New pitcher for Troy, Nathan Hill.
Bourque strikes out. This pitcher strikes a lot of people out.
Switzenberg flies out to center field. 2 outs.
Fuselier flies out to center field. 3 outs.
New pitcher for Troy, Nathan Hill.
Bourque strikes out. This pitcher strikes a lot of people out.
Switzenberg flies out to center field. 2 outs.
Fuselier flies out to center field. 3 outs.
McRae lines it to 2nd base, Poirrier catches it. 1 out.
Martz homers to center field. 5-3 Troy. 1 out.
McDorman doubles. McDorman on 2nd. 1 out.
Why is Geith still in?
Pierce flies out to center. 2 outs. McDorman stays on 2nd.
Infield single for Peterson. Peterson at 1st. McDorman at 3rd. 2 outs.
Workman homers to left. 8-3. 2 outs.
Why is Geith still in?
After 4 homeruns, Traffica comes in.
Hannah walks, Hannah steals 2nd.
Bryant doubles. Hannah scores. 9-3. Think this one may be over.
Bryant to 3rd on a balk.
Rivera flies out to rf. 3 outs.
After 5, Troy is up 9-3
Wow. Why wasn't Geith taken out?
Somebody better have a damn good reason why Geith was still in there, like all of our relief pitchers had their arms amputated last night.
I'm not even going to ask why the #&^%##@ Geith was still in the game. Troy's bullpen is the one that is supposed to be depleted.
Why was Geith still in? Because he's been our best pitcher for the past several weeks. Some of yall overreact too fast.
In Tony I Trust!
On the bright side, Ladies swept ULM. That always puts an extra skip in my step.
What a god awful inning. I'll skip the 6th, try to get some good luck going or something.
Riddle-Pace field = Yankee stadium of sunbelt baseball
Someone let me know if we come back. I'm out of here.
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