View Poll Results: Which would you prefer to be the UL Spirit leader?

66. This poll is closed
  • Bull Gator

    21 31.82%
  • Catahoula Hound

    20 30.30%
  • Pelican

    6 9.09%
  • Keep the Pepper

    18 27.27%
  • 1 1.52%
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Thread: Your pick for School "Spirit Leader"

  1. #13

    Default Re: WAIT A MINUTE...

    Originally posted by NOCajun
    ...THAT'S IT!! A white(leucistic) alligator mascot in a RED CAJUNS uniform!! What do you think!?!
    It makes too much sense they would never go for it.

    Anyone have info on a White Alligator.

  2. #14


    Are these gators native to Louisiana?

  3. Default

    Originally posted by SwampFox
    Are these gators native to Louisiana?

    Yes it seems that Louisiana Land and Exploration Company (LL&E), discovered them and according to this story below Louisiana is the only place outside of legend that they have been found.

    LOUISIANA IS HOME TO SO MANY WONDERFUL CREATURES THAT LIVE OFF THE bountiful marshes and nutrient-rich swamps across the state. From the brown pelican to the wood duck, our state is teeming with wildlife that often catches the attention of visitors and natives alike who travel down into "Bayou Country." While alligators attract spectators wherever they're found, no gator sparks the curiosity of onlookers as much as Louisiana's own charmers the white alligators.

    The story of the white alligators is just as unique to Louisiana's coastal environment as the creatures themselves. Decades ago, traditionally marked alligators had been hunted out, nearly to extinction, as their hides were -- and remain -- in great demand by the high-fashion leather industry both here and abroad. The alligator was placed on the endangered species list.

    . . .

    In the fall of 1987, as LL&E teams were poised to pick up hatchlings soon after birth from several nests under observation, 18 white alligators hatched in one nest. It was an amazing find!

    An alligator with normal coloration is able to camouflage itself in Louisiana's marshy environment.

    Team members were quick to remove the rare baby reptiles, as alligator babies are easy targets for hungry predators. White alligator hatchlings- without the camouflaging coloration of the normal gator-would have been spotted quickly by big birds flying overhead and plucked away.

    There is no known discovery of white alligators in recorded history, although Eastern mythology holds the white beasts to be symbols of extraordinary good luck. Their discovery certainly was good luck, for instead of ending up as a meal for a hungry bald eagle, the alligators lead famous lives now -- sunning themselves in nicely landscaped ponds and basking in the approval of the hundreds of tourists who see them daily at the Aquarium of the Americas and the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans. LL&E has provided a few of the white alligators to the Audubon Institute so that Louisianians and their guests can get to know the curious creatures a little better.

    No one knows, for certain, why these alligators were born white. In fact they are not, as most people assume, albinos, and their eyes are brilliantly blue. Many people who see the white alligators for the first time compare the look of their hide to "white chocolate."

    One theory is that many white alligators may have been born throughout the centuries but were too vulnerable to enemies within their environment. Thus, those alligators with the protective coloration were the only survivors.

    The rest of the story

  4. Default

  5. #17


    very tight race
    Catahoula & Bull Gator 7 votes a piece
    Keep the pepper & other 2 votes a piece

    I like a live Catahoula and costume "white" gator.

  6. Default

    Originally posted by SwampFox
    very tight race
    Catahoula & Bull Gator 7 votes a piece
    Keep the pepper & other 2 votes a piece

    I like a live Catahoula and costume "white" gator.
    With a "Vermilion" Jersey

  7. #19


    No Gator, no way. Florida.

    No Catahoula hound. Nobdody outside of South Louisiana would have any idea of what it is, or why it's there.

    The pelican.

    Yeah, I know, Tulane uses it. There is info I'm witholding...

  8. #20


    Witholding information? We have ways of making you talk. Turbine, where is that white gator? I'll bring the Catahoula...we will get this information out of him.

    IMHO, any bird is not too great of a mascot but then again, I hate birds so maybe I am too bias.

  9. #21

    Ragin' Cajuns Catahoula hound ... the only way to go!

    The Catahoula hound is unique to Louisiana. A capable PR man (Sports Information Director) ought to be able to get that point across to the average guy. Besides, people like dogs, and it's likely that a Catahoula hound would get a great deal more camera time on the sidelines than some idiot dressed up like an alligator or a mobile pepper.

  10. Default

    Originally posted by CajunFun
    No Gator, no way. Florida.
    Not Gator. "BULL Gator"

    Hey Fun I like the Pelican, I really do.

    Please though, sell me on why we would run from a mascot only similar to one used many schools and 3 states away, but would then do the exact opposite and adopt another mascot already used two schools away within state borders.

  11. #23


    Some might call us racist with a white gator. What's wrong with a regular Bull Gator? They look menacing I dare anyone to go swiming at the Lake.

  12. #24


    Being from Texas (and full blooded Cajun), and yet still an UL alum...I have to say that these uniforms, logo, and helments are all the best ones I have seen for the Cajuns. I think they are sharp looking. I have seen pictures of all the others, and frankly I'm not sure what some of you see as far as the Acadiana flag...the script Cajuns...and especially the Fluer de Leis (forgive me if I mispelled I understand that it is part of the culture in Lafayette area, but that doesn't necessarily coincide with good uni's. Same thing goes for the mascot. The Pelican?!?! thanks. I happen to like Cayenne the concept. But I think a new outfit is needed. Just looks too angry. But anyway, just my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions

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