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Thread: Cajuns vs USA - Pool B G1

  1. #133

    Default Re: Cajuns vs USA - Pool B G1

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    _ Same $%@# different year....

    When is someone going to put pressure on our coaching staff to do better than get to the conference tournament. We are weak minded, can't manufacture runs, don't know how to run the bases, terrible in the field. Did I leave anything out?

    I'm sorry, Robe did get us to the World Series 11 years ago. He gets a lifetime contract for that...

    Rip me all you want. I'd rather know we aren't going to a regional than have the chance and listen to them choke it away like this every year. _
    I guess last year's at-large bid to the regionals was forgotten by you....

  2. #134

    Default Re: Cajuns vs USA - Pool B G1


  3. #135

    Default Re: Cajuns vs USA - Pool B G1

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    _ not taking either side, and I know its a little different considering alot of people could have done better than Lee and Bustle, but if you would have asked that same question a year ago, nobody would have said Marlin or Hudspeth. Thats why you have a president and AD, its their job to find someone better. Again, not saying Robe needs to go, but thats a pretty unfair question. I dont think anyone on here works for a coach search firm. So, what you are saying that if fans cant immediately name a better replacement, then a coach should never be let go. not being confrontational, just curious as to what you meant _
    I want to know who he thinks could do a better job. You don't replace a coach unless you know you can get someone who can do a better job. A lot of people, including myself, were pimping Hudspeth hard in the middle of last football season.

  4. #136

    Default Re: Cajuns vs USA - Pool B G1

    Quote Originally Posted by raginsaints View Post
    _ Yeah, I think getting thrown out of today's game shows he doesn't care. Our recruiting class coming in for next season is also our best we've had in a while. _
    mike trahan has ALOT to do with next years class, not saying robe doesnt recruit at all but this incoming class has Trahan's guys all over it

  5. #137

    Default Re: Cajuns vs USA - Pool B G1

    Quote Originally Posted by raginsaints View Post
    _ Yeah, I think getting thrown out of today's game shows he doesn't care. Our recruiting class coming in for next season is also our best we've had in a while. _
    I knew someone would come back with that answer as soon as I clicked submit. It's easy to get amped up for games. What is he doing in practice? Why can only 2 or 3 players on our team consistantly get a bunt down? Why doesn't Potello know not to get thrown out stealing when we are down 6 runs? Why does a player get doubled up on a routine fly ball to center field (happened a couple weeks ago)? Why doesn't Bourque know to let a perfect bunt roll foul with no one else on the bases (happened several times this year)? You don't coach in the game, you coach in practice.

  6. #138

    Default Re: Cajuns vs USA - Pool B G1

    WOOHOO! 2nd and 3rd with 1 out. Here's hoping the strikeout king doesn't strikeout.

  7. #139

    Default Re: Cajuns vs USA - Pool B G1

    So much of recruiting is about facilities anymore. It's a ballpark war. Lots of nice ballparks out there. It's not fair to judge him while he's competing for players who are looking at other programs with very superior facilities. Get the freshmen RHP and LHP in class in August and it gets better.

    Disclaimer: I like the Tigue

  8. #140

    Default Re: Cajuns vs USA - Pool B G1

    Quote Originally Posted by Textitan View Post
    _ Trust me, there is nothing special about Jagneaux...just sayin _
    Was not inferring he was in regards as a head coach given the results at Tech, just when he was top assistant here. In my view, we have not been able to replace that "attitude, ability" since he has left.

  9. #141

    Default Re: Cajuns vs USA - Pool B G1

    Quote Originally Posted by raginsaints View Post
    _ I want to know who he thinks could do a better job. You don't replace a coach unless you know you can get someone who can do a better job. A lot of people, including myself, were pimping Hudspeth hard in the middle of last football season. _
    yeah, once it was pretty much known bustle was gone and names started to circulate. There is no opening for baseball coach, so how would you ever know who might be interested. Its easy to ask a rediculous question and try to make yourself look right.

  10. #142

    Default Re: Cajuns vs USA - Pool B G1

    Quote Originally Posted by raginsaints View Post
    _ Yeah, I think getting thrown out of today's game shows he doesn't care. Our recruiting class coming in for next season is also our best we've had in a while. _
    I remember several games ago that some fans on here wanted Robe to show some emotion and get tossed from a game. Now he's being chastised for it.

  11. #143

    Default Re: Cajuns vs USA - Pool B G1

    Back to THE GAME now...score and inning update? Geez...find another thread to bit** about coaching changes.

  12. #144

    Default Re: Cajuns vs USA - Pool B G1

    Look, the entire UL athletic program was in a deep black hole of incompetence since 2001.

    Let the new administration and new attitude take hold for a few more years before making a judgement on the baseball program.

    Signs of life are already beginning to show.
    Great class coming in next year.
    It takes time for changes to show on the field.

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