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Thread: The Book: 2007 Football

  1. #541
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Neighhbor to neighbor

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris V. View Post
    Z -

    Yessir, I'll be there. Looking forward to saying hello to you and others.
    It'll be good to get caught up! Been an intense couple of months. I need to catch my breath........


  2. #542

    Default Re: stand up and cheer

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunhawk View Post
    I agree with the post above, Im guessing some just came for the shirt or to act like this football game was like a bar downtown. I had some turbo sluts behind my crew that werent paying any attention and kept muttering things like, did we win last week, and im bored, so we kept yelling and being extremely involved until they got aggravated and left. Thats sad, hell i think they were actually dressed to go out. What a waste of a seat at the game. We need some more fans in the stands, not someone cruising for some tail.
    What's a turbo slut? I'm a little interested. It sounds fun.

    You must be one of the following:
    1. a girl who understands what a nickel d is
    2. married to Jessica Biel
    3. a homosexual who understands what a nickel d is (not being offensive)

  3. #543

    Default Re: stand up and cheer

    Quote Originally Posted by Choppie29 View Post
    I respectfully disagree with your post. How was that a waste of a seat at the game? Last that I checked, we were about 10,000 short of a sellout. It looked like there were plenty of empty seats to me.

    LSU and other big time football schools draw 90,000 plus at their games. I would veture to say that 40-50% of those fans are there for the party and because going to the game is the cool thing to do in their respective city. This is something that I wish that we had at Cajun Field. Just because someone doesn't know the ins and outs of the Ragin Cajun football team, doesn't mean that they shouldn't be allowed into the game. Maybe if those "turbo sluts" had a good experience at the game last Saturday, they would come back this weekend and the next. My bet is that they might come out and tailgate for the McNeese game and not come into the game.

    We complain about not having fan support and we complain about people tailgating and not coming into the game.......but when they come into the game we criticize them and say that they are not the type of fans that we need. We are not in a position where we can turn away fans for any reason. We need to put people in the stands and you can't have it both ways.
    I totally agree. This thread is about nothing. Why are we complaining about ppl not cheering? Don't you guys remember how pathetic our university looked a few years back before bustle came in and there was absolutely no one in the stands! I'm not crediting Bustle for the increase in attendance, the UPC can take full credit for this (our team really can't), but my point is that as long as we are getting people in the stands, that is all that counts. Especially when we can't even manage to win consistently against bottom tier teams. I know that I'm gonna get a lot of flack for this post, but the truth is that until we can refine our product and get a good team on the field, our attendance is going to stay around the same, and so is the noise.

    Bottom line: wins=fans; wins = noise

  4. #544

    UL Football Re: stand up and cheer

    Quote Originally Posted by manizzle View Post
    _ I totally agree. This thread is about nothing. Why are we complaining about ppl not cheering? Don't you guys remember how pathetic our university looked a few years back before bustle came in and there was absolutely no one in the stands! I'm not crediting Bustle for the increase in attendance, the UPC can take full credit for this (our team really can't), but my point is that as long as we are getting people in the stands, that is all that counts. Especially when we can't even manage to win consistently against bottom tier teams. I know that I'm gonna get a lot of flack for this post, but the truth is that until we can refine our product and get a good team on the field, our attendance is going to stay around the same, and so is the noise.

    Bottom line: wins=fans; wins = noise _
    While I agree that wins = fans; you are smoking some serious dope if you think the two teams we lost to this year are 'bottom tier' teams. Both Carolina and Ohio went to bowl games last year; both will go bowling again this year, Ohio will likely win the MAC and my money is on South Carolina to finish second in the SEC East. How much more top tier can we get?

  5. #545

    UL Football Re: Ohio @ Louisiana Thread

    I think it's a good sign that you are upset that 'Ohio is about as good as us'. They went 9-3 last year, and will likely match or better that this year. I'll take 9-3 for the Cajuns and go to the house right now.

  6. #546
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Ohio @ Louisiana Gametime Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by rhineaux View Post
    _ Its Monday afternoon boys. The team put this one out of their minds last night. Its time all of us do the same. _____ing about it and staying fired up isn't gonna do anything but increase your already high blood pressure.

    I want all of you to go back to the poll thread that was up a few weeks ago, and look at how you voted. I think the majority of the people that voted had us going 8-4,not 12-0 or 11-1, or even 10-2. I thought that this Ohio game would be a swing game, could win or lose it. We lost it, Big F'ing deal, but that's all that matters. Would it make you guys feel better if we would have come back from the half-time defecit, and still lost? It shouldn't. Lets look forward to beating the crap out of McNeese, and then wearing it out on Troy. then we're 2-2 going to UCF, and can knock them the hell out too. _
    Damn skippy.

