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Thread: The Book: 2007 Football

  1. #589
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Opponent View: A rivalry that never died gets revival Saturday

    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxPokes05 View Post
    _ I was asking you why you feel that way about BR? I have not problem with BR. I just rather live closer to my home town and to Lake Charles. I'm sure their are only the best people living in Lafayette. No one getting their hands dirty to provide for their families. What are the cajuns??? Aren't they the people that England didn't want and eventually made it down to Louisiana where they worked hard for everything they got? That's okay, everyone has an opinion. I am just happy to know that McNeese State is coming to play a football Saturday, and that I can already smell the jambalaya cooking... _
    You were asking about an inferiority complex, and I said there was none. If your asking why I feel that way about BR, I think I've already told you. I never said that all the people there sucked, I just said they were rednecks. there are, however, plenty of people in BR that suck. my girlfriend used to live there, and I would go see her a lot during the week, and goodness gracious, courtesy is not something they were taught in school.

    People everywhere work hard for what they have. I did, the Acadiens did, the pilgrams did, the folks fighting the revolutionary war did. I don't know what you're implying with your statements.

  2. #590

    Default Re: Opponent View: A rivalry that never died gets revival Saturday

    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxPokes05 View Post
    WOW!! I did post preview and realize that it changes the name of your university to something it is not. That's pretty impressive. I am speechless. I think y'all need to chill out with that.

    You're just getting emo because your school name sounds like I'm a foreigner talking about my joints.

    "Achk, mcknees eis bruizd".

  3. #591

    Default Re: Opponent View: A rivalry that never died gets revival Saturday

    I don't have to show you my press credentials because I am not in the press. However, my response was that Gary Laney does not have to show his. I responded because the previous poster said that "freedom of the press" privileges should be revoked to some writers he does not necessarily "agree" with. Geez! Let's all read the Communist Manifesto while were at it.

    It was not Gary Laney who posted his American Press article here it was your guys! Holding him responsible to public ridicule should also afford him the chance for public rebuttal. . .that's all I am saying. This, as far as I know, is a public board that is open to public discourse as long as the proper decorum is honored.

  4. #592

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Opponent View: A rivalry that never died gets revival Saturday

    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxPokes05 View Post
    _ What is the inferiority complex with Lafayette and Baton Rouge?? Now that's a question. I graduated from McNeese State and now live in Lafayette, and no I didn't move to Lafayette to work. I work in Baton Rouge. I don't understand how University of Louisiana does not want to recognize this as a rivalry. There is a past that does exist between the Pokes and Peppers. It’s just another way Lafayette and University of Louisiana is trying to act better than Lake Charles and McNeese. I know it doesn't make a difference on either team’s season, but at least it will be fun. I thought Lafayette thought they were the best place to party. Well, McNeese is coming for a party. I hope Lafayette indulges us with a party atmosphere. I know myself and my best friend, Louisiana Là alum, will be having a hell of a time tailgating together. We did not get to experience this before, but we have been talking about it since he choose UL and I choose MSU to attend. Let the good times roll....

    WOW!! I did post preview and realize that it changes the name of your university to something it is not. That's pretty impressive. I am speechless. I think y'all need to chill out with that. _
    I have lived in Lafayette 2/3 of my life and not ONCE, did I hear or read from our city fathers or hear from our University President," Let's do this to show up Lake Charles". You are way off line. You and Cowboy Up don't get it. Lafayette and our Dr. Authement had VISIONS of being better. WE HAVE PEOPLE IN THIS CITY WITH VISION. When LC turned down the OIL CENTER, Hebert Heymann jumped on the opportunity to sell his land in the center of Lafayette. That is VISION. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT VISION IS?

    This city made itself based on its people's WANTS.

    One of the first things I learned when I started working in LC, was that it was run by 6 families. They decided what went on and what was to be built in LC. It is obviously improving cause I see national chains coming to LC. THis comes from your LC's own citizens. I did not make this up.


    Oh, I have plenty of witnesses on this one. Last years UL vs McNeese baseball game. NO security at the ball park asked them to clean up their act. But then I looked at the people wearing the t-shirts and understood.

    I worked in Lake Charles for 12-1/2 years and for those few die-hard cowboy fans, all I got was why don't ya'll go back to D-1AA. WE DON'T WANT TO . So we get beat by the big boyz, but so do YOU, Playing Miami and Nebraska.

