Ron, I respect the heck out of Dr. A for his academic focus and achievements. It is too painfully obvious that he is an academian who could not see college athletics for anything more than a sideshow. I could never question his "love" of all things UL. He just never realized the sling shot effect that athletics (football in particular) has on a US university, to the benefit of everything for that institution. He is way "old school" and for athletics, it pinched us.
If I were on this presidential evaluation panel, I would not only ask these candidates for a short synopsis of their thoughts on college athletics, I would have them submit an in-depth paper on their knowledge of business and marketing, and have them wrap that up by what top 3 things do they believe bring students, faculty, alumni and the community into a tight relationship with a university. If they fail to include as their number one priority the rapid expansion and explosion of UL football, they would no longer be a candidate. I am no idiot, and that is just how crucial this component of our institution needs to be addressed.
UL is not only allowing the network of alumni to disengage from the university, when outside of a 100 mile radius of Lafayette, but it is beginning to fragment its own ties to many local fans and support groups. That is a monumentally devastating failure. Any business with metrics (Lafayette/Acadiana) at their disposal like UL, would have fired the entire management, from top to bottom, years ago, for not unlocking that huge element of the business.
STATE FUNDING: Our state politics and our funding for athletics is abysmal. It hurts not to have equality to institutions in other states that we compete with, when they are smaller and much less equipped as we. However, there is an upside. Our first competitors for athletic talent, are our other state institutions (LSU aside). They are underfunded as well. UL has the most potential to exceed each of them, if mastered properly.
Moreover, for every dollar of state money given to athletics, 25 cents of private money has an even greater effect. State money gets scrutinized for one. It goes where the admin says it goes, for two. But, not only is private money spent in the wiser "marketing" based realm, it is inclusive of the very fans that you are attempting to harness. Our future depends on a smarter marketeering administration and a separate, private funding movement. In the meantime, as we work together to make this happen, I am going to seek out these "Difference Makers" and help support them.
Later Ron... speech over.
I don't disagree with what you are saying and even if I did that is what message boards are about. Well soon we will have to more excuses. President Authement is on his way out. What I meant by potential was that we have a large alumni and student base. I was there for the Brian Mitchell era and I had blast at the games with some very large crowds. Whatever you believe is broke it must be fixed.
Click Watch Online. Cost about 8 dollars for one month of total access.
Video seems to be ok.
Cajun touchdown early on a forced fumble and return about 30 yards, Daylon Mccoy TD.
early first
ASU drives down on next possession easily and ties game 7-7
ASU is driving again.
How far behind am I? I can't hear the color guy Steve
I'm listening to the KPEL internet feed so I am behind.
UL scores at the exact same time LSU loses on TV
Desormeaux cuts it to 3 with a 63 yard run. VERY EXCITING! It an equally depressing play by ASU.
I was hoping LSU would run the table, I'd rather run into a cocky LSU fan than a depressed one.
Geaux Cajuns
Sweet throw Deismeaux
UL 21
AS 24
Geaux Cajuns
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