  7. #547

    Default Re: McNeese Game Predictions

    Louisiana 48
    McNeese 13

    Barring a total breakdown (penalties and turnovers), we will win big.

    No way is it time to call for Coach Bustle's Job no matter what the outcome of this game!! He's a good coach and has improved the whole football PROGRAM. This year, he did what was necessary on his staff and that can't be taken lightly. He recognized we needed new ideas on offense and defense and hired new personnel. I'm not willing to give up on Coach Bustle. From the game I saw Saturday, we are an improved team. I think our record will indicate this by the end of the season. I'm frustrated with losing like everyone and would be ____ED if we lose this game but we must let the season play out and not jump ship.

    Geaux UL

  8. #548

    Default UL keys to V

    I'm no pro sports commentator, nor do I claim to be. But there are five obvious factors that have led to our demise.

    The first being that we have to score once in the red zone. I think this is mainly due to poor play calling. You can't blame it on the athletes, who drive the ball 70+ yards only to get stuffed on the ten over and over again. All of a sudden we want to throw two consecutive pass plays when we just rushed the whole 13 play drive.

    The second factor that hurts us is our secondary. We have some talent out there, but its not being utilized. Our DB's got burned many times over the past two games. Bottom line, you can't keep manning up on the same guy when he has burned you 18 times already this quarter. Our defensive coordinator needs to do a better job at adapting to the offense.

    Thirdly, our special teams lives up to its name:special.This has been a growning epidemic for the past 2 years. I felt like I was watching Scott Middle School on kickoffs. We had to of averaged like 10 yards a return. I believe Ohio averaged 25+ yards on every kick return. No blocking on returns, and no coverage on kickoff. We need a whole new special teams setup. Starting from square one, because this crap ain't flying. Anyone who was there can attest to this. I think our Defense might have taken the field once inside their 25.

    The Fourth factor that led to our demise, was the friggin D-Line. Yeah we have some studs for DE's, no discredit to them. But the role of the D-Line is to take on blocks to free up the LBs. Me, having played LB in highschool, would have planted my foot so far up my DTs rear ends-if they would have played how UL's did Saturday. Are you kidding me. Our LBs are only as good as our D-line lets them be. There is no reason for me to have seen our LBs getting blocked every play, and even double teamed some times. I don't know how many times I saw a DTs avoid taking on a block. It made me sick.

    Last but not least, Our O-Line has got to start making some plays. I'm not saying their bad by any means. They're ok, but ok doesn't win football games. They left Mike D. hanging out to dry so many times it was retarded. I can't imagine what the past two games would have looked like without Mike D. and Fenroy making chicken salad out of chicken ____.

    Dont get me wrong, I love UL football, BUT SOMETHING HAS GOT TO GIVE. THIS WAS The FRIGGIN STORY THE WHOLE LAST SEASON:ALMOST! Well I am sick of almost, I'm sick of hearing people tell me how much UL football sucks and all the negativity that losing brings to our University. Those athletes work to hard to get robbed by poor coaching. We have too much talent to make it another "ALMOST" season.

  9. #549

    Default Re: Ohio @ Louisiana Gametime Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by charliek View Post
    _ Silver lining, everyone can stop wondering if MD can throw:

    16/25 234 Yards 2 TD and 0 Ints for a passer rating of 121.1. Oh yeah, 101 yards rushing thrown in.

    No doubt the non-fumble at the end was not the reason we lost, but I sure would have liked the right call there. 1st down from the 2. Two straight option plays and we have 8 points and are playing OT. DAMN!

    Now, can we work on our secondary play a little? _
    Your right Charlie, Dez looked really good with that performance. Our offense chewed up the yards and our receivers looked improved from last year. We just didn't get in the end zone enough. We had too many miscues. I also did not like the call for 4th and 7 where Dez was sacked. That hurt, giving them the short field again and there was plenty of time left on the clock. Oh, and can't forget Fenroy. He ran hard and played his heart out. We are witnessing the BEST RUNNING BACK IN UL HISTORY! Hopefully many more will follow.

  10. #550

    Default Re: McNeese Game Predictions

    UL 31
    McNeese 17

  11. #551

    Default Re: McNeese Game Predictions

    It's time to do some anger management and McNeese will be the victim.

    Cajuns 49
    Cowboys 6

  12. #552

    Default Re: McNeese Game Predictions

    Quote Originally Posted by Hardcore View Post
    Time to take out some frustration.....

    Louisiana 38
    Micky Mouse 17
    Louisiana 28
    Mickey D's 24

    Bring your Xanax and valium.

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