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Thread: THANKS TO USC(Really).....

  1. Default THANKS TO USC(Really).....

    LSU will now forever be known outside of Baton Rouge, as the other team that won the National Championship that one year in football. You never know....there may come a time where the Paper Tigers get dropkicked year in and out by Louisiana. It's about to start in basketball and I think we take 2 of 3 in baseball every time. Thanks Trojans!

  2. Default Re: THANKS TO USC(Really).....

    Then again they stole (sortof) a basketball recruit.

  3. #3

    Default Re: THANKS TO USC(Really).....

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    Then again they stole (sortof) a basketball recruit.

    Dont think he would have made the grades anyway because at UL you take your own test ask Rocky Scelfo that is why he left.

  4. Default Re: THANKS TO USC(Really).....

    Then again USC has a UL connection.

    Louisiana's oldest alum (107) has a grandson who is a huge USC fan.

    Geaux Cajuns

  5. Default Re: THANKS TO USC(Really).....

    thats good to hear; cheering for ANY school(preferably UL, UT, USC) is better than cheering for the LSU Paper Tigers. I'm not saying they are gay.(Just not straight)

  6. #6

    Default Re: THANKS TO USC(Really).....

    Quote Originally Posted by AberGame
    thats good to hear; cheering for ANY school(preferably UL, UT, USC) is better than cheering for the LSU Paper Tigers. I'm not saying they are gay.(Just not straight)

    it is like the shirts said if you don't support UL then move to baton rouge go cajuns.........

  7. This is Upsetting Re: THANKS TO USC(Really).....

    Quote Originally Posted by AberGame
    LSU will now forever be known outside of Baton Rouge, as the other team that won the National Championship that one year in football. You never know....there may come a time where the Paper Tigers get dropkicked year in and out by Louisiana. It's about to start in basketball and I think we take 2 of 3 in baseball every time. Thanks Trojans!
    You know, I don't post here very often, but when I do, I try to be as cordial as possible. You.....are a babling clown! Yes the is a cajun board! But what's with all of the bull ~~~~~ you are posting here about LSU? Apparently, from what I can see, nobody on this board finds you that amusing. You sound like some sort of child that had someone take something from him, not to mention you are acting like an idiot also!!
    Listen to what Daddy Cajun told you on a previous post.....focus on the cajuns and cajuns only! You should listen to him as he always seems to post with class, integrity, and sense!! People like you worry more about what goes on with LSU rather than worry about your own school which desperately needs your help!! Now, get a life and take that pacifier out of your mouth!! To the rest of you cajun fans, sorry for the ranting!
    Good luck in the regionals!!

  8. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: THANKS TO USC(Really).....

    Wow KingTiger it sounds like your panties are really n a knot. I honestly don;t think it is b/c people post stuff about LSUAM@BR.Ithink it is b/c you and everyone else in Baton Rouge are worried about becoming the second most popular school in the state. I know you can feel us on your heels about ready to pass; so be scared, be very scared. Our showing at the big dance was head and shoulders better than those poor ~~~ tigers and if the refs don;t give every call to lsu we beat ya'll in your own tournament. Baseball is another story and i pray everynight we can play the kittens of baton rouge b/c Ardoin and Faught would be mowing down batters. geaux cajuns!

  9. #9

    Default Re: THANKS TO USC(Really).....

    I do not have a problem with Kingtiger he has come here plenty of times and I had a confrontation with him but I realized I was a little out of line. He is actually a good tigger fan. the one thing I have to say about us talking about LSU is we have to worry about our business and not worry about them all the time. Our success is not dependent on them failing. But Kingtiger go to the LSU delphi board and there are more post about UL than LSU and that is what gives good LSU fans a bad name. There has to be a change on both sides before our fans can be completely cordial with each other.

  10. Default Re: THANKS TO USC(Really).....

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunApostle
    Wow KingTiger it sounds like your panties are really n a knot. I honestly don;t think it is b/c people post stuff about LSUAM@BR.Ithink it is b/c you and everyone else in Baton Rouge are worried about becoming the second most popular school in the state. I know you can feel us on your heels about ready to pass; so be scared, be very scared. Our showing at the big dance was head and shoulders better than those poor ~~~ tigers and if the refs don;t give every call to lsu we beat ya'll in your own tournament. Baseball is another story and i pray everynight we can play the kittens of baton rouge b/c Ardoin and Faught would be mowing down batters. geaux cajuns!
    Uuhhh......see my reply to abergame above. You are a clown just the same. You give youself too much credit!! Thanks for somewhat covering for me clutch! That delphi board (all of 'em) is childish pretty much all of the time! I don't post there and as I've said before, I have just as many cajun fans as I do tiger fans. If you notice, there are about 15-20 different people that post there under different names. Yes BOTH sides need to grow up and lighten up. This mess is getting tired and old. I didn't come here to start trouble! By the way appostle, my diploma reads as follows: Louisiana State University & Agricultural & Mechanical College. Although everyone knows it is in Baton Rouge, nowhere is BR located after the school name! What does yours read?

  11. Default Re: THANKS TO USC(Really).....

    Quote Originally Posted by KingTiger
    Listen to what Daddy Cajun told you on a previous post.....focus on the cajuns and cajuns only!
    kingtiger, perhaps you should listen to DaddyCajun yourself. This is a Cajun forum, not a tiger one, if you want to complain, please do it on a tiger forum.

  12. #12

    Default Re: THANKS TO USC(Really).....

    As much of a diehard Cajun fan I am, I have to agree with King Tiger. If we focus our energy on rejoicing in someone else's misfortune as the key to our success, we will be sorely disappointed. It's a childish thing to do and shows a lack to class.

    I also remember how many times we've complained that LSU gets all the attention and that they shouldn't be the only ones who are allowed to do good and progess and get press. Why? Because we were of the opinion that if all schools have success and get attention, then the state is better for it. That being said, how can we still believe this, yet rejoice when LSU does bad.

    I personally feel like we should try to improve our relationship with LSU and their fans. Who knows, maybe on the weekends that LSU isn't playing homegames in (name whatever sport here), they might actually come and support us, ...........IF we show them respect. I can't tell you how happy I was when I'd see LSU hats and shirts at our games this past year, because to me it said "Hey I'm an LSU fan, but I also wanna support UL."

    Anyhoo, kudos to the future.

    God Bless.

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