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Thread: Spirit Leader: The Fabulous Cajun Chicken

  1. Default Who killed the Fabulous Cajun Chicken?

    Quote Originally Posted by Daily Advertiser
    Heim was told after the 1999 athletic season that his services were no longer required.
    I have done a lot of research on this subject and the timeline I have come up with was that the Cajun Chicken was dumped to make room for the Pepper.

    In a primer Nelson Schexneider said
    Quote Originally Posted by LA Acadien 2000
    "Ragin" implies hot fire, a steamy climate, the spicy food, an attitude"
    In other words a fiery pepper.

    Before the Pepper arrived the students were informed of what was happening and were allowed to pick a name.
    Quote Originally Posted by La Louisiane Spring 2001
    Julie Simon-Dronet, director of Public Relations and News Services . . . So, the students picked the pepper, so to speak, and held a “name the pepper” contest on campus. “Cayenne” was the winner. . . .
    In the same article an almost exact talking point from Nelson Schexneider
    Quote Originally Posted by LA Acadien Spring 2001
    “Cayenne represents a unique image the university has continually built upon throughout the years,” said John Mouton, Mouton, president of the Union Program Council. “It reflects our hot and spicy way of life.”
    Now this may all be just circumstantial . but I don't think so.

  2. #32
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: Who killed the Fabulous Cajun Chicken?

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    _ I have done a lot of research on this subject and the timeline I have come up with was that the Cajun Chicken was dumped to make room for the Pepper.

    In a primer Nelson Schexneider said In other words a fiery pepper.

    Before the Pepper arrived the students were informed of what was happening and were allowed to pick a name.

    In the same article an almost exact talking point from Nelson Schexneider

    Now this may all be just circumstantial . . . _
    Great Stuff Turbine. I've never made my disgust for the pepper a secret, but these quotes don't mean a lot to me. It sounds like these people were told what to say and they said it. In my opinion, having a pepper like that is more representative of a Tex-Mex style chili cookoff. to me, I've never thought of Cajun food in the same light that i think of four alarm chili. Cajun food can someitmes be spicy, depending on the tongue, but i always found it to be more seasoned well than anything. And, i don't know where they were going with the hot and spicy attitude/way of life angle. That may have some truth, but a freaking pepper doesn't come close to defining it.

    Not to mention, it is impossible to make a decent looking costume out of it. It makes for a horrible looking logo. And there were tons more cliche' "cajun" things they could have played on, like the gator or something else. hell, why do we even need a furry headed costume to walk around anyway? Bring back the chicken full-time.get an alligator costume. something. anything. i just wish somebody would end this misery.

    I hope Uncle Ray and whoever else is responsible for this debacle, is at the game tonight and see's how much joy the chicken brings and how bad they screwed up by taking that away from us and giving us that prehistoric carrot.

  3. Default Re: Fabulous Cajun Chicken Returns!

    Boom Boom Boom

  4. #34

    Default Re: Fabulous Cajun Chicken Returns!

    As much as I've come to like the idea of the pepper, and as much as I like the logo, I realize that the actual pepper costume in real life isn't as popular as good looking as the chicken/gator/whatever else.

    I for one, will be very happy that the Chicken is making his farewell appearance and will try and bring a video camera to document the occassion.

    However, y'all don't forget that the Cajun Chicken's popularity comes more from Russel Heim's creativity and energy than it does from the costume itself. So, even if we bring back the costume, I say we'd still be facing a letdown if Russel is not in it. So, since we all know this is basically Russell's final appearance, I say we don't ever bring the chicken back. I agree that the pepper is not the best mascot. I agree with those who mentioned the Catahoula hound dog, or maybe a white alligator with vermilion clothing (going with the UL color scheme).

    Just my 2 cents

    God Bless


    P.S.- Small bit of good news that proves the name change is starting to work on the inside as well. At the engraving shop I work at, The honors program faxed us an order, and the letterhead said "University of Louisiana - Honors Program". The city tag was nowheres to be seen.

  5. #35

    Default The Cajun Chicken . to return


  6. #36

    Default Re: The Cajun Chicken

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun
    I'm sorry, but simply having someone else wear that Chicken suit and thinking the chicken would be back is simply not true! Russell H. "IS" the Cajun Chicken!!!!! Anyone else trying to immitate him just wouldn't be the same!!!!

  7. #37

    This is so COOL Re: The Cajun Chicken

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35
    _ I'm sorry, but simply having someone else wear that Chicken suit and thinking the chicken would be back is simply not true! Russell H. "IS" the Cajun Chicken!!!!! Anyone else trying to immitate him just wouldn't be the same!!!! _
    You are correct, he is unique, but I think he could mentor a young person who would be willing to take the time to learn under the master. I know it is his creation, and he would need to take the lead on something like that, and it would be something he would have to want to do. I think the writer was simply expressing his excitement over the return. I know I found it to be a refreshing event at the game

  8. #38

    Default Re: The Cajun Chicken

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun Express
    You are correct, he is unique, but I think he could mentor a young person who would be willing to take the time to learn under the master. I know it is his creation, and he would need to take the lead on something like that, and it would be something he would have to want to do. I think the writer was simply expressing his excitement over the return. I know I found it to be a refreshing event at the game
    You're right. The presence of the chicken was awesome. It made me remember how much fun I used to have at Cajun games when I was a little boy. I would like my son to see the chicken at Cajun games while he is growing up. I would much rather anyone else in the suit than cayenne. Do it for the future Cajuns!

