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Thread: The Book: 2007 Football

  1. #781

    Default Re: I like my crow...

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90 View Post
    _ You are blaming Zeebart for the loss? Cajun fans do not need to start turning on each other. _
    You're right. It's BOP's fault!

  2. #782

    Default Re: Cowboys

    One thing that the Cajuns need to be proud of is the fact that there was a prayer said before the game. That is not done at our place and I think it is a necessary part of any athletic event. Cajuns ---- I am proud of you..

    Mike Clark

  3. #783

    Default Re: I like my crow...

    Sometimes we just crow to much and never back it up. Talk the Talk never Walk the Walk.

  4. #784

    Default Re: Cowboys

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginEsquire06 View Post
    _...and I STILL believe that the Cajuns will have a good season! As justified by all of the mistakes by the Cajuns...the pressure to win tonight, in front of such a large crowd (in terms of playing at the swamp...) must have been overwhelming for the players. Don't get to down WILL get better! _
    please post your lead-pipe 'best bets' of each week no later than wednesday, and be honest about it, please. i have been looking for some way to beat the game and retire a few years early.

  5. #785

    UL Football Re: Cowboys

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunpride101 View Post
    _ Agreed!
    The fact that people are on this thread & at this website shows that we still believe.

    I had us picked as a 2-1 start and can't believe the past couple of unpredictable weeks. Just like last year's 3-2 start and then taking a nose dive. Hell, we all think that Troy will roll next week........just watch the Cajuns pull out a "W". You never know.... _
    You never know. The Cajuns might take out their frustrations on Troy just like Mich. did on Notre Dame but they better have their A game up & running.

  6. #786

    Default Re: Cowboys

    Quote Originally Posted by Boudin&Cracklin View Post
    _ I love this university and am very proud to have a degree from USL, but I will not be returning to cajun field the rest of this season. My season tickets will stay in the folder in the file cabinet.
    I share your frustration. But if everyone had the same attitude that you do, the stadium would have been completely empty during the Baldwin years and the team would not have been able to survive financially. There would be no UL football team today.

    But YOU got to attend a football game yesterday--and it was because of people like me and most others on this board, who understand that to enjoy the good years you have to suffer through the bad. I'll be there next week. And when the Cajuns start to do well, whenever that may be, it'll be no thanks to "fans" like you.

  7. #787

    Default Re: Cowboys

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90 View Post
    _ That McNeese team would have beat half the teams in the Belt. The year isn't over. We need to collect ourselves and do a gut check and take it to the Belt. Remember Appie state etc... there is not much difference between a good 1-AA team and a 1-A team. Don't give up! _
    Pls tell me this is a misquote. Pls tell me you really don't believe this? First, the year is over, it doesn't matter if we win 6 games or none, this lost to McNeese at home. There isn't much difference btwn IA and IAA???? Are you kidding me? You should rephrase that statement to read there is not much difference btwn a good IAA team and a bad IA team playing in a bad conference.

    And to all of the others on this board who cockstrutted around all week and saying, 'we would never play in Lake Charles', and 'we moved up to IA b/c it was right for us' and our facilities are so much better'..... take a good long hard look at this program. It is a mediocre program playing in the worst conference in IA. And what do you have to hang your hat on? NOTHING!...Nothing but to go around and say we are Div IA, with the hope of going to some low life bowl game (never) that absolutely noone gives a darn about!

    BTW, I would much rather be McNeese and have a chance to play in a playoff. Good luck to you guys.

  8. #788

    Default Troy Trojans vs. Louisiana Game Thread

    I know that I'm going to get some looks for starting this thread but I have a point.

    2005: The Cajuns start the season 1-5 including embarrassing road loss to Eastern Michigan, a should've win at home against Central Florida and a horrible loss to FAU at home. Folks start shouting for Bustle's head.

    The season ends 6-5 with a share of the conference crown. Optimism is felt for 06'.

    2006: The Cajuns start the season 3-2 after a home defense against Eastern Michigan and a tremendous road win over Houston. Folks are loving life and I myself was thinking about a bowl berth(not the NO BOWL)

    The Cajuns then take a nose dive towards a sub-par season.

    2007: Optimism was TREMENDOUSLY high for this year and we've started 0-3. We should be 2-1 but should doesn't pay the bills.

