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Thread: The Book: 2007 Football

  1. #97

    Default Re: Hello, Cajuns

    Z - was down for awhile yesterday. It's back up and running now...

  2. #98

    Default South Carolina's Cook charged with unlawful possession of pistol

  3. UL Football More Trouble for Gamecocks Before Opener vs. Cajuns (KADN)

      South Carolina safety Emmanuel Cook was arrested on a gun charge and suspended from the university on Friday, making him ineligible to play for the Gamecocks.

    Cook, 19, was charged with unlawful possession of a pistol, according to a police report.

    Cook and James Gore III, 21, were arrested by University of South Carolina police Thursday night at a parking lot near campus dormitories, the report said.

    The athletic department issued a statement saying Cook was suspended from the university because of an arrest involving a weapon.

    The rest of the story
    By Associated Press

    Chris Mycoskie

    Homes SO Clean

  4. UL Football KLAF (Cox cable 13) To Begin Airing Rickey Bustle's Coaches Show Monday, Sept. 3

      UL Fans are invited to attend the taping of Coach Bustle's show every Monday, starting 11:15 a.m. at Baja Beach Grill

    LOUISIANA La. - With the start of the 2007 football season around the corner, KLAF-TV will begin airing Louisiana's Ragin' Cajuns head football coach Rickey Bustle's Coaches Show every Monday, beginning Sept. 3. Coach Bustle's show will begin taping every Monday morning at 11:15 a.m. at Baja Beach Grill located on Bertrand Drive.

    UL fans are invited to join the KLAF television crew during the taping. The show will air at a new and improved time of 9:30 p.m. on Monday nights, only on KLAF.

    A total of 12 UL football coaches shows will be taped this year, airing on the following dates: Sept. 3, Sept. 10, Sept. 17, Sept. 24, Oct. 1, Oct. 8, Oct. 15, Oct. 22, Nov. 5, Nov. 12, Nov. 19 and Nov. 26. No coaches show will air on Oct. 29 (UL's Open Date week).
    Chris Yandle

    Homes SO Clean

  5. Default Re: KLAF To Begin Airing Rickey Bustle's Coaches Show Monday, Sept. 3


  6. UL Football Ragin' Cajuns prepare for special situations

      Every football team is filled with special situations, and UL's football team did its best to go through most of them Saturday.

    In what has become an annual session just before the start of game week, Cajun coach Rickey Bustle showed his team 72 scripted scenarios for the morning workout, and went over procedures for each.

    "There's so many situations, you're never going to get to all of them," Bustle said, "but we started some of these yesterday and the day before so the guys could get a look. We had some snafus, but we took them through a lot."

    The Cajuns, who open their 2007 season next Saturday at South Carolina, went through a full game-day experience during the morning session including pre-game warmup procedures that begin precisely 55 minutes before kickoff.

    The rest of the story

    Dan McDonald

    Homes SO Clean

  7. UL Football Brad Bustle: Student Athlete...coaches son

      A long time before he was playing football, Brad Bustle was hanging around football coaches.

    He was born in 1987, not long after his father went to Virginia Tech as quarterbacks coach. By the time dad became the Hokies' offensive coordinator and Tech made the first of what is now 13 straight bowl

    Six years later, the Hokies played for a national championship, and Brad was at the Louisiana Superdome taking it all in.

    When his family took another trip to South Louisiana in 2002, this time when father Rickey became head coach at UL, he had a whole new set of coaches to evaluate and emulate.

    Is there any wonder that his future plans, after he finishes his playing career under his father, are to enter the coaching ranks?

    "I've always thought of myself doing that," Brad said. "I've never thought about doing anything else."

    The rest of the story

    Dan McDonald

    Homes SO Clean

  8. UL Football Need for speed: UL's 2007 offense in focus

      Unlike its professional counterpart, college football is known for creating wildly unique offenses.

    The Single-wing. The Wishbone. The Run-and-Shoot.

    Each offensive scheme is a college creation.

    These days, the spread is currently in vogue, with more and more collegiate offenses going to some variation of the no-huddle attack. Teams are incorporating more traditional attack variations into their own version of the spread, but the intent is the same - put the offense in control of how quickly the game takes place.

    UL has used a version of the no-huddle over the past two years, one that featured the option, and had some measure of success, including back-to-back seasons among the nation's top 15 rushing teams.

    "I don't know if anyone out there is trying to do what we're doing with tempo," said new offensive coordinator Blake Anderson. "What we're doing between the whistles is different."

    The rest of the story

    Dan McDonald

    Homes SO Clean

  9. #105

    Default TV games this season?

    Can anybody please tell me what games will be televised this football season? I seem to remember a thread about this already being started, but I can't find it.

    Peace and God Bless

  10. #106

    Default Re: TV games this season?

    I do not know of any game that will be on TV this season. I guess that we will have to go to all of them in person.

  11. #107

    UL Football Re: TV games this season?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sid View Post
    Can anybody please tell me what games will be televised this football season? I seem to remember a thread about this already being started, but I can't find it.

    Peace and God Bless
    2007 UL TV Games:
    09/01 @ South Carolina (CSS) Picked up by ESPN Gameplan
    10/06 vs North Texas (ESPN+) Picked up by CoxSports
    10/20 vs Florida Atlantic (ESPN+) Picked up by CoxSports
    11/03 @ Tennessee (CSS) We will find out ESPN Gameplan info closer to the game...I would guess that it will be.

  12. #108

    UL Football Re: TV games this season?

    Can you get the game if you have Cox digital cable

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