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Thread: Disruptive Fans

  1. #1

    UL Baseball Disruptive Fans

    In view of our reputation of having rude fans (at least in one city), I found the information on the attached link to Boyds World interesting. Look at the Yankee's Followup section, third bulleted item.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Disruptive Fans

    A few years ago I went to an LSU vs. Mississippi state game and had the pleasure of seeing how rude their fans can be. I seen nachos thrown on someone and thats not what this game should be about. If your at a game to watch your favorite team play you should never be subject to that type of stuff. I will say with how much I dislike lsu, I do have friends that go there and know people that do and they have some great fans but there are fans that give everyone a bad name.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Disruptive Fans

    Regarding the Yankees/RedSox, from last years ALCS playoffs

  4. Default Re: Disruptive Fans

    Quote Originally Posted by Clutch0364
    A few years ago I went to an LSU vs. Mississippi state game and had the pleasure of seeing how rude their fans can be. I seen nachos thrown on someone and thats not what this game should be about. If your at a game to watch your favorite team play you should never be subject to that type of stuff. I will say with how much I dislike lsu, I do have friends that go there and know people that do and they have some great fans but there are fans that give everyone a bad name.

    My dad is an Alum from Ole Miss, so when I was growing up we would follow Ole Miss football pretty heavily. Anyway, my dad got tickets for us all to go see Ole Miss and LSU play in baton rouge. To say it was a bad experiance, would be an understatement. I had beer poured on me, and saw a knife pulled on my dad in the bathroom, thankfully some other good guys helped break that up. Its all good though, I've just tried to make myself more useful and support my school and not worry about theirs.


  5. #5

    Default Re: Disruptive Fans

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuffguy21
    My dad is an Alum from Ole Miss, so when I was growing up we would follow Ole Miss football pretty heavily. Anyway, my dad got tickets for us all to go see Ole Miss and LSU play in baton rouge. To say it was a bad experiance, would be an understatement. I had beer poured on me, and saw a knife pulled on my dad in the bathroom, thankfully some other good guys helped break that up. Its all good though, I've just tried to make myself more useful and support my school and not worry about theirs.

    Amen, lets focus on the Cajuns and not worry about everybody else.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Disruptive Fans

    Now that is what I have been saying all along!!! Amen, fellow Cajun Fans, Amen!!

    Lets pool those energies in funding projects, helpin(sweat equity)complete projects, buying season tickets, spreading the excitement, and getting friends and family and their friends and family to get involved also!!!!!!!!!!

    Louisiana Loving DaddyCajun!!

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