    I for one have to move on from this game and hope for a season much like 05'(but hopefully a bit better)

    We may not think that our players deserve our support but they do. We are NOT going to get any better if we don't unite as a team and community.

    Here's to a great game against Troy and a hopeful "W" for us.

  9. Default Re: I'm done

    I left Huntsville, TX at 12:30pm to drive four hours to Lafayette, this is after only four hours of sleep on Friday night. I must say that I am more than aggravated, to believe that I wasted that much time, money, and energy to see that game. There is only so many times that a product can be dissappointing before people give up on it. I'm tired of looking at UL with rose-colored glasses and thinking that things are better than what they are, not just in sports but with the university overall.

  10. #790

    Default Re: Cowboys

    Quote Originally Posted by cayenethepepper View Post
    _'re gonna get "hammered" for saying that statment. Wonder where these people that were saying we should NEVER play McNeese St. because we're soooooooooooo much better, and sooooooooooo much more talented, and have a sooooooooooo much better program are right now?

    Not trying to rub anything in anybody's face but I've said it and I'll say it again. This season is OVER. Maybe 5-8K in attendance next week vs. Troy St. After that, maybe 5K. Hopefully the program at least made a big chunk of change with all the McNeese people coming in because it's not going to make crap the rest of the season.
    That's another thing some smarty pants people were posting ("they have not sold all of their allotment of tickets").............looks like ol' McNeese St. proved all these "gurus" wrong again.
    "oh boy, call in the re-eforcments..........start the contraflow from lake chuck.............traffic will be at a standstill on I-10 east bound..................blah, blah, blah, blah, BLAAAAAAHHHHHH".

    This is embarassing to say the least!

    Hats off to the McNeese St. coaches, players, and fans! The better team definitely won tonight and it became more evident as the game wore on. Maybe some of these supposed "gurus" have the right idea about not playing "Mickey Neese" again before another 20 years. Heck, why should McNeese be on the schedule? I mean........there is absolutely nothing to gain but probably another a.$.$. whipping (if anybody cannot see the $$$$$$$$$$$ benefit of playing McNeese then they are just plain stupid!!!!).

    Afterall, it's just another game and the only thing to be worrying about is Troy St.

    Geeeeez...........some people. _
    Yea, you'll get hammered because you're a phony as far as being a Cajun fan. And no we won't drop to 1AA. If you are going to base your entire athletic program on the attendence at one football game you're an idiot. You complain that no one wants to come see the Sun Belt conference games. Tell me how many are going to get excited about Sam Houston State, Texas State, etc. Because that is what the rest of a D1AA schedule will look like. You guys want to see those schools play? Go get season tickets to some SLC school. But fess up, thats not what you really care about. You just like running down UL.

    And I guess this week you are going to turn into a Trojan fan, right?

  11. #791

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Regardless, Love me or hate me!

    The fairweather speech was not directed towards you I saw the I'd tather go hunting post and used it as an example, it was directed towards everyone who leave early during the game simply because we were down.

    I am right there with you and I agree accepting "Almost" from the football program should never be tolorated, however, from a fans point of view,
    Accepting "well I will support them when they start winning" should never be tolorated either. I have heard this for years and years and its enough.

    With all that said, yeah it isnt easy to swallow, I am still boiling with rage. Especially when a lot of people on these boards thought this would be a no shot game for McNeese(I think the team thought this as well, since they played so flat). That this was not a rival game, well they were mistaken, its not a rivalry unless the other team wins. I still think McNeese holds the win loss record and had won the last 11 or of 15.

    I will be there next week, and I know that it is tough to swallow next week playing Troy, I think we may have 10,000 in the stands. I sure hope that there will be more, but its unlikely.

  12. USL (1960-1983)  (1985-1998) Re: I'm done

    Quote Originally Posted by bigguill View Post
    _ I left Huntsville, TX at 12:30pm to drive four hours to Lafayette, this is after only four hours of sleep on Friday night. I must say that I am more than aggravated, to believe that I wasted that much time, money, and energy to see that game. There is only so many times that a product can be dissappointing before people give up on it. I'm tired of looking at UL with rose-colored glasses and thinking that things are better than what they are, not just in sports but with the university overall. _


    For me - Over 20 years of this mess!

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