed with Usher’s syndrome, which means he is deaf and legally blind.

    The rest of the story

  2. Default Re: UL's Baron Babineaux sees his bodybuilding dream being realized

    I'm not sure how Baron communicates but the few people I have met with Usher’s syndrome, sign to you, but hold your hands while you sign to them.

    The first person I ever met with Usher’s syndrome came up to me and grabbed my hands as if to say "start talking" I don't sign, I panicked, I didn't know what to do.

    So I grabbed his hands, put them on my shoulders and shrugged. He understood me, I wish I could say the same.

    Someday I would like to meet Baron and do more than shrug.

  3. Default Re: UL's Baron Babineaux sees his bodybuilding dream being realized

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    _ I'm not sure how Baron communicates but the few people I have met with Usher’s syndrome, sign to you, but hold your hands while you sign to them.

    The first person I ever met with Usher’s syndrome came up to me and grabbed my hands as if to say "start talking" I don't sign, I panicked, I didn't know what to do.

    So I grabbed his hands, put them on my shoulders and shrugged. He understood me, I wish I could say the same.

    Someday I would like to meet Baron and do more than shrug. _
    A great mom and Dad----BTW Dad was a hell of a tight end and his sister was our governor!!!!

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