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Thread: Mascot: Catahoula

  1. #13

    Default Re: Mascot Musings

    I've been considering dressing up (as PooPoo) and just patrolling the stands as an unofficial mascot. Would probably be fun.

  2. Default Re: Mascot Musings

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    I've been considering dressing up and just patrolling the stands as an unofficial mascot. Would probably be fun.
    As long as you have your pumpkin shaft . ..

  3. #15

    Default Re: Mascot Musings

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    I've been considering dressing up (as PooPoo) and just patrolling the stands as an unofficial mascot. Would probably be fun.
    I like that idea. You are at the games anyway so just do it.

  4. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    The Indians in and around Louisiana used the Red Wolf, which then roamed Louisiana during this period, to locate game, much in the same manner as hunters use their dogs today.

    Hernando DeSoto had traveled from Florida into Louisiana, bringing with him the "War Dogs" that had made the journey to the New World. The breeds that were referred to as War Dogs were the Greyhound and the Mastiff. Research has shown that the Mastiff type of dog that accompanied him was probably those known as the "Alano Mastiff" of Spain, which are now extinct. These Mastiffs had a reputation of being able to pull down very large game with ease. DeSoto utilized their abilities to persuade the Indians to provide information on the whereabouts of Gold and Treasure. Mostly those already owned by the Indians.

    After suffering defeat in battle, DeSoto abandoned his War Dogs which were allowed to roam freely. They bred and interbreed with each other along with the Red Wolf. The offspring of the various breedings were then used by the Indians, and became known as the "Wolf Dog." The Wolf Dog, which is mentioned in Louisiana History, as well as most history books covering this era, was the name given to them by Henri Tonti during one of his visits to Louisiana.

    By the early 1700's the French had started arriving in Louisiana. Hearing the stories of Tonti of the abundance of game in Louisiana the French brought with them a dog known as the "Bas Rouge," or Red Stockings. This dog has also been called the "Berger de Beauce." Today that very dog is known as the Beauceron. The French bred their dogs with those of the Indians' Wolf Dog, and together these four canines contributed to the inception of the Catahoula that we know today.

    This dog IS Louisiana.
    Agree with you totally.

  5. Default Re: Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    Agree with you totally.
    Yep, CajunNation is right the Catahoula is Louisiana. (cruel non Louisiana history though)

    The problem is the dog is that it is not recognizable to an outsider and you have the same problem as King Clifton.

    It takes tooooo long to educate even the locals, and how much more so any outsiders.

    The animal would be impossible to costumize in any meaningful way that doesn't just say "dog."

    Louisiana needs a spirit leader not a mascot.

  6. #18

    Default Re: Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Yep, CajunNation is right the Catahoula is Louisiana. (cruel non Louisiana history though)

    The problem is the dog is that it is not recognizable to an outsider and you have the same problem as King Clifton.

    It takes tooooo long to educate even the locals, and how much more so any outsiders.

    The animal would be impossible to costumize in any meaningful way that doesn't just say "dog."

    Louisiana needs a spirit leader not a mascot.
    Make the mascot Ragin Cajun colors…. Find the dog and paints it’s coat for game days…just a thought.

  7. Default Re: Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by mxpxfr690 View Post
    Make the mascot ragin Cajun colors…. Find the dog and paints it’s coat for game days…just a thought.
    If you paint the dog you no longer have a Catahoula, you just have a painted dog.

  8. Default Re: Mascot Musings

    Don’t need to paint the dog. That dog is so unique it’s story begs, no demands to be told. One and only Ragin’Cajun, one and only Catahoula Hound go together like a horse and carriage, love, and marriage.

    We’re too late with gators, especially if we refuse to relinquish The Swamp which we shouldn’t relinquish.

  9. #21

    Default Re: Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    You can find certain bloodlines of Catahoula that show close to red and white coats if you want, but the dog color is irrelevant. The TAMU and Tennessee mascot dogs are nowhere near their school’s colors.

    When your nickname is a group of people, your mascot is either a physical representation of them like Cajun Man or ND’s leprechaun or a background figure that further defines who you are as an institution like a State Dog.

    A spirit leader can be your mascot or just be another background figure. It can be anything, like WKU’s blood clot.

    I like the State Dog because it bolsters our claim as UL. The Catahoula’s history is the history of our state. We are a Gumbo of different influences, just like the Catahoula. It is well known for its bravery and loyalty. I would be proud to tell this story to anyone. Not difficult at all.
    My problem is this. It would only look like a dog to the average person. I know it’s asking for alot but how would you make the outfit make it identifiable as a catahoula dog, and the second thing what would you name the dog. I get the history but I think it would be just identifiable as just that a dog.

    It has to be easily recognizable, and different if it isn’t it will not work

  10. Default Re: Mascot Musings

    We need a spirit leader/mascot. We don’t need a live critter on a leash or in a cage. Heck, SMU’s live mascot delayed their game this weekend. Don’t need that distraction that comes with a live mascot.

  11. #23

    Default Re: Mascot Musings

    I personally think it’s a mistake, no one outside will recognize it as catahoula dog it would be just a dog.

    If it was a wolf man or something. People would instantly recognize it as a Rougarou around Louisiana. I think it would peak enough curiosity where they would actually look it up for people outside of Louisiana

  12. Default Re: Mascot Musings

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    We’re too late with Gators, especially if we refuse to relinquish The Swamp which we shouldn’t relinquish.
    That there requires a head scratch.

    Also. Never to late with Gators.

    More people from around the world have encountered alligators in Louisiana than will ever encounter a Catahoula in the entire future of humanity going forward.

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