If you're waiting for our local media to be unbiased towards UL, you'll be waiting a looooonnnng time.
They defended Baldwin until days before he was let go 'cause they were told of his firing at that time. The green light was given.
I'll tell you this. If you ever hear our local media being very critical of Bustle, he's already gone.
0-4 is frustrating for everyone but keep this in mind.
We have 14 freshmen playing right now.
Let me say that again.
We have 14 freshmen playing right now.
Mostly on the Defensive side but they are playing significant downs.
Moving Grant Flemming to LB was a very good move, he's agressive and I see alot to like in him. We will be talking about him alot in the next few years.
As for offense, we lose exactly 1 starter going in to 2008.
If our defense could play consistently and make the third down stops, we wouldn't be gnashing our teeth right now. It is unfortunate that our defense is taking a big step back just as the rest of the schools in conference take a step forward in offence.
But again, it's cyclical. In 2008 Troy loses Cattouse and Haugabook, NT loses Jamario Thomas, ULM loses Calvin Dawson (and darn near their entire offensive line), on and on, you get the picture. They'll step back and we'll step forward.
Hypothetically, if Bustle DID get fired after this year. Wouldn't it be the beginning stages of the "still rebuilding" process............ AGAIN? I hope we aren't singing this same ol' song 20 years from now.
I believe we have a really nice nucleus of talent. Find the right guy, who knows what might happen.
Its not great right now, but NOwhere near where it was when Ricky took over from Baldwin.
Remember, its hypothetical!!I like Coach Bustle and hope he gets this "mutha" turned around. He is a really good dude.
I am so geeked about how this team is following the Beamer model I can't even put into words how good they will be after this year ( and from then on out ) till Bustle leaves of his own accord.
Geaux Cajuns
I hate to play "spin doctor", but ... Look at the teams we've played so far: S. Carolina - up-and-coming SEC team who gave LSU a pretty decent game (which few will be able to do this year); Ohio - pretty good team which could win their division of the MAC again this year; McNeese - Top 10 FCS team which is favored to win their conference; and Troy - favored to win The SBC. That's a pretty tough group of teams. I think we were only pre-season favorites in 1 of those games. Bottom-line is we're still 0-4. It IS VERY DISAPPOINTING, but let's hang in there and see how the rest of the season plays out. I know the most disappointing thing is the way we've lost. Many are comparing this season to 6 years ago. But try to think back. That was a much worse feeling than now. I think the biggest reason everyone is SO down is due to the raised expectations. The Baldwin years never had any expectations. I think last week's 14K was a typical home attendance during that era, rather than an unexpected dip. Again, let's hang in there til the end of this season and then take another look, Obviously, this weekend is not expected to be the one to right the ship. But who knows?
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