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Thread: Legends on Bertrand

  1. #1


    make sure you can say..

    "i was at the opening weekend gumbo" @ Legends on Bertrand

    also a reminder to bring your cajun ticket stub for one free drink after every cajun athletic event

    ps. looks like i might have to start using a capital S when i type spam (grins)

  2. #2


    Originally posted by snote
    [B]make sure you can say..

    "i was at the opening weekend gumbo" @ Legends on Bertrand

    also a reminder to bring your cajun ticket stub for one free drink after every cajun athletic event
    well as plans always change as with the weather.. the double header put a damper for us although not with the "spirt" of the day.. was good to see rickey swing by with the new o-line coach.. might always remember his 1st words to me "i like how ya'll work down here" (grins)

    congratulations to the cajuns on the sweep of wade and tech

    ps. a big thanks go out to cajun kahouna from me and the heart of the water-tower district

  3. #3


    Mr. SportsNote,

    I didn't get to meet coach Hudson,perhaps you can have him on the show soon.BTW,how was the gumbo?

  4. #4


    Originally posted by CAJUNGURU
    to meet coach Hudson,perhaps you can have him on the show soon.
    shooting for wednesday.. even if i have to take part in Red Dawn that morning at 6 (grins)

  5. #5

    Default SNOTE

    Hey I can finally listen to the show, but Charles Hanacrap and his LSU AM BR rhetoric would probably play better somewhere to the east. I probably won't be tuning in on Thursday anymore.

    P.S. (Since I know you like P.S.'s) Remind that ~~~~~CLOWN that we are UL and not Lafayette.

  6. #6

    Default Re: SNOTE

    Originally posted by waterboy
    Hey I can finally listen to the show
    good news..

  7. #7

    Default Re: SNOTE

    Originally posted by waterboy
    Charles Hanacrap and his LSU AM BR rhetoric would probably play better somewhere to the east.
    it's spelled hanagriff i believe..

    your location listed, is mandeville.. correct ?

    so i must ask you about your "internet, girl-like speel" .......... east of where? do not forget i am the web...

    ps. please sir.. did we not meet before? .. visited? .. had fun? .. and came away from our experience, thinking that we wouldn't mind, if in the future, our paths crossed again? i enjoyed your company.. i thought you did mine..

    therefore, please don't be a message board girl..

    dis-claimer: of course i thought to pm or email my thinking of this type of post.. or better yet, to ask him for his phone number, or give him my shows #.. so i could "say" the above.. but at this moment.. am hoping that my "girl-like" reply might nip this type balderdash in the bud
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  8. #8


    1. Sorry I don't spell to well.

    2. Mandeville is correct.

    3. East would be right of Lafayette.

    I was not knocking your show at all, I enjoy the show, however the first time I get to listen when I wasn't in Lafayette I catch this goof from Baton Rouge. The fact is that I don't believe if you were on his show that you would refer to his town's university as Baton Rouge or LSU A&M BR. It was an obvious knock on UL. I will continue to listen on every other day that you are on except Thurdays.

    As for the P.S. yes we did visit, had fun, and I will buy the first round next time our paths cross. However, lighten up on the message board girl stuff. Oh did you ever find your van that night? Last I saw it was leaving Cajun field without you.

    As for the disclaimer, I gave you my card at Cajun field, feel free to call anytime. I may need an explination of exactly what is balderdash.

  9. #9


    hey buddy..

    please do forgive my assumming you would know my "hey girls" type posting.. as i have been calling all posters, of many boards, "girls" i would guess since 1997.. i have always tried to enlighten all that i am the biggest "girl" of all..

    ps. i couldn't help but notice that .. i post a picture of my dad and you post an "avitar" of your work - crew .. (smiling)

    pss. have you seen the threads about cleaning up parts of m.l. tigue moore field? .. i got an idea that we can do together.. with my dad.. you game?

    psss. can anyone guess what are my dad's eyes looking at? not the ball for sure.. no doubt my youngest nug will enjoy this shot when he sees it (grins)

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  10. #10


    I now understand the "girl" reference, my bad.

    I do like the picture of your dad, I didn't know he played ball. Help me on the team, SLI???

    Let me know about your idea about cleaning, I have an idea that does not invlove cleaning that can be accomplished right down the street from the Tigue. (watertower area)

    I like that picture so much I may make that my avitar, although the mul looks a little shorter than its current incarnation.

    P.S. You have to admit that is a pretty good avitar.

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