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Thread: The Book: 2007 Football

  1. #2257

    Default Re: The myth that we will get better

    Quote Originally Posted by IHateLaState View Post
    _ Thanks for the comment... I do love this university.........

    I've watched Grant Fleming... The young man is trying bis arse off... Yet I dont see the production in terms of stopping the opposition... I see many of his tackles 7-8 yards down the field... Maybe that is scheming... and the D-line is supposed to not let the opposition get into the seocndary... As I said.. Im not that smart... just a fan _
    He needs others to help him....has to be a team effort. I see alot of players waiting and not reacting and I think that is just lack of experience. It comes with the confidence of knowing exactly where to be and when. Again a new defense and offensive takes time. Many don't want to give it time but it's a reality. There is a learning curve for every profession no matter how good you are at it. Everyone says you've given it enough time. Reality is, it is all new this year and no there hasn't been enough time given. You have to have faith in those who lead and teach these boys. This is a learning season. Plain and simple. If you were a business executive and hired a new employee, would you expect them to know their job immediately, of course not. There is no difference in football. Let's get through this year with our heads held high and give these guys a chance. SHOW UP FOR HOMECOMING!!!!!! I know my stand isn't a popular one but can I have a bravo happy face too?

  2. Default Re: Turbine why are you so f-ing optimistic about Bustle?

    Quote Originally Posted by Clutch0364 View Post
    _ that actually sounds good ill mention it to them _

    "good ill"

    It fits if there is such a thing. . . . Freud

    Geaux Cajuns

  3. #2259

    Default Re: The myth that we will get better

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun77 View Post
    _ Are you in Louisiana yet? Hope you enjoy your time down here. _
    No I am here in cold, WET, MISERABLE Oregon. Where we have had snow in the mountains allready and the ski slopes are up in 3 weeks. Barf.....

  4. #2260

    Default Re: The myth that we will get better

    Quote Originally Posted by Membertou View Post
    _ I don't think there is any question that young players will improve. However, that isn't the relevent question. The correct question is: "will the young players improve enough relative to the competition in order to significantly change the results?"

    Its no different than saying how much Ricky Bustle has improved the program from the Baldwin years. That is no doubt true. The problem is that programs like Troy, FAU, Arkansas State, MTSU have improved their programs MORE than we've improved ours in the same time period.

    You can be moving forward and still fall farther behind. _
    Yes, I agree that the other programs are improving. The question remains, why are we losing in the same manner now for two years? We are getting hammered at home by more then 21pts a game, against the Sun Belt. So, it doesn't not matter at this point that the other Sun Belt programs are improving. But it does matter that we are getting worse by a large gap. And, we terminated four coaches last year because the season was not satisfactory. So how is this year more satisfactory by any standard?

  5. #2261

    Default Re: Forget Out of Bounds, Spencer Ortego Can't Be Ignored

    You know your team is bad when a walk-on has one good game and is called an "emerging star".

  6. #2262

    Default Re: Turbine why are you so f-ing optimistic about Bustle?

    Quote Originally Posted by Clutch0364 View Post
    that actually sounds good ill mention it to them
    I can be subversive when I want to.

  7. #2263

    Default Re: Forget Out of Bounds, Spencer Ortego Can't Be Ignored

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    _ You know your team is bad when a walk-on has one good game and is called an "emerging star". _
    The guy is a starting true freshman, he will be good give him time. Plus, the guy obviously wants to play pretty bad no matter what, that's something that can't be said as much throughout the reat of the team.

    Why not give him some credit?

  8. #2264

    Default Re: The myth that we will get better

    Quote Originally Posted by MissingMandy View Post
    He needs others to help him....has to be a team effort. I see alot of players waiting and not reacting and I think that is just lack of experience. It comes with the confidence of knowing exactly where to be and when. Again a new defense and offensive takes time. Many don't want to give it time but it's a reality. There is a learning curve for every profession no matter how good you are at it. Everyone says you've given it enough time. Reality is, it is all new this year and no there hasn't been enough time given. You have to have faith in those who lead and teach these boys. This is a learning season. Plain and simple. If you were a business executive and hired a new employee, would you expect them to know their job immediately, of course not. There is no difference in football. Let's get through this year with our heads held high and give these guys a chance. SHOW UP FOR HOMECOMING!!!!!! I know my stand isn't a popular one but can I have a bravo happy face too?