    Our dreams are of ONe day being better and we ain't gonna be better being D-1AA and playing that schedule. So, Lets us determine our fate. Trash talk in the American Press is not something that is going to help make relations between our 2 schools better, it only adds fuel to something that already exist and that is DISLIKE for each other. Tony Robichaux is probably the one man I can respect for playing the cowboys home and home . If he wants to play ya'll, then fine, but if it were me I'd say" Hell with it" . Let me close by saying this, " Louisiana has good college baseball and I love college baseball". I can go watch a good college baseball game anytime, but when VERBAL OR WRITTEN TRASH like what I say last year happens, I say "HELL with ya'll".
    Geaux Cajuns

  5. #593

    Default Re: Opponent View: A rivalry that never died gets revival Saturday

    In any event..
    Lake Charles is to Lafayette as Lafayette is to Baton Rouge

    They wish they had clean air and a D1A school.
    We wish we had more .. well, we don't want any of the city of Baton Rouge, but we definitely want a packed football stadium every Saturday full of rowdy, loud, rabid fans competing for bowl games annually.

    Face it, you're our little brother, Pigpen.

  6. #594

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Opponent View: A rivalry that never died gets revival Saturday

    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxPokes05 View Post
    _ What is the inferiority complex with Lafayette and Baton Rouge?? Now that's a question. I graduated from McNeese State and now live in Lafayette, and no I didn't move to Lafayette to work. I work in Baton Rouge. I don't understand how University of Louisiana does not want to recognize this as a rivalry. There is a past that does exist between the Pokes and Peppers. It’s just another way Lafayette and University of Louisiana is trying to act better than Lake Charles and McNeese. I know it doesn't make a difference on either team’s season, but at least it will be fun. I thought Lafayette thought they were the best place to party. Well, McNeese is coming for a party. I hope Lafayette indulges us with a party atmosphere. I know myself and my best friend, Louisiana Là alum, will be having a hell of a time tailgating together. We did not get to experience this before, but we have been talking about it since he choose UL and I choose MSU to attend. Let the good times roll....

    WOW!! I did post preview and realize that it changes the name of your university to something it is not. That's pretty impressive. I am speechless. I think y'all need to chill out with that. _
    Come and Enjoy. That's what College Football is about. Neither of us wants to lose this game but whatever happens, we go on with our lives and the rest of the season. I just have a bad feeling there will be some incidents that will marr the Fun of the game. Been to to many of these in the past and It ain't funny.
    Geaux Cajuns

  7. #595

    Default Re: Opponent View: A rivalry that never died gets revival Saturday

    Quote Originally Posted by USLJim View Post
    _ Come and Enjoy. That's what College Football is about. Neither of us wants to lose this game but whatever happens, we go on with our lives and the rest of the season. I just have a bad feeling there will be some incidents that will marr the Fun of the game. Been to to many of these in the past and It ain't funny.
    Geaux Cajuns _
    Stay cool mr. Jim bringing it up sound like a threat even though opposite.

  8. #596
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Area coaches enjoying UL-McNeese State week

    Everything Coach Gunner says is right on the money.

    Thats the way most of us at UL felt.

    I'm caught up in it now because there has been sooo much trash talk, but the real season starts next weekend with Troy!

    Passions definitely are running high at the High School level. My son and Lafayette High Coach Mark Barousse have a golf game riding on the outcome. Fortunately they have both decided to concentrate on busting up Barbe Friday night and laid off the UL/McNeese smack for the moment. LOL!!

    I read the articles put out by Laney and McDonald, there are no comparisons between the two. One is childish, the other professional. Glad your ours, Dan.

    Cowbells in the stadium?? Don't know if its gonna fly. I know that there are signs posted saying "no artificial noisemakers" There will be "a few" that will be partaking of the occasional alcoholic beverage during the day. The noisemakers, the alcohol consumption, the intensity of the ballgame will not lead to anything nice. Mark my words, its a tragic set of circumstances, but I am sure there will be much antagonizing going on from both sides. Please think before you react.

    McNeese fans sitting on the East side. You will be right next to the student section. If this is where you choose to sit, please remember back when you were a student. Absolutely if someone is stupid enough to confront you, measures must be taken to protect yourself, but it might not be a good idea to confront a large student population just for the sake of doing it. It will make us all look bad. If I was a guest at anyone else's stadium I would abide by the same rules.

    I have to admit, the video of your guys chasing the little girl in the pepper suit is hilarious. Whats her name? She definitely has a future in moving pictures!

    Cant wait to come home tomorrow night and enjoy the weekend.

    Go LHS
    Go Cajuns
    Go Jake and the Panthers

  9. #597

    Default Re: Opponent View: A rivalry that never died gets revival Saturday

    Quote Originally Posted by USLJim View Post

    Yes, I quite fully understand what VISION is. However, VISION without the ECONOMIC BASE to make that VISION a reality is only a pipe dream. And therein is the point - Lafayette has done an excellent job of not only fueling that vision with arguably a 250,000 population and tax base to supply if you will the economic fuel.

