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Thread: The Book: 2007 Football

  1. #1201

    Default Re: My first post...GOOO CAJUNS!!!!

    1. If Bustle did post this, then he needs to be fired immediately. What self-respecting football coach would waste his valuable time typing up something like this when he should be immersed in dissecting game film and coming up with some way of motivating his players for the most important game of the year? (BTW, I don't think it's Bustle).

    2. Can we get some of Desormeaux' "great heart" and Fenroy's "drive and spirit" and pass it around to the rest of the team and the coaching staff? Perhaps we should expect the great-hearted and the driven/spirited to impart some of those qualities to their teammates?

    3. If we're not going to criticize the players on this board, why say that Hundley "was not ready, perhaps not mature enough. I wish him well and hope he learns the virtue of patience and the concept of being on a team?" Why imply that he is immature, impatient, and selfish? I, personally, have know way of knowing how he would have done had he been put into the game, and neither do any of us on this board, because Bustle never put him in.

  2. #1202

    UL Softball Re: My first post...GOOO CAJUNS!!!!

    I know who this is and I can SEE U from my seats at Cajun Field and Lady Cajun Park!!! He is a season ticket holder for Football and Softball!!!

    Throw me a Softball, as ICU Eyeman! You ought to hit this one out the park!!

    He is a grad of UL and UAB!!!

  3. #1203

    UL Football Re: Official Louisiana-Lafayette Injury Report (as of Wednesday, September 19, 2007):

    Hope these young men heal up soon and also have some players step up!!


  4. Default Re: My first post...GOOO CAJUNS!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by DestinCajun View Post
    _ Fight on Cajuns, fight on to victory
    for the red and white.
    We will sing of triumph and glory
    for our team tonight.
    You will hear the rage of the Cajuns
    so let's give a YELL! (Ayeee!)
    Hustle up and bustle up and fight on to victory.
    Geaux UL! _

    Geaux Cajuns

  5. #1205

    Default Re: It's "No Use" Hundley Leaves Team

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunproud View Post
    _ And so, the unraveling begins. Do you honestly think we will get another decent local recruit after Saturday night? I seriously doubt it. Maybe if we come back and win the conference, but short of that, looks very hopeless right now. _
    Can I ask a quick questions and I mean this with the most respect? Why is everyone so into "local" recruits? There are many fantastic players outside of Lafayette and it seems to me UL should go after any and all players that will benefit the team local or not local. Of course I am biased but just thought I would ask.

  6. #1206

    This is so COOL Re: My first post...GOOO CAJUNS!!!!

    I'm not Bustle....just kidding with the guy who called me Bustle. No one knows how Hundley would have done, but it seems that speculation is always 20/15 and hindsight is 20/20. I did not use the word selfish in my post once, so don't misquote me. I think Des Mo is a great player with character and heart...I do hope it is the way, he also has shown maturity and patience and has been the ultimate team player...he is the leader of this Cajun squad. Nobody can dispute that. GOOOO Cajuns.

  7. #1207

    Default Re: Hundley Leaves Team

    Quote Originally Posted by Choppie29 View Post
    _ No one was complaining about Mike the first two games when the O-line played well. The O-line didn't show up Saturday and Mike couldn't do anything. Fenroy and Mike both ran well against Ohio, they didn't do much against McNeese. Running the ball well gives us opportunity in the passing game. It's no mystery why we couldn't throw the ball Saturday and it starts with the O-line getting dominated.

    Mike is a Junior this year and he will be our starting QB next year, so some fans had better get used to it.....and he will only get better.

    I hate to see Hundley quit the team, but I doubt if anyone here knows the real reason why he quit. I wish him well. _
    I thought on so many plays that the oline gave Des time to get that ball off but he was a little slow with the snap. That probably comes with being new and it will take him some time to develop that ability. He is really good with the running game. Quite obvious that he has had alot of experience in that area. I think it is just going to take a few games to get everyone on the same page. I hope so anyways.
    Best to leave McNeese behind and move on to Troy. One game at a time.

  8. #1208

    Default Re: Hundley Leaves Team

    Quote Originally Posted by MissingMandy View Post
    _ I thought on so many plays that the oline gave Des time to get that ball off but he was a little slow with the snap. That probably comes with being new and it will take him some time to develop that ability. He is really good with the running game. Quite obvious that he has had alot of experience in that area. I think it is just going to take a few games to get everyone on the same page. I hope so anyways.
    Best to leave McNeese behind and move on to Troy. One game at a time. _
    There was a night and day difference in the play of the OLine from the Ohio game to the McNeese game. In the first half of the Ohio game Mike picked apart their secondary. Mike also had zero interceptions against South Carolina and Ohio.

    He is a great runner, but he is a better passer than some give him credit for. I don't care who the QB is, you can't make plays when you are on your back. I think that McNeese had a good game plan on defense and they EXECUTED. We didn't execute on offense. I don't care if you have the best game plan in the world, if players don't make plays, it won't work and it all starts up front with the lines on offense and defense. We got outplayed in the trenches all night long, especially on defense.

    All of that being said, I know that the O Line will get it together. We haven't been ranked in the Top 10 in the nation in rushing the last two years for nothing.

  9. #1209

    Default Re: Hundley Leaves Team

    Quote Originally Posted by Choppie29 View Post
    All of that being said, I know that the O Line will get it together. We haven't been ranked in the Top 10 in the nation in rushing the last two years for nothing. _
    That is why I don't understand why the coaching staff went to the younger supposedly quicker OLine. I don't think they protected as good.

  10. #1210

    Default Re: My first post...GOOO CAJUNS!!!!

    Cayenne Eyeman,

    "I did not use the word selfish in my post once, so don't misquote me. "

    I did not quote you as using the word selfish. You said he needed to learn what it means to be on a team. That implies (I did say "imply") that he does not know what a team is, which leads, logically, to the conclusion that he places himself over his teammates and is selfish. Sorry for the confusion.

    I hope Desormeaux' heart is more than just "contagious." I hope he FORCES others on the team to display the same sort of enthusiasm. Sometimes a leader leads by example, some times they lead by force.

  11. #1211

    This is so COOL Re: My first post...GOOO CAJUNS!!!!

    Hey Kingfish,

    Thanks for your reply. Please trust that I am not trying to bust Hundley's chops....I am still in the process of maturing and think it is a lifelong process....just ask my wife. Des Mo can lead by example, but I don't think he can force anyone to do anything. His teammates will hopefully catch the bug...if they do, look out cajun fans.

    And to put aside the Carolina accent and to show that I really am from Acadiana....
    GEAUX CAJUNS!!!!!!!

  12. #1212

    Default Re: Hundley Leaves Team

    Quote Originally Posted by gridiron View Post
    _ That is why I don't understand why the coaching staff went to the younger supposedly quicker OLine. I don't think they protected as good. _
    I agree, our OL is very young. I was pleasantly surprised in our first 2 games. Maybe McNeese saw something that they were able to capitalize on. Didn't they have 2 weeks to prepare? The experience will payoff in the long run for these guys. We just are all tired of waiting for everything to come together. Let's hope it starts this weekend.

    Geaux UL!

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