  9. #39

    Default Re: The Cajun Chicken

    Quote Originally Posted by cajunlove
    _ You're right. The presence of the chicken was awesome. It made me remember how much fun I used to have at Cajun games when I was a little boy. I would like my son to see the chicken at Cajun games while he is growing up. I would much rather anyone else in the suit than cayenne. Do it for the future Cajuns! _

    Bring Back the Chicken!!!!!!!!!

  10. #40

    Default Re: The Cajun Chicken

    Quote Originally Posted by Duggie35
    _ I'm sorry, but simply having someone else wear that Chicken suit and thinking the chicken would be back is simply not true! Russell H. "IS" the Cajun Chicken!!!!! Anyone else trying to immitate him just wouldn't be the same!!!! _
    i was not taking anything away from russel but plenty of other schools pass on their traditions. MAscots don't live forever. who knows a he could teach a young person his tricks and maybe that person can come up with some new ones of his own to improve the chicken.

  11. #41

    Default Re: The Cajun Chicken

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun
    _ i was not taking anything away from russel but plenty of other schools pass on their traditions. MAscots don't live forever. who knows a he could teach a young person his tricks and maybe that person can come up with some new ones of his own to improve the chicken. _
    About a year ago the guy who was the SA Spurs Coyote had a stroke. Before that no one even knew who he was! Anyway, due to his condition he wasn't able to continue (had several very "physical" stunts) so he became the mentor to a new Spurs Coyote. With Russel's permission and assistance, the Chicken could make a triumphant return too. Like so many have said, it really adds to the enjoyment of the baseball park experience.

  12. #42

    USL (1960-1983)  (1985-1998) Re: The Cajun Chicken

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun
    _ i was not taking anything away from russel but plenty of other schools pass on their traditions. MAscots don't live forever. who knows a he could teach a young person his tricks and maybe that person can come up with some new ones of his own to improve the chicken. _
    What a great return by the chicken! I was prepared for a slightly slower routine. What I got was someone who hasn't lost a step. Mr. Heim, thank you for a truly special night. It's the subleties of the chicken's expressions that make the difference between him and other mascots who just don't have the imagination. I would love to see the chicken make special appearances at selected games. I don't know if Mr. Heim would be interested, but I think it would be a nice compromise. From what I saw last night, there's a lot of life left in the chicken. By the way, does anyone else remember the MC Hammer routine from around 15 years ago?

  13. #43

    Default Re: The Cajun Chicken

    Quote Originally Posted by OLF82
    _ What a great return by the chicken! I was prepared for a slightly slower routine. What I got was someone who hasn't lost a step. Mr. Heim, thank you for a truly special night. It's the subleties of the chicken's expressions that make the difference between him and other mascots who just don't have the imagination. I would love to see the chicken make special appearances at selected games. I don't know if Mr. Heim would be interested, but I think it would be a nice compromise. From what I saw last night, there's a lot of life left in the chicken. By the way, does anyone else remember the MC Hammer routine from around 15 years ago? _
    I am of the opinion that one of the reasons that the Chicken was such a hit last night was because we hadn't seen him in such a long time. Everyone loves nostalgia (note the folks who continue to wish for the "good ole days" at Blackham.)

    Speaking personally, during the end of his reign as a regular, some of the routines didn't mean as much to me anymore because I had seen them so many times. But last night, each and every one was great. And, I had seen them all before.many times over.

    The Grim Reaper ALWAYS made me laughand I LOVED it last night.

    Tony talked with Russell last night and asked him to make an annual return for "Turn Back the Clock night." Russell has agreed.

  14. #44

    USL (1960-1983)  (1985-1998) Re: The Cajun Chicken

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise
    _ I am of the opinion that one of the reasons that the Chicken was such a hit last night was because we hadn't seen him in such a long time. Everyone loves nostalgia (note the folks who continue to wish for the "good ole days" at Blackham.)

    Speaking personally, during the end of his reign as a regular, some of the routines didn't mean as much to me anymore because I had seen them so many times. But last night, each and every one was great. And, I had seen them all before.many times over.

    The Grim Reaper ALWAYS made me laughand I LOVED it last night.

    Tony talked with Russell last night and asked him to make an annual return for "Turn Back the Clock night." Russell has agreed. _
    I could not agree more. While nostalgia was a part of the reason for the response, he still connects with people. Grim Reaper is my favorite, also. It's great to hear he will be making a return next year.

  15. #45

    Default Re: The Cajun Chicken

    Quote Originally Posted by BirdofParadise
    Speaking personally, during the end of his reign as a regular, some of the routines didn't mean as much to me anymore because I had seen them so many times. But last night, each and every one was great. And, I had seen them all before.many times over.
    I agree that part of the reason everybody was excited about the Chicken last night was because of the fact we have not seen him around in some time. I agree that the chicken is a one of a kind individual. Russel is without a doubt a talented individual.

    I think what needs to happen is Cayenne needs to be a suit that is more chicken like that can do more skits and stuff and with Russel's blessing maybe come out with a drum.

    My Favorite part of any chicken apearance is the DRUM, it get's the crowd going. I love that people who I know for a fact sit on there hands game in game out cheered last night. Now that was awesome.

    Where is the Alphonse suit, now that would be awesome. Alphonse return as a Ragin Cajun Bull gator.

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