    And as long as we are speaking about "visionaries", Herbert Heymann was one of the finest. As I understand it, he donated the land to the oil companies to "bring" the Oil Center to Lafayette, where as, WT Burton and the Hunt's in LC, wanted to "sell" the land. Either way, it was capitalism at its peak and you can't fault that. And I will go on to add, with the oil bust of 1986, Lafayette "re-invented" itself around the University and the Medical Industry. One fueld tourism the other fueled professional salaries. Lake Charles on the other hand, has had to "re-invent" itself after the construction bust. . .that, unfortunately, was around the gaming industry. I think for the near future, though, that there are young people with fresh ideas that will drive McNeese to be more a driver of the community's culture. I want to be a part of that.

    And as far as "free speech" goes, I believe that nothing is free. This country and its principles were founded on the graves of many who died for that right; so, I believe there is an honor due those ancestors. And, no, that is not MY IDEA of free speech, but if I am going to police what is on someone's T-shirt because I don't happen to like what it says, "What does that say about me?" It is what it is!

    Knowledge, along with free speech, can be a deadly game unless someone sets the rules. That is why we have a democracy, Jim. So, forgive my naivete for wanting it to be better than what it actually is.

    At the end of the day, "If the social mores we choose to live under are strong enough then laws are unnecessary. And, if the social mores we choose to live under are weak, laws are unenforceable!"

    The question I have is, "Who is really making the laws??" Hmmn!

  10. #598
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Opponent View: A rivalry that never died gets revival Saturday

    There is only one person that I know of that is as eloquent a speaker as you are .
    Deny it all you want, your secret is safe with me!


  11. #599

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Opponent View: A rivalry that never died gets revival Saturday

    Quote Originally Posted by Cowboy Up View Post
    _ Yes, I quite fully understand what VISION is. However, VISION without the ECONOMIC BASE to make that VISION a reality is only a pipe dream. And therein is the point - Lafayette has done an excellent job of not only fueling that vision with arguably a 250,000 population and tax base to supply if you will the economic fuel.

    And as long as we are speaking about "visionaries", Herbert Heymann was one of the finest. As I understand it, he donated the land to the oil companies to "bring" the Oil Center to Lafayette, where as, WT Burton and the Hunt's in LC, wanted to "sell" the land. Either way, it was capitalism at its peak and you can't fault that. And I will go on to add, with the oil bust of 1986, Lafayette "re-invented" itself around the University and the Medical Industry. One fueld tourism the other fueled professional salaries. Lake Charles on the other hand, has had to "re-invent" itself after the construction bust. . .that, unfortunately, was around the gaming industry. I think for the near future, though, that there are young people with fresh ideas that will drive McNeese to be more a driver of the community's culture. I want to be a part of that.

    And as far as "free speech" goes, I believe that nothing is free. This country and its principles were founded on the graves of many who died for that right; so, I believe there is an honor due those ancestors. And, no, that is not MY IDEA of free speech, but if I am going to police what is on someone's T-shirt because I don't happen to like what it says, "What does that say about me?" It is what it is!

    Knowledge, along with free speech, can be a deadly game unless someone sets the rules. That is why we have a democracy, Jim. So, forgive my naivete for wanting it to be better than what it actually is.

    At the end of the day, "If the social mores we choose to live under are strong enough then laws are unnecessary. And, if the social mores we choose to live under are weak, laws are unenforceable!"

    The question I have is, "Who is really making the laws??" Hmmn! _
    SO, enjoyed your responses and I hope you Enjoy the weekend as I hope I will. Tailgating at Cajun Field is always fun.
    Geaux Cajuns

  12. #600

    Default Re: Area coaches enjoying UL-McNeese State week

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeebart21 View Post
    I read the articles put out by Laney and McDonald, there are no comparisons between the two. One is childish, the other professional. Glad your ours, Dan.
    I have to admit, the video of your guys chasing the little girl in the pepper suit is hilarious. Whats her name? She definitely has a future in moving pictures!

    As to the first line, yeah they can point to whatever they want about Dan's article, but they cannot point out where he's insulted an entire city and a university for the sake of a football game.

    And the rest goes for the Lake Chuck media too. The sportscaster on monday's 6pm broadcast, after saying that McState didn't sell its allotment yet, follows with this doosy "sure would be nice to have more of our fans than Lafayette does in the stadium"

    Add to that yesterday, when Viator suggested that Cajun Field will be a "neutral site". Yeah, right.

    As to the second point, I'd give them much more credit for the pepper video if they'd have the stones to come and film in in our stadium.

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