_ Don't kid yourself UL has the money to buy him out -did you not hear- the Legislature just added $2 million to the ULAthetics kitty. It would be a poor use of funds though.
UL got rolled over in a big way last week, it happens all the time in sports, hey it happens in Super Bowls.
UL got rolled over against some highly motivated McNeese team that is a national power (in their division) that is made up of multiple tranfers from Louisiana Tech and Tulane, as well as Mississippi State and Michigan State. Add to that some un coachtrollable turnovers that cost UL sure points and gave them quick points and it is a no brainer excusable loss.
Can I point to MAJOR problems I had with coaching decisions in each loss? Yes!
However besides those two losses UL has been in every game. Hey I would love to hear that coach bustle never sleeps and doesn't have time to make commercials.
I have seen him coaching on the sidelines after some bad plays.
I wish he wore the headphones 100% of the time, but he has to be able to trust his coordinators as well.
And why won't you let me point out that Bustle is doing just as good in year 6 as Beamer did? And might do BETTER! oops
I'm not so optimistic as to think winning is unfailingly imminent or is a done deal, I would just hate to nip success in the bud.
I guess I would lose in a Wild West dual, since I'm slow on the trigger. Hey I thought firing Baldwin after year 3 was premature.
