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Thread: UL Ringtone

  1. #49

    Default Re: Centerfield ringtone?

    I have the MP3, but I'll need an email address. You can PM me if you'd like.

  2. Default Re: Centerfield ringtone?

    I've got the MP3 as well. Allllllllllllllllllmost baseball time!! *starts up the song*

  3. #51

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Centerfield ringtone?

    Quote Originally Posted by jllanclos View Post
    thanks! MUCH louder please. this is awesome! i'm ready to!
    I'll make it louder tonight and repost it for you. Any other requests while I'm at it? I already have the UL fight song created under 300Kb too.

  4. #52

    Default Re: Centerfield ringtone?

    Well OK, since you asked

    Can you cut out the first of the 2 drum parts at the beginning, so that the drum part's shorter and the music starts sooner? (So I hear it in my pocked)

    Would love the fight song, too. Loud Used to have that one on my old phone, too.


    Just send me the bill.

  5. #53

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Centerfield ringtone?

    Quote Originally Posted by jllanclos View Post
    Well OK, since you asked

    Can you cut out the first of the 2 drum parts at the beginning, so that the drum part's shorter and the music starts sooner? (So I hear it in my pocked)

    Would love the fight song, too. Loud Used to have that one on my old phone, too.


    Just send me the bill.
    Hope they aren't TOO loud. Let me know how this works out for you.

    Centerfield Loud:

    UL Fight Song Loud:

  6. #54

    Default Re: Centerfield ringtone?

    WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!! NOW I'M PUMPED!THESE ARE SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tHANKS.

  7. #55

    Default Re: Centerfield ringtone?

    Can someone tell me how to put these on my I phone. Thanks in advance for any help.

  8. #56

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Centerfield ringtone?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunMarineBBK View Post
    Can someone tell me how to put these on my I phone. Thanks in advance for any help.
    Those won't work on the iPhone. Apple don't like mp3 files, or giving you the ability to easily make one a ringtone. I'll convert them to iPhone format over the weekend.

  9. #57

    Ragin' Cajuns UL iPhone Ringtone Pack

    I went ahead and made all of you (that have iPhones) a late Christmas present. A zip file with multiple iPhone ringtones inside. Included are:

    • Centerfield
    • Centerfield (loud version)
    • Do What Ya Wanna
    • Fight Song
    • Fight Song (loud)
    • Respect
    Once you have unzipped the file, drag it over to the "Ringtones" section in iTunes and then sync your phone.


    Merry Christmas too!

  10. Default Re: UL iPhone Ringtone Pack

    Thank you soooo much!

  11. #59

    Default Re: UL iPhone Ringtone Pack

    They also work on Motorola Droid. Thanks

  12. #60

    Default Re: UL iPhone Ringtone Pack

    You are the man, thanks a lot.

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