    Keep the faith. It is most important in this difficult time that we here and consider all points of view.

    The more points of view we have, the more likely we will find the one which is right.

    While I am inclined to agree with you, the other side is making some pretty good arguments too.

  9. #2265

    Default Re: The myth that we will get better

    Quote Originally Posted by Clutch0364 View Post
    _ We had a team that went on a run and won a co-championship...that team was young. But then we turned around the next year after starting off very hot and went down 2 years after that we are young again? how does that happen, wouldn't that be a problem with coaching?

    Ok so we give Bustle another 2 years and we are going to be a great veteran team not really we would have lost fenroy, desmo, chery, and we would be young again so would the same excuses work then to?

    That doesnt make much sense the way i typed it but i think yaL get the point _
    I get ya.

    It's a cycle of having 1 OK team every 4 years.

    Now is the time to break the cycle.

  10. #2266

    Default Re: The myth that we will get better

    Quote Originally Posted by USLJim View Post
    _ Question: Are you a lsu graduate disquised as someone who hates em and making us think you are for UL but just like to poise questions which could cause descent amongst us? Don't want to ruffle your feathers, just want to know the truth here. I believe we are causing more damage to our University's image with these blogs than we are doing good. We don't need to expose our dirty laundry to the world, DO WE ANYMORE? _
    Wow...I have talked to IHateLaState and he's a pretty stand up guy....def not anti-cajun.

  11. #2267
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: The myth that we will get better

    Quote Originally Posted by AstroCajun View Post

    Keep the faith. It is most important in this difficult time that we here and consider all points of view.

    The more points of view we have, the more likely we will find the one which is right.

    While I am inclined to agree with you, the other side is making some pretty good arguments too. _
    I'm not trying to say that I don't hear what you're saying, and I know that differing points of view are what this is all about. But, I see it differently than you. Like i said before, I was still on board with bustle before last weekend, or at least I was ok with keeping him. I was the guy that was playing devil's advocate and listening and kinda repeating that we should give it more time and at least let it play out a little more. the problem now is that not only do we have a really bad season on our hands, but the team took a major step back on Sunday.

    Maybe some of the desire to wait for a while has to do with the relationship that some folks have with bustle. Its not uncommon for anyone who has some relationship with someone else, to want to see that other person succeed. Especially since bustle did bring some excitement to this program a couple years ago. It binded the fans with him that much more. but, as i said before, this isn't about us and the coaches. This is about the public, the recruits (not only this year's recruits), the students, the sponsors, the boosters, and everyone else who isn't as involved with the program as us, seeing a problem. It is not worth the risk of keeping him around and it not working. I know some folks will be sad to see him go, but a change has to be made to continue the momentum. If it isn't, then in four or five years, Bustle's name will be added to the list of recent coaches who have run this program into the ground. and when he's gone, it will make the job seem that much worse to future potential coaches.

    Our long period of losing season has most certainly brought forth some complacency from the older Cajun fans. but here is an oppurtunity to end that complacency and become proactive and progressive and take the next step. We can't hope for things to change on our own. We have to demand that they are changed now.

    Again, the risk of the "let it play out" experiment failing, is not worth actually failing and falling back into a hole that we all know will be too hard and take too long to get out of.

  12. #2268

    Default Re: Forget Out of Bounds, Spencer Ortego Can't Be Ignored

    Quote Originally Posted by ULforlife View Post
    The guy is a starting true freshman, he will be good give him time. Plus, the guy obviously wants to play pretty bad no matter what, that's something that can't be said as much throughout the reat of the team.

    Why not give him some credit?
    I am tickled pink for the guy. Kudos to him for not giving up and making bustle give him a chance.

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