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Thread: John Cutrera

  1. #1

    UL Football QB's

    All this Talk about Hundley, Babb, and Desormeaux and nobody seems to mention a word about John Cutrera. Yea a prefered walk on who is payin every penny to go to school who got scout team player of the week this past fall twice while Desormeaux never got it once. Even talk Desormeaux might switch to reciever. Big jump from 3a to D-1 football. No matter what Babb does he will be Mr. Lafayette in all the peoples hearts. Just like they blamed the Troy game on everbody else. Get a clue Lafayette just because they went to Private school and they Advertiser actually covered them doesnt meen they are the best player out there. I think the guy who led Acadiana to 2 straight 5a semi final appearnances might shock some hearts in Lafayette

  2. #2

    UL Football John Cutrera

    Where can I find scoop on John Cutrera?

  3. #3


    what exactly do you want to know?

    One, John is a nice guy so any kind of critism I give him is not to be exacted on his character because he seems to be a very nice person.

    One, he's a little short to play Qauterback and not very mobile along with poor arm strength for the college level. With the additions of Connor Morel and John Hundley there will be 4 qauterbacks to compete with. All of these qauterbacks are very promising but I just do not see a spot opening up for John. He would need to change positions and to what I'm not exactly sure. Most would say qauterbacks normally make good DB's but John's speed is bad so I think he would need to improve on that. Or there is wide receiver, which is the place John could, emphasis on the word COULD play. One he would need time to develop dramatically on strength and SPEED. In a different offense he may not fit at Wide out but with recent success by guys like Eric Bartel and other under sized recievers at UL the possibilities are there. The one thing John has is he's very smart and I think he knows the game so I think what he would lack in athletic ability he would be able to make for by using his brain. I think John could have the potential to be a possession receiver. But as it looks now John may be the dreaded career scout team player.

    I could be wrong but thats my two sense. And I certainly hope John proves me wrong he's a good guy and seems to be hard working so I think he may have real potential.

  4. #4

    Default retard

    im guessin 6'2" 195 just isnt very good size, your truly a retard. Morel must be a stud he was backup at a powerhouse in Natchitcohes. Just watch and see at the spring game. Had a much better freshman season than Desooremaux and if Hundly wasnt a 19 year senior in high school he would be in a frat by now.

  5. #5


    I don't want to start a fight, I was hoping to hear his attributes not his negatives. What did he do in high school? I don't know anything about this guy.

  6. #6


    John Cutrera has a brother who made all-state LB at Acadiana High last football season. He has gotten looks from many different colleges but I do not know of any offers. From what I heard this would be a steal as a walk on, a may be worth a scholarship as we are in need of LB's. If any of you have seen him play I would like your opinion.

  7. #7

    Default Cutrera

    I wish we had a chance with the younger one. Letters from Miami,LSU, hand written letter from Pete Carroll at USC unless injury just wont happen

  8. Default Cutrera

    John is a damn good Quarterback that nobody knows about, wasnt recruited much out of high school cause Acadiana threw the ball 4 times a game. you put him in lafayette high or STM offense and it a different story. kid grew alot since high school, really matured alot. his biggest asset is his smarts on the feild. he does have a younger brother who a good at football. i agree the chances of him goin to ul our about as good as john kerry winnin president, we will see him at a big time d-1. but dont count john out cause he did outdue alot of ppl in the fall. and Corso is sayin he will prolly win the heisman. but thats if your in to that kind of things.

  9. #9
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: QB's

    Originally posted by cajunshockey
    All this Talk about Hundley, Babb, and Desormeaux and nobody seems to mention a word about John Cutrera. Yea a prefered walk on who is payin every penny to go to school who got scout team player of the week this past fall twice while Desormeaux never got it once. Even talk Desormeaux might switch to reciever. Big jump from 3a to D-1 football. No matter what Babb does he will be Mr. Lafayette in all the peoples hearts. Just like they blamed the Troy game on everbody else. Get a clue Lafayette just because they went to Private school and they Advertiser actually covered them doesnt meen they are the best player out there. I think the guy who led Acadiana to 2 straight 5a semi final appearnances might shock some hearts in Lafayette
    Get a clue Lafayette??? The city?

    John Q public doesnt have anything to say about who plays QB....

    You arent doin your buddy Cutrera any favors with your post....

    If hes as good as you say, he'll get his shot.

  10. #10


    Hey, I just call it like I see it, you can call me any name you want to but, like I said I got nothing against the guy. You probably know the guy and are taking offense to my critique, I don't really care, I've seen every single practice and I've seen alot of college football and these are the things I see. Now there is no need for name calling now if you want to debate this thats fine. I'm not angry because you obviously have ties to the kid and are in his corner, I like him too. Now your right I don't know anything about Hundley but the people say he's pretty good granted they don't know everything but in alot of cases they are a reliable source. I have heard some negatives but, I'd like to wait till the fall to see for myself. No offense man, but I've seen IT Jerry is the kind of guy who has IT and he didn't always have the kind of game he brings to the table. So, like I said I think John has potential I really do but unless he really brings it in the spring I'm not sure how good his future is, ya know. Now Connor Morel you down play the guy and not only have I seen this guy play but, from one of my reliable sources I have been told that he has the potential to be the real deal, not only is he athletic and strong but, he has a really good attitude. And I also failed to mention that Connor will be out for a year so this may give John some slack with the coaches because he would have been in the system for a longer time period. Now you also say that Desormeaux is not as good of a qauterback as John is and this is where we definently disagree. Micheal Desomeaux is very athletic in some aspects he is almost more athletic than Jerry, the way he moves in the pocket and is able to buy time and get the ball out really impressed me. Plus he has speed and can make moves in the open field. Now I'm gonna wish John the best of luck but he is gonna have his work cut out for him, both Micheal and John and the Hundley kid coming in the fall, they may move Butch back to QB too. Losing Luke really hurt because we lost a backup with college game experience. If Jerry should happen to go down someone is gonna have to step up.

    Thats my Take on IT

  11. Default

    Its not a secret the Desormeaux is a better athlete then Babb. he can play anywhere on the field and be good at it.

  12. #12


    Has any thought ever been givin to using Desormeaux like New Mexico State's Young QB Dembroski. Where they use him at QB and run him out at WR. Just wondering what ya'll thought about that.

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